Silent Lover

Chapter 73 Copying Books

The content of Emperor Ye's conspiracy appeared intact on the letter paper in Zhenbei Wangshui within three days.

King Zhenbei only glanced at it, and threw the letter paper into the stove. A pair of hands covered with bright flower juice encircled King Zhenbei from behind.

"My lord, it's late at night, you must be exhausted after working all day, right? My servant will unblock your tendons for you...

King Zhenbei has a coquettish beauty next to him. It is obviously a male voice but is more charming than a woman's voice, but it is unexpectedly not annoying. It is really charming, with gorgeous eyes and brows.

The king of Zhenbei grabbed his hand, turned around and forced him to press him on the bed...


Shen Yu failed to restore King Zhenbei's trust. Instead, she went back with scars all over her body, slept drowsily for a while, and when she recovered from her injuries, she washed and changed her clothes again, preparing to repeat the old tricks.

Song Qing stopped him again. These days, Song Qing has stopped him three times for various reasons.

The prince is not in the mansion. "Song Qing said bluntly.

Shen Yu tilted his head, isn't he here? Is he busy with military affairs or doesn't want to see himself?

"When will you be back?" Shen Yu gestured.

Song Qing hesitated to speak, he was not good at withdrawing lies, so he just kept silent.

"Are you lying to me?"


Song Qing quickly denied it, looked at Shen Yu's frowning brows, and swallowed awkwardly.

"My lord, he...he said, you made him unhappy, and asked you to copy all the books you learned before as a punishment, and then go to see him after copying.

Song Qing really can't think of any other reason. The scrolls left here by King Zhenbei, together with his own writing on marching and fighting, experience in military training and so on, are at least hundreds of volumes, which should be enough for Shen Yu to copy for a while. up.

Shen Yu frowned and smiled.

That's really great. You only need to copy these scrolls to see King Zhenbei.

Shen Yu learned a lot of characters and dozens of books on the art of war. He lived alone in such a large courtyard, and no one talked to him, so he repeatedly looked at the handbags of King Zhenbei, and he knew it by heart.In case the king of Zhenbei tested him, he could not answer.

Shen Yu happily ran outside to hold a handful of snow, put it into the inkstone and roasted it on the copper basin to melt, then carefully studied the ink, and took a pen to copy stroke by stroke.

Song Qing watched from the sidelines, because Shen Yu learned everything from King Zhenbei, so he learned the three-pointed figure of King Zhenbei in calligraphy, but the root is completely different, King Zhenbei's calligraphy is vigorous Vigorous, Shen Yu's words lack a lot of fortitude.

Deeper and more dewy, Song Qing stood bored, sat by the door and snored for a while, opened his eyes again, Shen Yu lit a candle, and sat upright to copy, except for yawning, he did not see him teasing the slightest bit .

Song Qing felt guilty, she knew that Shen Yu would do anything relentlessly, why would she lie to him like this, and do things that were doomed to fail?

Song Qing didn't want to stay aside, he was afraid of being impulsive, so he couldn't help telling Shen Yu the cruel truth.

Two days later, the sky was still dark, Shen Yu joyfully hugged a book basket, shook Song Qing awake, and even dressed up a bit, putting on a little makeup, but it couldn't cover up the dark blue of his eyelids.

Shen Yu stuffed a heavy basket of book paper into Song Qing's hands like offering a treasure, and smiled so much that her eyes were bent into moon shapes, shining brightly.

Sleepless for two days and two nights, Shen Yu finished copying all the scrolls without even closing her eyes for a moment.

Song Qing knew what he was going to say without his gestures.

I'm done copying, quickly take me to see the prince!

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