Candlestick Qie Guangzhong, who had already decided in his heart to care for the "little dagger" in front of him like a loving mother, smiled softly, seeing that the boy didn't show any disgust, he stretched out his big hand carefully and stroked his fluffy black hair again.

Candlestick cut looked up at the sky, the morning light had slowly but firmly torn through the thin clouds, revealing his bright and dazzling face bit by bit.

If it was still in the past, every time at this time, Fu Sangshen, who has always been inconsistent with his stern appearance, would tidy up his sweat-soaked inner clothes after morning exercise, and run to the kitchen to pay for all the stay-at-home Fusang in the Honmaru God was diligently busy preparing breakfast.

But obviously it has been delayed for too long now, and it is really impossible to run around the courtyard a few times at this time.

Candlestick Kiri led the curious Guang Zhou skillfully along the long corridor into a small house, which is not far from the place where the God Inspector lives, apparently because he considered the living needs and diet of the owner of Honmaru. It is convenient, but it is a superfluous design here. After all, the original owner would not choose to stay in the Honmaru in all likelihood. Fu Sangshen, silently cursing in his heart, opened the wooden door and stepped in with his hands without a dagger. kitchen.


As soon as he entered the candlestick, he was caught off guard by the dust falling from the eaves of the door. He coughed repeatedly, and Guang Zhou, who reacted quickly, lifted up Pikachu, who had turned into a miniature form and sat obediently on his shoulders. , Bury the small face directly in the middle of the monster's fur.

Pikachu being pulled out to block the dust: "Pi, Pika???—cough!"

The degree of dilapidation in the kitchen has exceeded Candlestick Cut's imagination. There is a thick layer of dust on the stove top, and there is a palm print when you touch it lightly. The dust is flying up and down happily in the sunlight that penetrates through the window.

During the period after the former judge resigned, this hommaru experienced a period of ammunition and food shortages. Although Fusangshen were spirits born from swords and did not need to eat, they had already cultivated a relationship with human beings. Same eating habits.

And because of the resignation of the god judge, the government no longer allocates funds to Honmaru to distribute resources. As for the small judgment resources, even if the fusangshen are frugal, they still cannot make ends meet.Therefore, they have not used human food for a long time, let alone use the kitchen.Candlestick Kiri, as a latecomer to Honmaru, is not as strong as the first Dao Gai Qingguang and others who came first, and fell into a deep sleep earlier, so they don't have a deep understanding of Honmaru's predicament.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." He put his hand on the candlestick on the refrigerator, the only modern appliance in the kitchen, looked back at Guangzhou who was probing his head, and said with a smile.

"I want the kind of food that is reborn in the flames with the red and white striped armor on its back!"

That's what the chuuni sick fake short sword who would never say the word "tempura" properly said.

Candlestick Cut's gentle and steady smile twitched: "..."

When Candekiri Mitsutada opened the refrigerator with secret expectations, expecting that there might be some vegetables and meat left in it, so that he could make some sweet and delicious breakfast for the small knife of Awataguchi's family, after all, he had just In the short conversation, I learned that this child is a newcomer brought back by the new God Judge. If he can't even have a bite of breakfast on the first day of coming to Honmaru, it would be too miserable.

It's a pity that the refrigerator cruelly failed his expectations. As soon as he opened it, he found that there was not even a single vegetable leaf left, let alone any meat. The empty refrigerator seemed to be mocking the stupidity of Fusangshen in front of him.

The helpless Candlestick Kiri Mitsutada had no choice but to turn around and walk towards the storage room of Mr. Honmaru. Fusangshen, who took out the storage bag, shook his weight, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

No way?Is there no small judgment left?

Candlestick Qie Guangzhong, staring at the empty bag in a daze, covered his head in pain, completely disregarding his handsome image.

For some reason, he has a mysterious and natural affection for the black-haired cat-eye dagger in front of him. This kind of emotion that comes from nowhere seems to come from the depths of the soul, and Candlestick Che can't bear to let this The boy is disappointed.

Feeling the two expectant and doubtful gazes projected on him motionlessly behind him, Candlestick gave a wry smile. It seems that this time he really can't satisfy his wish, and now he doesn't even have a small sentence to go shopping in Wanwu. What can we do?Maybe you can ask your colleagues in Honmaru, maybe you can put together a meal for Xiaopan?

Guangzhou saw the black-haired adult man in front of him suddenly put his hands on his head, pressing his forehead in pain with a frustrated expression, as if he was very uncomfortable.

Could it be that this follower was attacked by the enemy under his nose and suffered internal injuries that could not be recognized by the naked eye?

The boy immediately looked around with great vigilance, even picked up the broom in the corner and looked it over deeply, his eyes were so serious that he seemed to be able to force out the imaginary enemy that didn't exist inside.

Candlestick couldn't quite understand the young man's tricks, so he looked around for some unknown reason, and after looking around, he felt a bit mentally retarded. Sure enough, he was old and couldn't keep up with the young man's thoughts.

Fu Sangshen sighed.

The black-haired boy tore his gaze away from the strangely shaped broom, and in an instant, his thoughts had jumped from "whether the enemy hidden in it will show up" to "if he rides on it, can he fly to the sky?" Now, he nodded to the poor follower with a somewhat gray face and asked, "What's the matter, this subject?"

Candlestick cut: "..."

What subjects?Which master did this short knife follow after it was forged?How did this character and habit develop?

As a stable and reliable adult, of course he would not put the troubles of daily necessities on the children in Honmaru who can live carefree lives, even though they are actually hundreds of years old.

Candlestick replied lightly: "Don't worry, Yu. It's just that there are not enough resources in this pill. You may not be able to eat tempura today. I will make you a big meal when the lord comes back, okay?"

Guangzhou puffed up his face when he heard the words: "..."

Hey, isn't the protagonist himself?I didn't expect to cheat myself this time!

Guangzhou was silent for two seconds, a little bit unwilling that he could not eat his favorite food, "Then what resources do you need? My Highness can reward you!"

Candlestick was a little surprised. He didn't expect this boy to be so considerate. Is he trying to help make money?Or in fact, Little Short Knife met the God Judge and got pocket money and wanted to contribute it?

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little envious of owning this little padded jacket. Is this the cute little brother?He seems to want it too!

But of course Candlestick Kiri will not naively think how much money this new short knife will have in his hand, "Well-don't worry too much, kids, although Honmaru lacks small knives, but these are what handsome adults need to worry about Question, if the lord gives you pocket money, keep it for yourself."

"You probably don't know, besides Fu Sangshen, I also have the identity of the Dark Emperor. This kind of thing is just a piece of cake for me."

"Now, you only need to take out one thing and exchange it with me, and I can use magic power to exchange it with the monsters in the abyss, giving you a large amount of wealth you want."

Guangzhou's coveted eyes cast brightly on Candlestick Cut's blindfold.

Candlestick Kiri hesitated to touch the black eye patch that he never left his body. This blindfold can almost be said to be the symbol of Date Masamune. Therefore, he who worshiped his former master has been like this since he was born from the sword. It can be said that Candlestick Kiri It is almost a replica of Date Masamune, and even the cooking skills are inherited from the former owner - when Toyotomi Hideyoshi visited Date's house, the former owner personally cooked and entertained him!

Although he didn't have too much hope for the short knife full of childish words, Candlestick can understand that children always want to be noticed and like to talk big. After all, it is impossible for swords to use spiritual power. They usually use their own Fighting with the swordsmanship school in my memory and the retrograde army, the only ones who can use spiritual power are the god judges.As the short sword of the Awataguchi family, it is probably impossible to use so-called magic to conjure a small sword.

But it shouldn't be a problem to lend the blindfold to a playful kid... right?

Candlestick Kiri, who was untiing the knot from the back of his head in an orderly manner, did not notice that Guang Zhou, who was blinking and staring at him, quietly showed a smug smile.

The Magic Sealer is here!No one wants to take fat again!

"Okay, if you've had enough fun, give it back to me. Do you hear me? I'll try to figure out a way to raise some money." Fu Sangshen touched his eyelids unaccustomed, and his right eye, which was not covered by the cloth, felt clearly for a long time. To the presence of light.

Guangzhou keenly heard the indifference in Fu Sangshen's tone, as if dismissing a small animal!It is simply provoking the majesty of the dark emperor!


As a king, he is never afraid of being questioned by others, but as his subjects, he doesn't even have this awareness. It's too bad. To be able to dedicate one's belongings to him is this—Pikachu No. [-] It's an honor.

"It's time to reveal my inexhaustible dark power! Open your ordinary eyes and see clearly!"

Candlestick touched his eyes speechlessly: "..."

Chanting mantras doesn't help either!And obviously he saw a lot of people complimenting him on the forum that his golden eyes are beautiful and handsome!Why is it so ordinary?

The cat's eyes as deep as the night seemed to reflect the faintly beating firelight in the room. The boy folded his hands on his chest, and the soft black eyepatch was folded like a piece of paper. His slender and flexible fingers crossed each other, like a magician on a playing card. Like a light dance, when the hands were separated again, the black blindfold disappeared!

The black close-fitting cloth suddenly turned into a small kit bag under the shocked sight of the candle holder.

Candlestick cut: "..."

What the hell?what happened?

The black-haired boy raised the corners of his mouth reservedly, and under Fu Sangshen's unbelievable gaze, he directly threw the heavy bag in his hand into Candlestick Cut's hand with a cool gesture, and he opened the bag with a dull expression. The bag actually contained a bunch of heavy small pens—and Jiazhou gold.

This amount... can almost make Fusangshen of the entire Honmaru live comfortably for three to five months!How could this little dagger be so rich?

"...Then let's go to Wanwu together."

The candlestick that led Guangzhou out of the Honmaru unconsciously in a sluggishness never imagined that within a few hours of their departure, a younger brother who woke up early and found that his younger brother was missing would cause trouble in the Honmaru.

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