Silent Lover

Chapter 83

After Shen Yu fled back to Shaohua Courtyard, in the study, King Zhenbei had grabbed Honglian lustfully and pressed him under his body, but suddenly stopped, and glanced sideways at the dark outside.

"My lord~ what's the matter?".

Hong Lian was already hungry and thirsty, and her two long straight legs hooked around King Zhenbei's waist, and took the initiative to meet him.

"Nothing, you go back.'.

King Zhenbei got up, grabbed his robe, Honglian put on the clothes in astonishment, and was driven out of the study by King Zhenbei inexplicably.


Shen Yu asked again and again, and she had already packed the bag by herself, and there were only a few changes of clothes in it. Song Qing couldn't resist him, and moved to the woodshed in the backyard of Shaohua Courtyard overnight.For some reason, Shen Yu fell asleep on the matting, as if the dust had settled, and fell asleep in a moment, sleeping very deeply. Song Qing called a few times, and closing the creaking firewood door didn't wake him up.

There were no servants in the Shaohua Academy, and Song Qing arranged for the servants to do the washing and cleaning. From this day on, even the maids were omitted. Shen Yu washed all the clothes and cleaned the windows of the house. , more diligent than the servants, the ground was wiped spotlessly, and the snow in the yard was also cleaned up by him. .

It was Song Qing who found that he often lost his mind. He threw the clothes that had just been hung in the basin and rubbed them over and over again. In fact, he was free and had nothing to do. corner.

Song Qing was worried, and there was a smile on Shen Yu's face. Song Qing hadn't seen Shen Yu's relaxed expression for a long time, as if he was the most at ease when he started working.

Song Qing saw that he picked up the ax and chopped wood skillfully, but he didn't have much strength now, and he couldn't split it after several strikes, and instead broke out in a cold sweat.

"You stop doing these jobs."

Song Qing persuaded this sentence more than once, but Shen Yu never listened to it.Every night Song Qing took advantage of his sleep and changed him to a new gauze. The wound on his palm was not healed, but the frostbite ulcerated and scarred. Zitian either soaked the wound on his hand to turn white, or healed it. The easily healed wounds cracked again, and a pair of catkins became devastated.

When Song Qing went to ask for medicine, Bian Shishi suspected that his medical skills were not good, otherwise, how could it take so long for a small injury and pain to not heal?

Song Qing was worried about waking him up when applying the medicine at first, but later found that he slept too deeply, maybe because he was too tired during the day.

After a while, Shen Yu had already done the work of Shaohua Academy countless times, but couldn't find anything to do, so she went to the maids in the rough envoy's room to grab work. In awe, stay far away from him, dare not talk to him, and dare not entrust him with heavy work.

Later, I got to know him well, and found that this dumb man is willing to do dirty work like picking manure. While secretly scolding him for being a fool, they threw the dirty work to Shen Yu. After all, there is an idiot. Willing to endure hardship, they are happy to sneak in.

Shen Yu expends a lot of energy, and he doesn't need to be as selective as before when eating. He goes to the servant's kitchen every day to get leftovers and devours them. It seems to be more delicious than the delicacies and wines he ate before. The chef in the kitchen is a good person , Specially leave a portion for him, and sometimes add a piece of fatty fish tail.

Every night, after Shen Yu returned to the firewood room, he would make a note on a notebook. Song Qing didn't know what he was writing, so she glanced at it secretly, and it was just some counting. 2

Song Qing only looked at his originally thin body, but now it was as thin as a piece of paper, and it would be blown away by the wind.

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