Qiao Rulai walked slowly, feeling rather distressed about the whole incident, "The King of Yan and the Empress of Huang successively attacked the members of the Mo family... Is their purpose to eliminate all the descendants of the Mo family on the table? Or... I still don't know Their motives, when will they come to disrupt the situation, and how will they do it? No clue."

Jingri thought for a while, "King Yan was your master's apprentice when he was in Yu Kingdom, but Huanghou stayed in Shangxian Palace all the time. Obviously, during the civil strife in Yu Kingdom, he lost to his friends and was eradicated. At least when they were in Yu Country, the two were opposites, I think that although the current King Yan and Queen Huang have a cooperative relationship, their goals will not be the same."

Qiao Rulai nodded and said, "Indeed, when the Mohist family was in civil strife, you can know that Jiu Suan has the same goal, to make the Mohist family great, and Yan Wang... the few times I have been in contact with him, I know that he doesn't care about the Mohist family, he just wants to create a hero." They set up a situation where Uncle Xuan and I have a duel, and they set up a situation to get rid of the commander. The next one is Uncle Yu Xingyi. body... and King Yan..."

"What you lack most now is information!" Jingri felt that Qiao Rulai really had no advantage, "The opponent knows the cards you have very well, so they can easily guess your layout, but you don't have any information at all. Know the opponent's cards, and after the opponent anticipates your layout, they can counterattack against your layout."

Qiao Rulai raised her head suddenly, and seemed to have a flash of inspiration, "The prince is wrong, Qiao Rulai has a hole card, and no one knows."

Jingri: "..."

Jingri followed the King of Yan, and felt that he was really out of his wits, and actually agreed to Qiao Rulai to help him monitor the King of Yan and the Empress Huang, but... Jingri and Qiao Rulai had been together for a long time, and unconsciously included them in the younger generation. What's more, Qiao Tathagata has already agreed with Canglang to join forces with Miao Jiang to attack the Dimen, which even involves the safety of Canglang.

Jingri had no choice but to follow Yan Wang conscientiously, and then he found that Yan Wang is really a boring person!

Normally, he would just sit still in the juzi seat of Shangxian Palace, tapping the armrest lightly with his hands from time to time.Or exchange a few words after seeing the Queen of Phoenix.

Jingri thought, Yan Wang's life was probably only slightly better than him as a ghost.

Can't help but sigh, "Friend, you are really harmful."


Canglang, who was preparing for the expedition, couldn't help asking Qiao Rulai, "Qiao Rulai, when you met Uncle Zu Wang, did Uncle Zu Wang say anything?"

Qiao Rulai suddenly looked a little unnatural, "This..."

Canglang heard the hesitation in his tone, and asked, "Did Uncle Zu Wang mention...why did he leave?"

Qiao Rulai shook her head, "The prince never mentioned why he left."

"If one day you see Uncle Zuwang, can you tell Canglang a word..."

"Please speak, King Miao."

"No matter who he loves, as a family member, Canglang will only support him."

Qiao Rulai couldn't help taking a step back, "King Miao knows!"

Canglang said in shock, "You know it too!"


Jingri, who leaves King Yan and is about to tell Qiao Tathagata the information, encounters a figure falling from the sky on the road.

Jing Ri couldn't help but stop, feeling that the other party looked very familiar.

The man stretched out his hand to say hello, "Hey! How can you use it so fast!"

Immediately, a charred figure struck by lightning overlapped with the person in front of him.

Jingri: "..."

Jingri sighed, "Master Immortal, why did you appear here?"

"Your soul does not belong to this world, so I set up a low-energy warning device for you before. Once the energy is used up, I will take your soul back to the original world."

Jingri: "...that... I've been dead for two years!"

Immortal: "Hahaha, one day in the sky and one year on earth!"

"..." Jingri thought for a moment, with a sad face, "So the red mark on my wrist was left by you... You know, counting how much time I have left to live every day, how painful it is... "


"And... I was sick and weak for 30 years, and I finally managed to live a normal life, so I died..."

The god argued, "It's not my fault, the blood essence I gave you is divided into two parts, the first part is used as a repair fluid to repair the body and soul, and the second part is used as an energy source to ensure that the heart beats... You must always bleed before, according to Normally, it would be enough to repair it for ten years!"

Jingri couldn't help complaining about the low energy warning and energy, "Master Immortal, did you sell computers before?"

The fairy stood facing the wind, "What nonsense, I used to repair machines!"

"Wait, what kind of machine do you repair, a monster?"

"Monsters also want to make money! By the way, they can make magic weapons."

"You have a magic weapon, why don't you use it when you are crossing the heavenly tribulation?" Maybe I won't be hacked if I use it.

"Of course it's gone. If there were other things on your body at that time, why would this immortal give you blood essence!"

Jingri gave up struggling, "Since I'm dead, please allow me to have a few words with someone, then I will go with you and enter reincarnation."

The immortal shook his head, "Who said you were dead?"

Jingri: "...huh?"

The immortal raised his eyebrows, "I went to see your body first. After you died, someone used a special method to put your lost blood back into your heart, so you are only in a shutdown state now, and your soul will wander around the world." .”

Jingri: "..."

The fairy asked, "Now you have two choices, go back to the original world with me, or stay in this world, but in the future, you will belong to this world forever."

Jingri replied without thinking, "I want to stay here!"


Qiao Rulai and Canglang looked at each other.

After a while, Canglang said sadly, "It turns out that Uncle Zuwang even told you, but he never told me directly... But it's good if I can chat with you, I have been holding back in my heart for the past two years, and I am very distressed."

Qiao Tathagata comforted, "Prince Jing certainly didn't intend to hide it on purpose, I think it's just because we can't stay together, so there's no need to mention it..."

Canglang shook his head, "As long as Uncle Patriarch likes it, Canglang will definitely support it! Why should he stay away from Miaojiang because of this?"

Qiao Tathagata sighed, "Prince Jing has indeed sacrificed a lot for his love, but it's a pity that although they have known each other for 20 years, they are not in love with each other. The lord just wants to relax and forget about the pain."

Canglang frowned, "Isn't that right? Don't the two of them like each other?"

Qiao Tathagata was also stunned, "Huh? Master likes the senior doctor of the underworld?"

Canglang: "How can it be related to the former giant of the Mohist family? Isn't the ancestor king uncle who likes the god Gu Wenhuang?"

Pretty Tathagata: "..."

Canglang: "..."

Jingri, who happened to come over to tell Qiao Rulai the information: "..."

Immortal who followed: "Huh? It turns out that your emotional experience here is so complicated, no wonder you don't want to leave!"

Jingri: "..." Lift the table!

Jingri couldn't laugh or cry, no wonder she felt that Qiao Tathagata's tone was different that day, it turns out that this damn child's brain is going to break through the sky!And Canglang, why did he believe so deeply in the matter between him and the god Gu Wenhuang? Sure enough, there was something wrong with his education!

Walking up to Qiao Tathagata, briefly told what he knew, Jingri patted Qiao Tathagata on the shoulder, "Xiao Wang is leaving, I don't know if there will be a chance to see you again, everything is up to you and Canglang !"

Qiao Rulai wanted to stop him, but Jingri disappeared in front of his eyes. He was startled, but he couldn't tell the wolf who was standing by, so he had to calm down and change the topic to the attack on the gate.


The immortal was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he brought Jingri to the place where his body was.

It was only then that Jingri realized why he woke up from the Huanzhu Tower that day, because his body had been in the Huanzhu Tower the whole time.

Looking at herself lying in the ice coffin, Jingri hesitated.

The fairy said, "Okay, I'll take you in!"

"Wait!" Jingri raised his hand to interrupt, "I have a question!"


"I've taken pills made with blood before, but it didn't work for me. Why can I survive if I put my blood back this time?"

"Because you already had energy in your body to maintain your body, even if you ate it, it would just be stored, of course it would have no effect! Well, let's go in!"

"One more question!"

"Oh, tell me."

"Why did I become a soul state, only Qiao Tathagata can see it?"

"Oh, because that person's luck is very strong, if you meet someone with stronger luck than him, he can also see you!"

Jingri couldn't help complaining, "So if you're lucky, you'll go to hell. What kind of setting is this?"

"Any questions?"

"Yes, can you stop setting a countdown to my death?"

"You don't want anything anymore, just like the people here, you will only reincarnate in this world in the future."

"Oh... I have a few more questions..."

Immortal raised his left foot and kicked Jingri directly into his body, "Why are you so cowardly when this is about to happen!"

Jingri: "..." Ahhh, I really don't want to face Canglang and Qiao Tathagata!It's better to be a ghost all the time!

When Jingri was in a daze and his soul was about to fall into a deep sleep, he vaguely heard the words of an immortal, "Hey, your soul has been away from your body for too long, and it will take a while to wake up."

"Oh, by the way, it was actually because I just became a fairy and my abilities were not used well. Now this fairy has solved the problem of system incompatibility very skillfully. You will no longer be subject to the amount of energy in the future. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? surprise?"

"So, the energy in your heart was broken up by me. You don't need to insert the heart to get blood, and the injury will be healed quickly. However, if the energy is used up, you will become an ordinary person. It is my immortal's favor to you. Repay it!"

Jingri: Not surprised, not surprised at all!I really don't want to live the days of Tang Monk's meat anymore... Immortal!You can't be so deceitful!Hello!

The author has something to say:

Die for the Worse drops double orz

Xiao Wang successfully revived~~~Scattering flowers~~~~

ps. Look~~ The bad guy gave Xiao Wang a super big golden finger→_→

pps. Save the manuscript and it is crying pitifully!So... um→_→

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