In the detective agency where the usual atmosphere has been restored——

Atsushi quietly raised his eyes from the stack of documents Tanizaki handed him that needs to be sorted out and analyzed. He kept looking suspiciously at the seniors of the detective agency next to him. After hesitating for a while, the boy took a deep breath secretly and prepared to speak.


"Dun, please help me go to the infirmary and borrow the saw blade she usually uses for treatment from Dr. Xie Ye."

"A...saw for healing?"

Dun who was interrupted had no choice but to stand up, and walked towards the infirmary with a confused face - after joining the detective agency, he had never seen the other party's abilities.

But I heard that Dr. Xie Ye's ability can only heal the seriously injured and dying people, so the patients who pass her hand must be tossed half to death by her to get a new life. Is it the saw? !

When he returned to his seat, Kunikida held up a half-human-high vicious weapon with a blank face, and cut off the corner of the tabletop that had been destroyed by someone's handwriting, leaving only a flat cut. After two or three cuts, no one can see that this place has been repaired except that it is not symmetrical.Dazai next to him was stunned when he saw this set of actions, and he yelled, "Kunikida-kun is treating his table with the strength to kill me."

"To shut up!"

Dun, who was full of thoughts, sat in his seat silently for a long time, and finally held back his courage. He pulled away the chair, stood up abruptly, and his excited expression shocked everyone. momentum.

"That... everyone! What I want to say is... Yuta was taken to the port mafia! Shouldn't we take action? That's the vicious organization that Akutagawa was in before!"

Dun couldn't help shivering, the scene of that person being brutally devoured by a bloody black beast seemed to appear in front of his eyes, "During the auction, You once severely injured the other party, that ferocious and cruel man, absolutely not Will let him go!"

"Kid, calm down." Kunikida picked up the cleaning tool and swept away the remaining sawdust on the ground without looking up.

"Although your blind kindness out of reality is commendable, the cruel thing is that the real world is not that simple. We are not a vicious underworld organization, and we are not interested in chasing and killing traitors - as the advice of the predecessors, don't worry about others No business."

He just said this in a tone that was so calm that it made people feel cold, his voice was like a stone that had been polished by some extraordinarily hard object.Although he seemed to be able to hear the helplessness of recognizing reality and the essence of society, Dun could not see the other party's expression anyway.


"No, but that's the way this city is—sometimes, that's how it is. What can you do? Join the port mafia, add your name to the military police in the future, or become a wanted criminal. It is his choice to be retaliated by mafia members who have planned for a long time in the organization he joined."

"Now is an extremely critical period. Since the last auction, the major forces gathered in Yokohama, the situation in this city has become delicate. Just yesterday, the president finally reached a temporary agreement with that organization—" Kunikida clicked on the message interface of the phone and called up the message sent to him by the president yesterday, but he only saw this message in the morning because of the investigation of the case.

"This provisional agreement can ensure that there will be no active attacks and frictions between the port mafia and the armed detective agency. What's more, the other party has shown sincerity and canceled the 'reward for Renhu'. This has already It's the best result." Kunikida interrupted him with a harsh tone.

The white tiger boy was stunned.

Mr. Kunikida, who follows the ideal and walks on the road of reality, thinks so?

Atsushi Nakajima had no choice but to go to the doctor for his illness - he looked at other people with pleading eyes for help, "Where is Mr. Ranpo? You are Yu's friend, right? You must..."

"Ah?" Dun saw that the other party opened his eyes and looked at him. The ice green eyes were calm and pure, just like the childishness he sat here every free afternoon.But today I don’t know if it’s because standing at another angle, the light that drills into the icy green lake shows some kind of childish innocence, cruelty, heartlessness, and chilling air.

"Action? Why do you want to act? Didn't Kunikida-kun say it very clearly—hey, hey, is this the serial detective book that Yu told me about the other day? He actually slipped it under my snacks, It’s too much! ——Really, I said every day that I’m going to build an empire, and every time I go to a murder case, I’m alone, so what’s the reason for trying so hard to recommend that guy to join the club with the president.” The big detective thought to himself Turned around, sulking away.

"Mr. Xianzhi—"

Miyazawa Kenji, who was stared at, put the golden little flower on the table, he jumped off the table, patted the little tiger's shoulder optimistically, and couldn't help stroking the calf with his hands Smoothed the other person's hair, as if chatting gently with a small animal.

"Hey~ You just run out to play occasionally. When I was in the countryside, I also liked to go and play with those people who were always called 'bad guys' for some reason. But not only were they not bad, they would also give I have a lot of food for the cows. You see, there are a lot of Yu’s things that he didn’t take away! You just use it as Yu to give yourself a chance to take a break from the busy metropolis!”

"Give yourself a vacation and become a wanted criminal?"

Kunikida complained expressionlessly amidst Dazai's hahahahahahahaha laughter.

"Mr. Tanizaki!!" Nakajima rushed over and grabbed Junichiro Tanizaki's sleeve. The other side of the assistant's neck was still tightly strangled by his sister, and his eyes were rolled upwards. "Ahem, Naomi, Please relax, I'm dying, can you..."

After being relaxed a little bit, he turned his head with difficulty, and choked out the words one after another, "Dun, calm down, no matter where Yuta's personality is, he will not be the one who suffers...and the intelligence It shows that in order to let him enter that organization, the other party has paid a considerable price."

"One or two, you all let me calm down! But how can I just watch You go deep into the devil's abyss!" The young man and tiger who wiped away his tears violently rushed out.

Kunikida couldn't help sighing when he saw the movement like a bulldozer, "Young people nowadays..."

"Really, Kunikida-kun is always so duplicity. If we can have a good conversation, it must be the result. You know that the child has a different meaning to Atsushi, but you still say such a thing. "

"This is a detective agency, not an amusement park for children, let alone a charitable organization." Before closing the computer, Kunikida glanced at the name that appeared on the desktop, and there were countless words of "darkness". Without showing the work-related folders, the curvature of the corners of his eyes changed slightly, before he put the briefcase next to him and walked out the door.

"The police station has the latest news for me. I'll leave first. By the way, I'll see where the bastard kid who escaped has gone by looking at the working hours. Let's go first."


The automatic door closed.

The long-lost peace was restored in the detective agency.

Ports, sparsely populated areas where wars and conflicts intertwine, have always been minefields that civilians dare not set foot in.

The scattered transport boxes exude an old smell, mixed with the salty sea breeze and the strange smell inside the boxes, which disturb the noses of passers-by.Two figures stood tall on the mottled and peeled-off paint container, also folded their arms and looked expressionlessly at the figure sneaking in the shadows.

Those are all subordinates assigned by the port mafia to the elder Guangzhou who is a quasi-cadre and Chuya Nakahara, one of the five major cadres. Very confused, but still behaved well-trained when meeting his future direct boss Guang Zhou.

As for why they are here, the reason is precisely a request from Mori Ogai, who is the leader of the port mafia but unexpectedly has no concept of keeping promises and integrity.

The content is probably "Ah, Mr. Guangzhou, I'm so sorry for disturbing your experiment. It seems that I just brought a lot of small objects from my old club. However, there is one more thing I want to ask you, except In addition to repairing the walls and instruments, can I trouble you and Nakaya-kun to suppress some of the little minions in the East Port? Ah, it’s all because I’m useless as the leader. Well, I can guarantee that there will be no danger at all, just need to You go to meet the future direct troops and learn more about your organization. Looking forward to hearing from you."

It's only been a day since he joined, and this guy at the top of the organization has already unceremoniously provoked people—that's what Dazai would have said.

What has been hinted at before will be given substantial space and time to conduct experimental research as if it never existed.

"About all the unspoken rules of this organization, you can easily learn from our style and means of doing things. But there are three principles that cannot be violated—"

As the newcomer's mentor, Nakahara Chuya's eyes stayed on an abandoned giant ship on the sea. This was the goal of their operation and the stronghold of the so-called "little guys".

Countless ant colony-like black dots sneaked into the abandoned ship silently, surrounding the hostile organization that hadn't noticed it at all.

"One, absolutely obey the leader's order, two, not deviate from the organization, and finally, the attack received must be doubled! The majesty of the port mafia is absolutely not allowed to be violated by anyone!"

As soon as the words fell, as if in response to the port mafia cadre, dense gunshots suddenly came from the direction of the enemy stronghold, and the tragic sound of the battle between the two sides resounded through the sky by the sea.

With his hands in his pockets, Zhong also charged up and squatted down. When he bounced up again, it seemed that the soles of his feet were stepping on extremely compressed springs. The whole person flew towards the firefight. Turning around, a whip leg that formed an afterimage in the air slammed down towards the giant wheel so viciously.

They are obviously small human beings who are incomparable with huge abandoned ships, but they kick through the confidential cabin marked by the subordinates directly by relying on their physical strength. The enemy's figure was submerged in the sea, screaming and trying to climb out of the broken hull.

A massacre without resistance.

A completely one-sided situation.

Guangzhou stood at the same place far away, condescendingly looking down at the human beings who fell into the water, were wounded and mourned or were shot and fell. He didn't know what he was thinking. It exploded in everyone's ears indiscriminately, "Slug Monster, tell your people to come back—the Dark Empire belongs to you, and return immediately! Return! Return!"

Chuya: "???"

"Who is your name, little ghost?! Damn it, that haunted mackerel told you again?!"

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