Silent Lover

Chapter 94

"But in this world, death is so easy

How could this princess be so cheap to you?"

The princess leaned down and looked at Shen Yu quietly. .

"Don't blame me, blame the prince for liking you too much. Look, how many things have I done to make the prince bore you? The prince likes your soft body, so I will give you some poison to see your body Every day is not as good as every day, and the lord himself doesn't know how to be sympathetic, in fact, you don't have a good life for a few years, but I can't wait, you are in the palace for a day, I have to bear the pain and hate for a day... ..

Shen Yu took a deep breath, maybe he was also selfish, never thought about how much misfortune his existence would bring to the princess, it was only natural for her to hate herself.

"I really can't wait! So take the initiative to ask the prince to bring

Come on, let’s go hunting on Langjuxu Mountain together. Brother Huang let the guards pretend to be Huns without telling me, in order to have the opportunity to be alone with you, and he specifically ordered me not to kill you...I really don’t understand! How could brother protect you?! He never hit me, because of you, a lowly maid! It was the first time he hit me... I know, pushing you off the cliff is right! You are the scourge of bewitching men! ".

The Huns were sent by Emperor Ye to pretend to be?

Shen Yu opened his mouth, that Emperor Ye went to the Shaohua Academy that night, and he did not pass by by accident, but on purpose?

But why did Emperor Ye separate himself from King Zhenbei? It was precisely because of the appearance of Emperor Ye that King Zhenbei misunderstood him time and time again.

"It's a pity, people are not as good as heaven." The princess laughed miserably, "It's good that you are dead, but you are so lucky that you will not die if you fall off the cliff. The prince and the emperor are looking for you like crazy! What is so good about you?! I have never seen the prince treat a person like this, he stayed at the bottom of the cliff for a whole night!''

Shen Yu's originally numb heart was suddenly stabbed severely.

''King of Zhenbei....Did he really look for him all night? Shen Yu hid in the cave with Emperor Ye for a night, and when he came out and saw King Zhenbei's expression cold, he immediately decided that Shen Yu and Emperor Ye were having an affair.

Shen Yu always felt wronged by King Zhenbei who misunderstood him, but never thought that he would brave the storm to find himself. But he saw how lost it was for him to spend a night with Emperor Ye

Shen Yuxin was in pain. If it weren't for these erroneous mistakes, would King Zhenbei and him still be in love with each other? And they wouldn't have come to the end of the song today?

"What do you have to shed tears? Show such a pitiful appearance to whom?!" The princess said viciously, "Fortunately, the emperor brother helped me, step by step to make the prince hate and disappoint you! Are you thinking, Why is the jade pendant given to you by the prince in the hands of Sun Laoliu?".

Needless to say, when Sun Laoliu took out the jade pendant, Shen Yu thought of it. On the night at the bottom of the cliff, Emperor Ye took his jade pendant away, and then arranged everything, and the princess could just follow the plan. .

Shen Yu couldn't tell for a while whether Emperor Ye was good or bad?

"Today, I can finally let this princess vent her anger!

The princess was full of hatred, and stepped on Shen Yu's face.

Shen Yu's face was pressed against the ground, his skin was worn out, and the blood was stained with dirt, making him look embarrassed and dirty. .

"Are you proud of your face? And your flirtatious body? Don't you like being ridden and fucked by men? This princess will make you happy today! Come on!"

Five or six big men with bare breasts and breasts walked in from the door of the dark pavilion, all with fleshy faces and only a loincloth around their bodies. .

Shen Yu's eyes widened because of fear, and the princess laughed when she saw his frightened appearance.

"This is the secret pavilion of Qinhuai Tower. Don't say you are a dumb person who can't call for help. Even a person with a good tongue can't make a sound! These tortoises are all opened for the prostitutes and young men of Qinhuai Tower. , to deal with those disobedient newcomers... You, just close your eyes and enjoy it...

Shen Yu's whole body trembled violently, struggling to get up, the rope that bound him was strangling into his flesh and blood, the more Shen Yu struggled, the more bloody and bloody he was. .

Several big men took off their aprons and surrounded Shen Yu. .


don't...let me go...please...

Shen Yu struggled hard, but it was useless for him to call for help. There was a cramping pain in his stomach, and the acid regurgitated his stomach. .

He wants to live, to live cleanly, and his mother is still waiting for him...

"Our brothers have been in Qinhuai Tower for so many years, but we haven't seen such stunning beauty, so blessed....

The concubine said coldly: "Don't worry, come up one by one, take turns to serve our concubine Yin!"

Shen Yu was lifted up and placed on the table, and a few rough hands fumbled on him, tearing his clothes, and there were no strands in a moment. .

help me......

Shen Yu's hands and feet were caught, and two lines of despairing tears rolled down his face. He would rather pass out by himself so that he wouldn't have to suffer this torture worse than death...

Several strong men were licking and biting him, and the stench of a man made him sick.

Lord...why didn't you come to save me...

please kill me...

Shen Yu's eyes were blood red, and tears of blood flowed out...

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