When the gate was slowly closed, the little orange cat immediately came up happily, and stuffed the half-eaten dried fish into the palm of the Yinrong cat: "This is delicious! It's super delicious! It's better than the old lady gave me before." It's even more delicious!"

The dried fish was full of saliva, Yinfeng cat turned his face away in disgust, and turned his eyes to the little white cat who was licking his paws thoughtfully: "You half talked about it earlier... shall we go back to Lijiazhuang?"

"That's right! I was shocked when I got off the carriage and saw this place!"

The little white cat turned around and sat in front of the Yinreng cat: "You passed out at that time, and you didn't see what happened next—Dahei has come out!"

"Hey? Dahei?" Yinfeng cat stared round: "Didn't he leave?"

The little white cat shook his head: "I don't know, just when you fainted, Dahei suddenly fell from the sky and gave that wolfhound a lesson!"

"Yes! Dahei is super handsome!" The little orange cat's eyes were shining, and it stood upright on its hind legs and front legs, and performed a set of cat fists in front of Yinfeng cat: "It's like this! This! And this!"

The little orange cat described Dahei's brave actions vividly. Yinfeng cat looked around when he thought of this scene, but of course there was no trace of the big black cat in the house: "Then what happened to him? Didn't he go with us? "

"No. The big black cat left after teaching the wolfhound." The little orange cat was instantly dejected.

Yinfengmao flashed a hint of disappointment, pulled himself together and asked again: "What about the old lady and the little girl?"

"I don't know, I just heard from the servants in the yard that the couple in the back had a bad luck!" The little white cat also shook his head: "At that time, Dabao and I were all focused on you, so we didn't care about it!" And those humans!"

If it wasn't for the Yinfeng cat's insistence on going its own way, the little orange cat and the little white cat wouldn't get involved in this matter. To the old lady and the little girl, the two cats feel like familiar strangers.

The Yinfeng cat became more listless, and his hind legs gradually felt numb and sore at this moment. He couldn't help lifting his foot and licking the injured part.

and many more!

Yinfeng cat's body suddenly froze in place.

Hershey?The Hersheys?What the lady and nanny were talking about just now was the Hesheli family, right?Could it be that I heard wrong?

The Yinreng cat was shocked, raised its face and wanted to ask what happened, but at this moment the door creaked and opened slowly, Huaying and Qiuyan walked into the room one after the other, followed by another A doctor and a drug boy.

"Doctor Liu, this is the one that Ge Ge asked you to look at!" Hua Ying approached the bamboo basket, stretched out her hand to hold out the little orange cat and the little white cat and put them on the ground, then pointed to the Yinfeng cat and said seriously.

"...to treat cats?"

Dr. Liu who was hurriedly called almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears.After a long while, I was at a loss and walked around the Yinfeng cat again and again, bit the bullet and stretched out my hand to try to pet the Yinfeng cat.

"Meow!" The Yinfeng cat didn't show any face, and stretched out its claws to stare at it.

With the movement of Doctor Liu's hand, the Yinfeng cat's paw also moved: How dare an old man want to lick the cat's fur?

Doctor Liu: ...

After a moment of contemplation, Dr. Liu turned his attention to Huaying: "Ms. Huaying... you have to let the old man touch the cat before you treat the cat...?"

"Master is so docile when he touches him..." Huaying was taken aback by Yinfeng cat's reaction, but Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out, and didn't understand that Yinfeng cat had undergone a 180-degree change.

Doctor Liu thought for a while, and tentatively said, "Maybe... because I'm not good-looking?"

This reason is enough.

Hua Ying couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed. She just wanted to take a step forward to try to hug Yinfeng Mao, when she saw Qiuyan take the lead, walking up to Yinfeng Mao and stretching out her hand.

Yinfeng cat is that such a superficial cat?

Is it a kitten that can be touched casually?

Even if Qiuyan looks good, she is not his type!

The Yinfeng cat stretched out its claws, and even the sharp nails on it popped out. It waved down without hesitation. Qiuyan took her hand back again and again, but a slender line was still drawn on her finger. Scarlet blood slowly oozes from the scars.

"That's weird... How about you give it a try, Jacaranda girl?"

The corner of Huaying's mouth twitched, she glared at Dr. Liu indistinctly, and said with a smile: "Doctor Liu, have you ever thought about a possibility? Maybe this kitten has recognized its master, and that's why it doesn't let others get in touch with it." Woolen cloth!"

Just a stray cat! ?How could he still recognize the Lord?

Qiuyan curled her lips, sneered, and before she could speak, she saw the Yinfeng cat nodding seriously and meowing along the way.

With this appearance, don't mention it to save face!

Seeing this scene, Dr. Liu had nothing to say, he nodded quickly: "Miss Huaying is right! She is so old and confused!"

When Miss Hesheli got the news and rushed back, she saw the three people with different expressions, all eyes fell on the cat Yinfeng squinting on the soft cushion.

The Yinfeng cat seemed to be asleep, and his eyes had turned into a line, but as long as the two hands moved slightly, he would immediately widen his eyes and be ready to attack.

Even the little white cat and the little orange cat are like his guards, walking around the table with arrogance and arrogance, and their tails are even more straight.

"What's the matter?" cried Miss Hesheli in surprise.

"Master!" Qiuyan turned around and saluted respectfully upon hearing the sound, and couldn't help complaining as soon as she got up: "This little wild cat really doesn't know good from bad, master, you invited a doctor to see him, but this The little wild cat actually wants to attack us!"

"Hey? Attack?" The young lady was slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked a question while reaching out to gently caress the Yinfeng cat's back, blinking and blinking: "No! This kitten is very obedient and sensible!"

Sure enough, following the lady's fingertips, both Qiuyan and Dr. Liu saw that the little wild cat with its belly turned upside down was meowing happily, completely immersed in the happiness of plucking its fur.

and many more!and many more!

Yinrong cat's brain tried to signal its body to stand up!How can you give up your reserve under the claws of human beings?But every cell in his body seemed to be cheering for Miss Leyue's approach, Yinfeng Mao only felt his limbs go weak, and his voice was extremely soft.

"He's so good!" Miss Hesheli picked up the Yinfeng cat showing off, and signaled Dr. Liu to take a closer look.

Dr. Liu held his breath, and stretched out his hand tentatively.

Sensing the strange atmosphere, Yinfeng Mao immediately became restless and restless, but the soft-spoken comfort and caress of the young lady made him reluctantly let Dr. Liu turn his small body over and over again.

After the inspection was completed, Doctor Liu let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Ge Ge, this kitten has no internal injuries, the most serious wound is the scratched skin on the paws, as long as you apply medicine to heal it." Just two days!"

Miss Hesheli then breathed a sigh of relief, and affectionately turned the cat Yinfeng to the sky, rubbing its little head and buttocks: "Little guy, did you hear that? Don't run around these days, be careful to hurt yourself! "

"Miss, do you mean to have three cats?" Qiuyan couldn't help but said, "They are all wild cats!"

"What happened to the wild cat?"

Miss Hesheli gave Qiuyan a white look, hugged the Yinfeng cat, and said affectionately: "Our little Sanhua is super cute, the cutest, right?"

But while Miss Hesheli was talking, she was secretly surprised: she was usually too lazy to argue with Qiuyan, but just now when Qiuyan said bad things about the three kittens, she felt a strong dissatisfaction in her heart , if I didn't restrain myself, I'm afraid I would lose my temper on the spot.

Is this strange?

Seeing that Miss Hesheli was absent-minded, Hui Lan raised her eyes and glanced at Qiuyan: "Qiuyan, you can wait outside the house."

Qiuyan felt aggrieved, but quickly exited the room with her lips pursed, and Madam Xu who was at the table stared at the three cats for a long time, then suddenly said: "Master, since you want to raise the three of them , should we give them a bath?"

Seeing the disheveled appearance of the three kittens, the young lady lowered her head, her black eyebrows could not help but twitch, and she nodded affirmatively: "That's true... But how do you wash Sanhua when she's injured?"

"Gege." Dr. Liu said cheerfully, "I'll put a bandage on the kitten's leg first, and wipe it dry after washing it!"

"Bath!?" The little white cat suddenly changed color.

The hair all over her body exploded at this moment, and she ran towards the open window without hesitation!The two maids exclaimed, and they stretched out their hands to stop her.

"Ah! This little white cat seems to know what bathing is. It's really psychic!"

Mother Xu was taken aback. While sighing, she was quick-sighted and caught the little orange cat who didn't know the situation first.Then he told the two servant girls again: "Hua Ying, Hui Lan, hurry up and catch the little white cat! This dirty look can't run around in the yard!"

"Yes..." Huaying and Huilan showed wry smiles at the same time, bit the bullet and rushed out after chasing the little white cat.

Suddenly the yard outside became lively.

The little white cat was quick and agile, but he couldn't stand up to dozens of people chasing and catching him, and he didn't want to hurt everyone, so he was still caught with a net bag after making a fuss for a while.

Huaying and Huilan saw the little white cat struggling inside, and they didn't know who came up with the idea and simply sent it into the bathroom together with the net bag.

The Yinfeng cat and the little orange cat who were being hugged looked at the little white cat with puzzled and disdainful expressions, totally not understanding why the other was afraid of taking a bath.

The former Yinfeng cat is eager to take a bath, but the little orange cat has no idea what a bath is.

Only the little white cat who knew everything was staring at the two companions with hatred, praying for himself in his heart, and trying to see if there was a place to escape in the bathroom.

The three kittens were held in the arms of several people and walked to the bathroom. Along the way, the Yinfeng cat looked around with curiosity, and suddenly discovered that there is a hot spring here?

Turning a corner and walking into a courtyard surrounded by bushes and low walls, you can see a hot spring built with stones in the center, with a faint smoke inside and many petals falling on it.Miss Hesheli's footsteps did not stop here, and she walked slowly along the bamboo corridor surrounded by flowers into the depths, and at the end of the bamboo corridor, a house could be faintly seen.

When I walked in, I realized that there was something wrong with it.

Inside the house, in the middle is a spring, full of mist.Around the hot spring were servants standing with their arms down. Waiting for Miss Hesheli to step into the door, the servants rushed up and carefully helped her take off her coat.

Miss Hesheli didn't take off her clothes directly, but sat down by the hot spring, touched the pool with her toes, and stretched out her hand as if trying to splash water on the Yinfeng cat in her arms.

Yinfeng Mao stared at the hot spring feeling faintly uneasy.

It's just... a bath.

It's just a... bath.

It's just a bath ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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