Silent Lover

Chapter 96 Nightmare

Ten days later, as soon as the Qinhuai Building in the northern capital got off the board to welcome the guests, dozens of black-clothed sword guards poured in, hacking and killing anyone they saw. Blood flowed like a river, and no one survived. In the end, the black-clothed knife guard set a fire, which almost burned down the adjacent shop. .

After the bloodbath, the most prosperous place of fireworks in the northern capital was reduced to ruins, and there is no more Qinhuai Tower in the world.

The collapse of Qinhuai Tower seems to be a harbinger of great changes in the world. .

In mid-April of the ninth year of Dajing 280, Emperor Ye decreed to withdraw the Tiger Talisman of the Northern Army from Jun Xuanxiao's hands, to reward meritorious deeds, to add two beads, and to enjoy the hereditary title of Prince of Nine Jewels, which is unique under the emperor. .

Everyone knows that the king of Zhenbei loses his army, which is equivalent to breaking his own arms. This is Emperor Ye's method of reducing military power, and he solves the serious problem of his growing power without bloodshed. King Zhenbei can only be an extremely noble man in the future. Lord idle. .

However, how could King Zhenbei be captured without a fight?

After three days of silence, the King of Zhenbei declared that the treacherous officials in the capital were slanderous and eunuchs, and that Emperor Ye had been held hostage by powerful officials.

The king of Zhenbei immediately sent troops to the south, pointed his sword at the capital, and rescued the emperor. .

The people in the northern region were very supportive, and they cursed the faint king for being ungrateful and ungrateful after the king of Zhenbei pacified the Huns in the northern region.

More people stood on the side of the emperor. It was obvious that King Zhenbei was ambitious, and he found a rough excuse to lead his troops to rebel. .

Emperor Ye was furious at the court, he cared about the brotherhood with King Zhenbei, and made him the unprecedented Prince of Jiuzhu in Dajing, and was willing to exchange his honor for generations for a military talisman, but King Zhenbei tore his face without saying a word, directly Rebellion. .

According to Emperor Ye's decree, the King of Zhenbei intends to rebel, and ordered the generals guarding all sides to mobilize troops to attack Jun Xuanxiao together and prevent the Zhenbei army from going south. .


The situation outside is changing, and Shen Yu has no way of knowing.

The black-clothed sword guards who bloodbathed the Qinhuai Tower that day were masters of the Black Feather Battalion secretly cultivated by the imperial court. They did not hurt Shen Yu and brought him back to the capital. .

Shen Yu has lived in the palace for more than half a month, Emperor Ye treated him very well, arranged him in the Qilin Pavilion, and would take time to visit him and chat with him during the day. .

Xiao Xiye went straight to Qilin Pavilion after leaving court. .

At this time, the old imperial doctor had just given Shen Yu a pulse and came out of the Qilin Pavilion. .


Xiao Xiye waved at the old doctor, motioning for him to come out and speak. .

"How's he doing?"

Xiao Xiye frowned with two long eyebrows, forming a Sichuan character between the brows. .

This....It's messy to say, I have seen many patients, but I have never seen it like this... Alas, it can only be described as riddled with holes. ".

The old doctor twisted his goatee and said: "He has a lot of old wounds on his body. He looks glamorous, but his body is actually worse than the old man Wei Chen. He has also been poisoned. Although the toxicity has not yet occurred, it is eroding anytime, anywhere. Internal organs.

"Xuan Xiao is so ruthless..." Emperor Ye frowned even deeper, "You can recover a little bit, you just use the best medicine from Tai Hospital! Is there a way to get rid of this poison?" Day

"Uh...,...Forgive me for my helplessness, I haven't even been able to find out the origin of this poison for the time being." The old doctor bowed his head in shame, "Your Majesty, the key is that this son not only suffers from external injuries and internal poisoning, but also has depression in his heart. This veteran has been practicing medicine for many years. , the most fearful thing is to encounter such patients, if he has no intention of surviving, the heart disease will not be cured no matter how many precious medicinal materials are used.".

It's okay. Emperor Ye waved his hand, "You just

Say, how many years does he have left to live?'.

''Uh.....God hesitated and said, if you get rid of the poisonous heart disease, you can live for 30 to [-] years. If you can't, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive two years... .

'Two years...' Emperor Ye said in a daze, "It should be


When Emperor Ye entered, he was in a complicated mood. He saw Shen Yu sitting by the desk under the window, his eyes drifted to nowhere. For a moment, my mind faltered.

Xue Ye's shocking glance had already been deeply imprinted on Emperor Ye's heart. .

"Are you awake?" Emperor Ye sat opposite Shen Yu.

Seeing God, Shen Yu got up and wanted to salute Emperor Ye, but Emperor Ye stopped him.

"Have you read all these books?

Emperor Ye's eyes fell on the books on the desk.

Shen Yu nodded. After he knew how to read, although he couldn't read ten lines at a glance, he could read very fast and had an unforgettable memory.Probably God saw that he was useless because he was inattentive, so he had pity on his gift. .

"You know everything by heart again?!"

Emperor Ye opened his mouth and said in his heart: As expected of Yunmeng

People are indeed as talented and intelligent as the rumors say.He was even more delighted in his heart, proving that he had exhausted his mind to alienate Shen Yu from King Zhenbei, and finally won Shen Yu. These efforts were not in vain.

"Yu'er, do you know that you are really powerful?

Damn, this Qilin Pavilion is full of palace books, there are many rare melons, maybe you can read them in a few months.Xiao Xiye was happy, but couldn't help but praise, with undisguised appreciation in his eyes. .

Shen Yu tilted her head to avoid Emperor Ye's red eyes. .

"You don't know those scholars, it takes at least a month to read, understand and recite a book! If they are as talented as you, then the whole world will be the number one scholar!"

Shen Yu smiled lightly, how could he be so exaggerated, if he was really smart, he shouldn't have fallen into a deadlock and couldn't extricate himself. .

Shen Yu thought that he would hate Emperor Ye because of what he did, but he couldn't talk about hatred. If there was no Emperor Ye, King Zhenbei would still despise him. This is an irreversible thing after all. .

"Yu'er, do you blame me?"

Xiao Xiye suppressed his smile and asked seriously. Although Shen Yu never showed any hatred, behind his humility and calmness, Emperor Ye could always feel his indifference and defensiveness. It's been almost a month, and Shen Yu hasn't talked to him. When he gestured and said a word, he was always asking, and Shen Yu nodded or shook his head to answer.

Sure enough, Shen Yu just shook his head flatly.

"Really?" Xiao Xiye was already very satisfied, "Yu

Son, do you know, ever since I met you in the palace, I can't forget you, that's why I tried every means... Don't blame me...

Although Emperor Ye was affectionate, Shen Yu's thoughts drifted away again.

Ever since he left the palace, Shen Yu had nightmares every night and couldn't sleep. In his dreams, there was only King Zhenbei.

Sometimes Jun Xuanxiao was as gentle as water, and said to him: "Yu'er, this is a cup of wine between you and me. After drinking, we will be together forever. Let's be husband and wife for the rest of our lives, okay?" In a blink of an eye, Jun Xuanxiao's face became indifferent, Or fierce and fierce, the oppressive feeling made Shen Yu breathless, and his body fell heavily into the abyss. He was tortured until the early morning before he could barely sleep for a few hours. .

"I have had many dreams, and you are in every dream. I don't know if you have ever had a dream, or if I have been in a dream."

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