At noon a few days later.

Camillo sat alone on the grass, looking into the distance with black pupils out of focus, and kept thinking about the words Vanessa said in his mind.

——There will be a day when the light will disappear, and the three worlds will live forever in the long night.

Amedeo came up behind him and called out to him, "Camilo."

Camelot didn't respond at all.


Amedeo called again, and Camillo came back to his senses, showing a smile in a trance: " are here."

"You've been sitting there all day," Amedeo sat down beside him, and handed him a water bladder. "Is the scenery here so beautiful?"

Camillo shook his head with a smile, raised his head and took a sip of water, and said, "I'm thinking about Vanessa."

Amedeo said seriously: "What did she say to you?"

Camelot didn't answer this question, but instead asked, "I remember, Vanessa should be older than you, right?"

Amedeo said: "Well, she became a god a thousand years earlier than me."

"Then do you know each other well?"

Amedeo seemed to be a little disgusted by this question, frowned, and said: "When I was crowned as a god, the human race had occupied the territory of the demon world for a long time. At that time, the leader of the army was no longer her, and we had never really fought against each other. , have never even met, why do you ask this?"

Camillo intertwined his fingers, thought for a while, and said, "Ymiler said that according to the Book of Century in the God Court, when the gods of light and darkness alternate, one of the gods must fall to death. So according to the century According to the trajectory of the book, when Vanessa killed Yimil's father, it should be Yimil who went to seek revenge on her, and after killing her, the next Dark God would appear."

"But Yimiler told me that Vanessa committed suicide. Before he took revenge, Vanessa was already dead."

The implication is that Vanessa may have broken the prophecy of the Book of Century.

Amedeo also didn't know that Vanessa committed suicide. He frowned and said, "Maybe the court revised the prophecy and forced her to commit suicide."

"No, Shenting will not do this. If there is a fault in the succession of the dark god, the dark element will get out of control and directly lead to the outbreak of the dark poison." Camelot paused, lowered his eyes and said, "You know what happened back then, The seat of God is vacant, how desperately the court wants me to be crowned."

Amedeo pursed his lips in silence. At that time, Camillo was just an adult, and he had not reached the realm of entering the altar in terms of strength and character, but the court forced him to be crowned. The gods were quite critical of this. .

He didn't bring up the past, but asked, "Then Vanessa committed suicide just to break the prophecy?"

"I don't know," Camillo sighed slightly. "I thought I understood her, but I don't understand her at all. Maybe she is really crazy like the world says. Or she has Beyond the realm of human beings, he has truly become a god, the devil knows."

He was extremely depressed at the moment, and Vanessa's words shrouded his heart like a haze, lingering.

He subconsciously left here earlier, but he still hasn't found the formation engraved with the book of the century, and the only clues are five stone tablets scattered on the ruins.

"Have any of the stone tablets on the ruins been deciphered?" he asked.

Amedeo shook his head and said, "No one can understand the text on it. The local barbarians say it's a relic of a wizard. Why don't you let Figira try it?"

Camillo only remembered that woman. After the battle that day, he tied her up and threw her into a cell. It was really beyond his control to try to escape under his nose.

He sneered, got up and stood up, "then go find her."

The barbarian tribes all built wooden cages, which were usually used to hold their trophies—women. Now Camillo told them to release them, and only Figira was imprisoned in the empty wooden cage.

As soon as he approached the tribe's tent, he could hear Figira's howling and howling.

"Let me out ahhh—"

"Camilo, you inhuman scum!!!"

"My old lady is kind enough to help, but you actually repay your kindness with revenge!"

The faces of the barbarians who were guarding the surrounding area were quite grim. Obviously, they hadn’t slept for several days and nights. It’s not that Camilo didn’t let them take shifts, but they resolutely refused. It is said that the qualifications for guarding the hostages are the patriarchs of several tribes. He squeezed his head out and came out, just to be able to serve in front of the dark god.

"Your Majesty!" "Your Majesty!!" Seeing Camillo approaching, the surrounding barbarians knelt down one after another, with their foreheads pressed against the ground. They never dared to look directly at His Majesty's face without God's order.

Camillo walked through the kneeling crowd, and Amedeo followed him calmly, apparently accustomed to it.

Seeing Camelot approaching, Figira stopped making trouble. She stared at Camelot's water bag without blinking. After a while, the water bag flew towards her.

Maya has learned this skill since she was a child. Camillo has long been used to seeing tables and chairs flying all over the sky. He strode to the wooden cage and snatched away the water sac floating in the air.

The water was gone as soon as it reached the mouth, and Figira scolded angrily: "You are too inhuman, you are not allowed to drink water, you are a god, you don't need to eat and drink water, I will die if I don't drink water Can you make it!"

"Let her out." Camelot said.

Figira's eyes lit up: "Brother Luo, you finally found out your conscience! Congratulations!"

The two savages dragged Figira out of the cage, and Figira approached Camelot with a smile, waiting for Camelot to release the undercurrent from her body.

In the end, he heard him continue: "Take her to the ruins."

In fact, Figira had already seen that the ruins were built by a wizard, so he waited for Camelot to ask her for help, and then offered her food and drink, and maybe he would let her go, but he didn't expect I was escorted to the ruins by two barbarians, and I didn't expect that I would bend under the coercion and lure of a water bag.

Figira gulped a few swigs while holding the water bag, and then took a look at the words on the stone tablet, and understood immediately: "These are road signs."

Amedeo asked, "What road sign?"

Figira raised his head and drank the water in the water bag, and hiccupped contentedly, "This ruin corresponds to the sky and the earth. The road signs on the ground guide the ruins in the sky. The real treasure is above our heads."

Camillo picked her up and said involuntarily, "Lead the way."

Figira couldn't believe that he actually planned to climb to the sky on foot. Although the spiritual pressure plane can make people stay in the air for a while, if there is no place to rest halfway, it will consume twice the spiritual pressure. The limit for ordinary people can reach a thousand meters , the ruins are 5000 meters high.

"Where's your fairy dragon?" she suggested kindly.

Camelot said: "Last time, a group of puppets ate all the tofu, and I'm depressed."

Figira laughed sharply: "Your fairy dragon is indeed beautiful, but it lacks a little bit of charm. If you let me put some makeup on it, it will definitely..."

"you dare!"

The gloomy coercion poured down, and Figira obediently shut up.

Camillo carried her and leaped into the sky, and Amedeo accompanied her. The two easily climbed to a height of 5000 meters without taking a breath.

Figira obediently instructed them to walk around the formation, and a suspended stone appeared in front of them.

"Is this the relic you mentioned?"

Camillo carried her and landed on the stone. The moment they landed, a row of stone steps suddenly extended from the edge of the stone, and another stone of similar size appeared above the step.

What kind of enchantment of blindness is this?

Camilo was about to climb up the stairs, but was stopped by Figira with his hand: "Don't go up, the wizard has set up a trap for you, once you go up, you will be transported into the illusion, and you have to pass a lot of messy tests to get there A real relic."

Amedeo probed with the spiritual pressure of perception, but the magic power in the air blocked the perception, and he couldn't detect anything above.

Camelot asked: "Then how do we enter the ruins?"

Figira smiled and said, "Since it was a wizard's trick, of course we have to use the wizard's method to solve it." She pulled out a pack of herbs from her chest, poured out a glass from her puff sleeve, and put it in her skirt. A brass threaded coil was pulled out... You can never predict what strange prop she will pull out from a strange place in the next second.

Figira crushed the herb into juice and poured it into a glass, saying, "Each of you give me a drop of blood."

Camelot's expression sank: "What are you doing?"

Figira said without changing his face: "Of course it is to break this senior's witchcraft."

Amedeo frowned and said, "If you need a blood sacrifice, just take my own blood."

Figira glanced at Iceberg Beauty's protective look, and curled her lips angrily: "Every, every, person has to get blood, otherwise they won't be able to get in."

She finally understood that there is no reliable man, Roger is blind, and this iceberg beauty is a broken sleeve. Although she hides it deeply, she has seen it through her eyes!

After Camillo took the blood, Amedeo kept staring at his fingers, tried to reach out to hold his hand several times, but held back, and waited for the wound to heal itself under the action of divine power. Only then did he look away, still with a blank expression on his face.

Figira mixed the blood of the three people in the cup, while sighing in his heart, not only the relationship between the two is very close, but there must be a story between them.

After the blood and the medicinal juice were evenly mixed, Figira poured the liquid in the cup onto the stone steps, and a miraculous thing happened. The stone steps disappeared in an instant, and then a new step appeared, wider than the previous one. , extending straight to the temple above.

"That's the relic in the air." Figira walked in front and led the way. She shook the threaded coil with her right hand, and the copper ring on the threaded coil made a rhythmic sound. She also explained the purpose of this thing by the way, "The sound can Tell the other party that we are the ones who donated blood just now, so as not to be accidentally injured by the formation."

The three of them came to the high temple. The main hall was also built of limestone. The architectural style was consistent with the remains of the square on the ground. When they entered the main hall, there was a huge cubic stone in the center, with inscriptions engraved on all sides of the stone.

"The square stone tablet Lilith mentioned seems to be this." Amedeo said lightly.

Figira approached and took a closer look at the inscription on the stone, and was so surprised that he burst into tears: "This is the remaining page of the Book of Shadows. It really is a treasure, a rare treasure in the world!"

Camillo was not interested in this witchcraft at all, he jumped on top of the stone, and sure enough, as Lilith said, the stone was engraved with the same text as the ciphertext.

"Could there be something on it?" Figira floated over the stone curiously, and his eyes widened in shock. "This is the ciphertext, the ciphertext that Yuesemona took away!"

She glanced at the gloomy Camillo, lowered her voice and asked, "This is what you are looking for? What is written on it? Could it be some rare magic..."

"It's my time of death." Camelot said.

Figira was taken aback, and was stunned for a second: "...what?"

"It's the death date set by the court for me," Camillo stroked the words on it, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "but it will be rewritten soon."

Figira thought of the fierce battle with Shenting a few days ago, and her thoughts turned: "Oh! Oh, I understand! No wonder Yuesemona wants to steal the ciphertext. She is your retainer. She knew the ciphertext and yours back then. It's about life and death, so I want to keep it a secret and protect your safety? Hey, I said it earlier, if I knew this was the case, I wouldn't have hunted her down."

Camillo snorted coldly: "You can save these words when you go to the Demon Realm, and explain them to Mona yourself."

He pressed his palm on the stone surface, and the pitch-black dark elements gradually climbed up the stone tablet, and within a short while the entire stone tablet was wrapped in darkness.

Figira screamed, "Wait, Broken Page! The Broken Page I worked so hard to find!"

But she was already one step too late. The dark element quickly corroded the inscription on the stone tablet, and then spread inward, swallowing the entire stone tablet until there was not even a slag left.

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