Since Qigui was kidnapped, a month has passed, and the Dragon Clan has not been able to find his whereabouts.

In fact, his hands and feet are free. He eats, sleeps, and enjoys the scenery every day. He wants to live as leisurely as he can. Except for the limited range of movement, which is a bit painful, other things are not worrying about food and clothing.

Lilith made a request to him not to leave Maya more than 15 meters away, otherwise his heart would burst and he would die.

In order to save this little life, wherever Maya goes, the Seven Ghosts will follow her with a smile on her face. What is face, is it worth more than life?

Starting early this morning, Maya practiced swordsmanship there with a branch, and the Seven Ghosts watched it all morning with her. Her eyelids were about to fight, and she nodded her chin: "I said... girl , you don't really intend to fight with this kind of flamboyant swordsmanship, do you?"

Maya glared at him unhappily: "This is the sword technique that Jeremy taught me. He is the commander of the forbidden army in the Northern Demon Realm!"

The seven ghosts scratched their ears: "What Jie... Ruimi, I haven't heard of it, it doesn't look like a powerful character, besides, you are a dragon, what are you doing learning these crooked swordsmanship?"

Maya crossed her arms and snorted proudly: "What do you know, the knight's swordsmanship is used to protect people, not to kill people."

Linda's voice came from not far away: "Lilith and I have finished cooking, let's eat."

Maya turned her head and glared at Seven Ghosts again, lowering her voice: "It's not for enslaving others!"

The Seven Ghosts curled their lips, pretending they didn't hear.

Maya made up her mind to send Linda to the Devil Realm. Before that, they had to pass through the Mengli Grassland, and then bypass the Haydnburg, before arriving at the port on the border between the Human Realm and the Demon Realm.

They had just stepped into the territory of Mengli at this moment, but Maya didn't know that this place had become a battlefield, and an army of tens of thousands of barbarians was assembled, blowing their horns, and rushing towards the border of the human world.

After everyone had a meal together, Lilith turned around subconsciously and looked towards the grassland in the north, "Look, what is that?"

I saw the vegetation swaying, the dust rolled up, and a large gray and brown shadow approached here, followed by a heavy muffled sound that shook the ears.

Linda put down the food uneasily, and turned to look at Seven Ghosts.

The Seven Ghosts also frowned: "It's not good, the barbarians have assembled into an army."

"Barbarian?" Maya felt joy in her heart. She quickly climbed to a high place and looked north.

The Seven Ghosts chased after her and grabbed her: "What are you doing! What if the barbarians find us!"

Maya said: "My father is the god of faith of the barbarians! Sister Mona said that the barbarians are divided into tribes and seldom united. Now they are assembled into an army, probably because of my father's edict. Father He may well be there!"

"Yes, yes, you know the most." The Seven Ghosts said in a coaxing tone, "But have you seen that, they are attacking Riemann, and Riemann is the territory of the Dragon Clan. You! Me! Both Dragon Clan, so before you can find your father, those barbarians may have already wrung our heads off."

Maya frowned, dissatisfied: "Don't you always say that you are very good?"

Seven Ghosts: ...Miss, no matter how awesome I am, there are tens of thousands of barbarians!

"It's okay for me to brag at ordinary times." Seven ghosts persuaded her to go down the hillside with good words, and then quickly extinguished the bonfire, "Linda, clean up the food traces, we need to find a place to hide before the army approaches."

About two hours later, Seven Ghosts led the crowd to hide on a hill.

This place is very close to the battlefield, and you can completely overlook the battlefield below. Maya felt a little uneasy: "Aren't you afraid that barbarians will climb up?"

"Don't worry," Seven Ghosts patted the soil under his body triumphantly, "This is a holy place for barbarians, no one will come up here."

Maya was surprised: "Holy land, just this small slope?"

The Seven Ghosts laughed: "Yeah, it's hard for ordinary people to imagine that barbarians would consider those strange places as sacred places, such as rocks or slopes, if you accidentally stand on the wrong place, you may lose your head."

In fact, he had his own little calculations in his heart. There was one thing that Maya didn't know, not even the troops who attacked the city.Both Roger and Sobika were in Riemann, so he was so close to the battlefield on purpose. If he had the opportunity to meet the wizard, he might be able to untie the shackles on him.

Seven ghosts took a peek at Maya, but it was okay, that girl was paying attention to the battle situation, and had no intention of caring about his actions at all.

Whether you can escape or not is up to you.

It's just that he obviously didn't expect that the leader of the barbarians turned out to be Amedeo. Not long after, a huge shadow of a black dragon appeared in the sky above Riemann, and Roger stood on the dragon's back, glaring at the invaders below.

The person who came was not the Dark God, which obviously disappointed him greatly.

His battle with Amedeo has also lasted for many years, and he took the initiative to provoke him several times. However, since Amedeo was defeated by him more than 100 years ago, Roger has no interest in this opponent. He even disdains to do it himself. Instead, three dragons were sent rushing towards the enemy's camp.

The seven ghosts hiding in the hills looked around anxiously, searching for Sobika, but they couldn't find it. It was strange...Roger and Sobika were always inseparable, did they quarrel again?

While avoiding Maya's suspicion, he tried to send out some signals to attract the attention of the patriarch, but he didn't expect that there was a sudden noise around him, and Lilith stood up straight in the grass, her hands clenched into fists, and her eyes were extremely angry stared at Roger.

The Seven Ghosts suddenly came to their senses, how could he have forgotten that it was Roger who killed Yimeler? The relationship between the characters here is complicated. He quickly grabbed Lilith's sleeve and advised her not to die at this joint.

At this time, Roger didn't look here, but a sharp gaze locked on Lilith in the crowd.

Wei Ya trembled, not because of fear, but because of excitement.The woman standing on the hillside looked very much like Lilith. Even though he hadn't seen Lilith for many years, that witch always had an aura of alienation from the world, making her unique at a glance.

It's her, it must be her! ! !

The backlog of anger in Wei Ya's eyes seemed to burn him out, and he shouted: "Bring my bow!"

A silver-white bow was handed to him. This bow is a treasure of the demon world. Like Roger's knife, it was forged and touched by the dwarf gods. It was originally given to the royal family of the demon world by the dwarves. into his hands.This bow is powerful enough to kill gods, and a mortal will never survive with a single shot.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he slowly drew the bow, and the arrow aimed at Lilith's chest.

The murderer who killed Yimil must die! ! !

At this time, Qigui still persuaded her earnestly: "Get down quickly, and be careful not to be seen..."

Before he finished speaking, Lilith's pupils constricted suddenly, and a magic arrow glowing with purple light charged straight at her. She took half a step back to avoid it, but it was too late.

With the sound of tearing flesh and blood, the arrow pierced through her chest, and the hot blood flew in the air, splashing Maya's face.

Maya's head was buzzing, "Lilith..." She hurriedly hugged the fallen Lilith, and screamed hoarsely, "Lilith!!!"

Seven ghosts were so shocked that they didn't slow down: "What the hell is... what happened?"

He looked in the direction of the arrow. At this time, Amedeo had already taken the bow and arrow from Wei Ya: "Your Majesty, what did you just do!"

Wei Ya sat on his knees on the ground, staring blankly at the sky, and said with a relieved smile, "...I have taken revenge."

At this moment, he felt a murderous look avoiding from behind, Amedeo turned around quickly, and met Maya's angry eyes from a long distance away.


Lilith's chest was dyed a deep red, the blood continuously dripped down the arrow, and gathered on the ground into a pool of dazzling bright red, now no one can save her, even the most powerful witch doctor present, can't get rid of it. The life of a mortal was saved from the serious injury of the artifact.

When the earth realized that the life of its own child was passing away rapidly, the core of the earth trembled like a mother who had lost her child, and there was a frightening vibration from the bottom of everyone's feet, which was more terrifying than an earthquake , The dark clouds in the sky also pressed down extremely solemnly.

Neither army knew what was going on, but Amedeo and Roger unanimously gave the order to retreat.

The magnitude of the tremor was getting bigger and bigger, and the fleeing crowd kept falling to the ground. Only the hill called the "Holy Land" didn't shake at all.

Some people took it as a hope of survival and ran towards the hills in disregard of the tribal prohibition, but in an instant, an abyss burst open on the earth, and countless people who wanted to speculate fell into the abyss and were swallowed by the earth.

The abyss continued to spread in all directions, and no one knew when the ground under their feet would crack, screams, cries and gunshots kept ringing out in horror.

Maya usually hates such a tragic scene the most, and always does something to help others, but at this time she can only care about crying, and keeps wiping the blood gushing out of Lilith's mouth with her hands, "Lilith, you must have a way If you survive, Gaia will save you! I will definitely save you!"

Lilith exhausted all her strength and reluctantly held Maya's hand.


Maya clenched her hand and nodded again and again: "I'm here!"

Lilith smiled weakly, her eyes gradually lost focus, and her body temperature also dropped significantly: "Revenge for Yimil..."

Maya understood what she said, and nodded desperately: "Kill Roger, I will definitely kill Roger for you!"

The casualties of the dragon people were much less than that of the barbarians. On one side were the people on the dragon's back, and on the other side were the people on the horseback. With their racial advantages, most of the dragon people had already boarded the dragon's back and started an orderly retreat. .

The Seven Ghosts were also about to run for their lives, but he felt sorry, so he glanced back and saw Maya, who was in great pain, opened the book of shadows, staring at Roger, and was about to read the attack spell, He quickly turned back and grabbed her: "Calm down! Are you crazy to want to kill Roger now? Think about your strength. Even Amedeo is not Roger's opponent." !"

"Don't mention his name to me!" Maya snarled and turned around, her tear-filled eyes were bloodshot, "It was he who killed Lilith, we all saw it! It was he who held the bow!"

The fissures in the earth are still spreading towards the barbarian camp. At this time, the golden divine power rushes out along the ground, and collides with the power of the earth at the edge of the fissure. Wizards always believe that nature is the creator of this world, but in fact In fact, God also has the power of creation.

God and nature have become forces in conflict with each other.

This kind of conflict is manifested vividly at this moment. The power of the demon god is gradually restoring the broken earth. Gaia's anger can no longer shake the crust of the earth. The game of power is already clear at a glance.

"You see, even the power of Gaia can't defeat the demon god now, revenge is possible, but it's definitely not now!" Seven ghosts persuaded her mouth dry, seeing that Maya was still indifferent, she anxiously looked at Linda beside her.

Although Linda turned pale with fright at the current situation, she still kindly advised: "Your Highness, once you lose, they will be taken back to the Demon Realm, and I'm afraid there will be no chance for revenge in the future."

"Yes, uncle, I will take you to a safe place."

Maya stared at Seven Ghosts coldly: "Why should I believe you, now that Lilith is dead, no one can restrict your freedom, you were planning to escape just now, right?"

Seven ghosts scratched their heads helplessly: "I said, why don't you understand, girl, since I'm back now, isn't it enough to prove my sincerity? Come with me or stay here and wait to be taken away by the demons. You have to choose one!"

Maya gritted her teeth and looked at the barbarian army below. After a long silence, she stood up holding Lilith's cold body.

"lead the way."

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