Silent Lover

Chapter 81

When Song Qing found Shen Yu, Shen Yu was kneeling on the ground with his clothes rolled into a pocket. He was lying on the floor, protecting the things in his pocket with one hand, and groping for things on the floor with the other. .

"what are you doing?"

Song Qing was shocked to see that Shen Yu's fingers were covered with congealed blood. .

Brother Song. Shen Yu raised his head and gestured with one hand, "The red beans are gone." ".


Song Qing understood Shen Yu's gesture with one hand, but he didn't understand the meaning of "the red beans are missing". .

"I lost it.".

Shen Yu sat on her knees with her head downcast, lowering her eyes.

"If you lose it, just throw it away, and then buy it again." No way.

Shen Yu shook her head stubbornly, and stuck to the ground again, checking every crevice where the red beans might roll in.

"Then go back to the yard first, and I'll help you find it.

Shen Yu disagreed, but Song Qing didn't let him be self-willed anymore, she carried Shen Yu on her back and went straight back to Shaohua Academy. . .

On the road, I ran into a beautiful red lotus, who shook her with a sinister smile. .

"Yeah, this palace is in broad daylight, you dare to show off like this, aren't you afraid that the prince will see it?"

Honglian held a feather fan, covered her mouth and giggled. . "Get lost!" Song Qing's expression turned pale. .

Hong Lian froze for a moment, Song Qing had already walked away quickly, without looking at him, Hong Lian looked at his back and stomped her feet angrily. .

After returning to Shaohua Courtyard, Song Qing poured hot water for Shen Yu to take a bath and wash his hands. He was no longer able to wear white clothes. .

After taking a bath, Song Qing brought a copper basin and used a Langhao brush to wash away the mud and blood scabs in Shen Yu's nails. With ten fingers connected to his heart, Shen Yu's hands were frozen with blue-purple bruises and many wounds, but he didn't even snort. , I just didn't know what I was thinking. .

After Shen Yu smeared the medicine on his fingers and wrapped them in thick gauze, he gestured awkwardly to ask. .

"What about my stuff?

"Pack it up, wrap it in a cloth and put it in the dressing box

Song Qing didn't understand, the bodhi dice was broken to powder, what else did he keep, it was probably about the prince, what happened in Bingxin Pavilion, Song Qing didn't know.

Shen Yu took the cloth bag and opened it, leaned on the soft pillow, lost in thought. .

"Red beans grow in the southern country, and a few branches come out in spring. May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick.

My mother sang Yunmeng ditties from her hometown very well, and she often lulled Shen Yu to sleep. Shen Yu knew it by heart, but it was a pity that he couldn't sing it, so he could only beat the beat with his hands lightly, pretending to be humming.

My mother said that Yunmeng is rich in lovesickness beans. When young men and women there meet someone they like, they will make an exquisite dice and engrave the other person's name on the red beans, and the other person will fall in love with him. .

Shen Yu not only engraved his name on the red beans, but also on his heart. .

His mother taught him to do this, and he could finally get married with his sweetheart, but his mother didn't tell him, what if the other party doesn't want to? What should we do?

Shen Yu was at a loss, her heart was empty, as if she had lost something too. .

It was cool at night, and Shen Yu got up. He wanted to go to Bingxin Pavilion to look again, but Bingxin Pavilion was very remote, and Shen Yu couldn't remember the way. Shen Yu is most familiar with the road, even with his eyes closed, he can walk over.

The study room was still lit with lamps, and it was as bright as daylight inside. Two figures were reflected on the window, one was shaking violently above, and the other was panting and panting below.

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