Silent Lover

Chapter 85 Summoned

For nearly a month, the palace seems to have lost Concubine Yin, and there has been an even more unknown dumb slave, who is greedy from dawn to dusk, and takes up half of the dirty work in the palace. He is as thin as a bamboo pole, and will fall down when touched , but it seems to have endless strength. .

After Shen Yu folded the clothes from Liqingyuan that day, she began to pack her own baggage. .

"Hey, people are here.

Honglian twisted into the firewood room, followed by a man, Shen Yu recognized him, he was looking after the Nuanquan Zhuangzi, and he seemed to be called Sun Laoliu. .

"Concubine Yin."

Sun Laoliu saluted with his head bowed, his square face looked honest and honest. .

Shen Yu tilted her head unaccustomed to it. She probably won't hear the title Concubine Yin in the future. .

"My lord asked the servant to pick you up to Zhuangzi, where he will wait for you."

wait for me?.

Shen Yu thought of Zhuangzi in the deep valley, where the smoke was misty, and Shen Yu met Zhenbei King frankly for the first time in it, and gave himself to Zhenbei King wholeheartedly. After a few months, Shen Yu felt as if she was ten years ago. .

King Zhenbei suddenly wanted to meet him in Nuanquan, did he think of the beauty of having fun with him again?

Coincidentally, Shen Yu also wanted to see King Zhenbei. .

"You lead the way.

After Shen Yu compared the gestures, she found that Sun Laoliu didn't look at her and Song Qing was not there, so she had to turn to Honglian for help. .


Honglian was admiring her freshly applied henna juice, waved her hand impatiently and said: "He said yes, let's go quickly.".


Sun Laoliu bent over and led the way. .

Shen Yu took the bag, hugged it to his chest, and followed Sun Laoliu out of the palace through the back door. He wondered why he took the back door, was it a shortcut? Or was it specially ordered by King Zhenbei not to let him see outsiders?

Sun Laoliu prepared a carriage at the back gate of the palace, and after respectfully inviting Shen Yu into the carriage, he swung his whip and drove the horse away in a hurry. .

Shen Yu has only been out of the palace once, and he still rode in King Zhenbei's carriage, and it was late at night, so he couldn't find out that this road was not leading to Nuanquan Zhuangzi. .


Hong Lian only stayed in the woodshed for a while, and searched around, but couldn't find what she imagined, so she left the woodshed disappointed. .

On a whim, Hong Lian walked into the main room of Shaohua Courtyard. The room had been emptied, only Shen Yu's former bedroom, Hong Lian had never been there. What a valuable thing. .

"My lord has spoiled Shen Yu for a while, and there are not even many valuable things? What about silver tickets and jewelry?

Honglian's eyes fell on Shen Yu's used suitcase. .

"Here it is....

Sure enough, Shen Yu's gold and silver valuables were all in this suitcase, and Shen Yu didn't take any of them, Hong Lian stared straight at her eyes. .

"There are really fools who don't love money in the world, they are cheap slaves haha...

Hong Lian grabbed all kinds of beads, jade hairpins, and gold tins, and stuffed them all into her chest, worrying terrifiedly that she would be discovered by the King of Zhenbei. Of course, that little dumb Shen Yu would not sue. .

"So many...enough for my family to open three Qinhuai Buildings!

Just when Hong Lian was dreaming of being a procuress, leading a group of prostitutes to pick up customers and spending money like water, he saw something buried under the suitcase. .

It is a jade statue, with red lotus eyes that are venomous. At a glance, it can be seen that the texture of this jade statue is rare and rare Hetian jade, and the sculpture is not Buddha Guanyin, but...a beautiful woman. .

Eyebrows, mouth and nose, it is clearly Shen Yu!.

Hong Lian opened her mouth wide, he didn't dare to take this thing, if he took it, no one in the world would dare to accept it, and if he did, he might lose his head. .

Hong Lian was so envious that her saliva almost dripped down, and Shu Er blushed. .

On that day, King Zhenbei rewarded Honglian with a jade wrench finger, which he wore to show off in front of Shen Yu, but he didn't even know that Shen Yu had such a big Hetian jade statue!.

Compared with this jade statue, his jade ring finger is like a beggar's iron ring! Fortunately, he is still proud of Shen Yu...

"What a Song don't mind if you don't talk about the little mute, so you are not a good guy. Seeing that the slave family has lost such a big ugly! Are you master and servant happy behind your back?".

The more Honglian thought about it, the more embarrassing she became. .

"What are you doing?!"

The sudden voice from behind frightened Hong Lian to roll down from the suitcase, and the jade statue almost fell to the ground. .

Song Qing knew what he was doing when he saw that his chest was full of money. The blood pearl necklace was still outside, and she felt contemptuous in her heart. .

"Are you in charge of the slave family?" Hong Lian was angry at him for embarrassing herself. .

"Hmph, I will be in charge of the defense of the palace. Do you really want to try what it's like to be imprisoned in the dungeon of the palace?".

Under Song Qing's threat, Hong Lian reluctantly took the things out of her clothes and put them back, preparing to come back another day. .

"Where is Concubine Yin?" Song Qing asked.

"How would I know? Don't you have all your eyes on him? Why? Lost my little lover?" Honglian rolled her eyes. .

"Do you want to talk?".

Honglian held the handle in Song Qing's hands, and said while picking her nails: "Zhuangzi has a man named Sun Laoliu, who took him away, saying that the prince wanted to see him, probably because he was thinking of him, and he will not have your share in the future! Stop wishful thinking!"

"Sun Lao Liu...

Song Qing recited the name silently, he knew everyone in the palace, he suddenly remembered that Sun Lao Liu used to be an errand in Liqingyuan, but he seemed to have done something wrong and was driven to Zhuangzi by the princess. .

Song Qing's face suddenly changed, and he grabbed Honglian's clothes. .

"You brought him here?!".

Uncle Song, even if you want to be a benefactor of the servant's family, you don't have to be in such a rush...."

Honglian met Song Qing's murderous eyes, shrank her neck and shuddered, and dared not say any provocative words. .

"I just met him on the way to the firewood house...".

Song Qing threw away Honglian and rushed out of Shaohua courtyard anxiously, why did the prince summon Shen Yu in Zhuangzi so late?

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