Silent Lover

Chapter 99

A strong smell of medicine came from the Jiaofang hall, piercing Shen Ruofei's nose, choking her tongue so bitterly, she covered her nose with her hand and walked in with a frown. .

Several medicine jars were set up in the main hall and were frying at a simmer, and the lids of the jars slammed and rattled. Several court ladies were very busy, and even Empress Jiang herself was thinking about some prescriptions with a book of medical skills in her hand. .

"A concubine sees the empress.".

Empress Jiang grabbed a handful of medicine and put it on the scale, her brows were furrowed, she was anxious and was baked by several stoves, her forehead was sweating. .

"Didn't I tell you that you don't need to greet me these few days?

Shen Ruofei bowed her body and said in a low voice: "My concubine is worried about His Highness the Third Prince. When I think of His Highness being tortured by illness, my concubine can't eat well and can't sleep. I wish I could be sick for the Third Prince. I am really worried. Be careful not to disturb the third prince. ".

"Well, thank you.

After hearing a few words of kindness, Empress Jiang's originally anxious and irritable mood eased a little. She was not familiar with Shen Jieyu, so at least she was harmonious on the surface, otherwise outsiders would say that she is a mean queen. .

"Your Highness, the Third Prince, can you see that things are getting better?" Shen Ruofei poked her head. .

"I asked the doctor to change the three prescriptions. Yu'er didn't even get rid of the fever, but her cough became worse. She coughed bloodshots last night...

As Queen Jiang spoke, she turned her head and secretly wiped away her tears. .Shen Ruofei hastily comforted her and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, maybe those maids and maids didn't take good care of His Royal Highness, the Third Prince has his own destiny.

It was precisely because I was afraid that they would be negligent that I took Yu'er to Jiaofang Palace and took care of her personally. Alas...

Empress Jiang supported her forehead, she looked tired, her eyes were darkened, and she hadn't rested for two nights. .

Shen Ruofei immediately asked: "When did His Highness the Third Prince catch the cold?

"It's been fifteen days, half a month." Queen Jiang said casually. .

"Fifteen days... ah!

Shen Ruofei seemed to think of something, and screamed out in horror. .

"Yu'er just fell asleep, and you wanted to wake him up again after being startled?!" Empress Jiang reprimanded in a low voice.

"No...that's right, concubine...concubine...Shen Ruofei hesitated, wondering...

"Speak up if you have something to say!" Empress Jiang was impatient. .

Shen Ruofei approached and said: "The concubine just remembered...the one who lives in the Qilin Pavilion, who happened to enter the palace on the fifteenth day.".

Empress Jiang was displeased: "What should I be? Could it be that he killed Yu'er as soon as he entered the palace?".

"Yes Yes……

Shen Ruofei hesitated, bowed her head and remained silent. .

"What exactly do you want to say?" Queen Jiang asked. .

Shen Ruofei bit her lower lip and said: "The empress doesn't know, the one in the Qilin Pavilion is the son of a slave in the concubine's mansion. There are some things that concubines shouldn't gossip about, but they don't dare to hide it from the empress. ....

"What's the matter?"

"More than ten years ago, a Taoist priest came to the mansion. He said that he saw a demon light suddenly appearing in the Shen mansion, and black clouds descended. He asked if there was a baby born in the Shen mansion. It happened that a woman gave birth, and it was the dumb slave who just fell to the ground. The Taoist priest was shocked when he saw it, and said that the baby was the reincarnation of a ghost, and he should be removed before he grows up, otherwise it will bring disaster to the country and the people, and the ghost and chaos in the world......

Empress Jiang raised her eyebrows and said: "This talk about fox gods and ghosts is probably nonsense...

Shen Ruofei was secretly happy, Queen Jiang said she didn't believe it, but she was also curious in her heart. .

"The concubine's parents also said the same thing. The child of the slave is also a human being. The concubine's parents couldn't bear to kill him, so they drove the demon out...I thought, before sunset, the concubine's mother suddenly Sudden death due to palpitations, her body was strong, and she couldn't even find the cause of her death, she was really spiritual...

"Is there such a thing?

Queen Jiang really looked terrified and thoughtful. .

'Yes, the concubine's father is kind. He didn't really kill the son of the family when these things happened. He said it might be a coincidence, but he was afraid that what the demon said would come true, so he locked the son and his mother in the house. The woodshed in the backyard, don't allow them to cause trouble. ".

Empress Jiang asked eagerly: "Then what? Did anything else happen in your house?".

"The Taoist said that as long as the demon is not reincarnated to see people, he will not be able to harm people, so he was locked in the backyard, and the house has always been safe, but he grew bigger and bigger. He was born with a dumb disease. ....It’s really picturesque. The goblins and ghosts on the screen, the concubines have a good reputation, but they are not as good as his one-twelfth. Madam, do you think a man can really grow up to be so beautiful?".

Empress Jiang pondered and said: "I am busy taking care of Yu'er, so I haven't been to see her all this time, just because of her dumbness and appearance... I'm afraid it's a bit far-fetched.

"Your Majesty is free, so go and have a look." Shen Ruofei thought of something again and said, "Also, although this dumb slave is locked in the firewood room, he always has to deal with the slaves in the backyard, but those slaves actually beat him because of him Broken blood, isn't this a beauty, what is it?

Empress Jiang couldn't hold her breath anymore and sat up abruptly. .You mean...the emperor brought him back because he was also fascinated by his beauty? Impossible, the emperor doesn't like male sex...

'That's right, the emperor doesn't have the habit of breaking the sleeves of Longyang, so why is he fascinated by him?" Shen Ruofei added fuel and jealousy, "Mistress, you haven't seen, the emperor protects him very tightly, just now the concubine went to pay his respects. , seeing the emperor holding his hand, his face full of love...


Empress Jiang was furious, and Shen Ruofei knelt on the ground in fright.

"My lord, calm down, concubines shouldn't say these things...but that dumb slave was born in the concubine's house after all, what if it is really an unknown person, charming the emperor, causing chaos in the court, and causing His Royal Highness the third prince who is clearly just Ordinary wind and cold, but a long-term illness, the concubine is guilty of a serious crime...

Speaking of the third prince, it really hit Empress Jiang's weakness. .

"No, I will personally meet this Shen Yu to see if he is really as you said!

Empress Jiang was anxious and wanted Feng Jia to rush to Qilin Pavilion, but Shen Ruofei hurriedly stopped her. .

"Wait a minute, empress!" Shen Ruofei said with tears in her eyes. The concubines listened to what their father said. Whether it is true or not is unknown. Now that the emperor is still in the Qilin Pavilion, the empress just rushed over to question him. I am afraid that Shen Yu would not be able to retreat. angered the emperor.......

Empress Jiang stopped, calmed down for a moment, and said: "You are not bad, but Yu'er is getting sicker day by day, and I can't wait for a moment!".

"Young lady, there is no evidence for these ghosts and gods. Why don't you ask Qin Tianjian, maybe the concubine wronged Shen Yu, if not, let's find a way to heal His Highness the third prince."

"That's right, I forgot about Qin Tianjian, come here! Go and invite the supervisor of Qin Tianjian to the palace."

Empress Jiang thought about it, but she was still worried, even if Shen Yu wasn't the reincarnation of some demon, Emperor Ye couldn't get into the bad habit of Longyang!

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