Silent Lover

Chapter 70

"What are you looking for?

Song Qing, who was guarding the door, couldn't help asking.

Shuoyu sat on the bed in frustration and shook his head. He didn't dare to tell others that he had lost King Zhenbei's Panlong jade pendant.

Shen Yu didn't say anything, and Song Qing didn't force her to ask. Seeing Shen Yu grooming carefully for a long time, she guessed what he was going to do.

"Are you planning to serve others in Israel, to please the prince, and to make him change his mind?

Shen Yu's expression darkened, and he couldn't talk about changing his mind. He just wanted to have a chance to explain clearly to King Zhenbei.If a man with a sick face passed by, King Zhenbei wouldn't even want to see him, right? King Zhenye liked his skin, so Yu Yu came up with this method.

Song Qing had some words on his lips, so he tweeted back again, and he didn't say some things that shouldn't be said. He couldn't be too reclusive, just like in Langjuxu Mountain, teaching Shen Yu to ride a horse with a soft heart. The King of the North is not happy.

King Zhenbei really doesn't know that Shen Yu and Song Qing are innocent, no, he just doesn't like them going beyond their duty, otherwise Song Qing won't be allowed to continue to take care of Shen Yu.

Originally, Shen Yu wanted to wear the jade pendant, and hoped that the prince would give him a chance to explain because of the tender relationship between them. went.

To Shen Yu's surprise, King Zhenbei let him in after the guards outside the study notified him.

King Zhenye looked up at Shen Yu, and raised the corners of his mouth inexplicably.

"It seems that you have recovered from your illness and can go to bed.

Sure enough, King Zhenbei likes to make love with himself, and Shen Yu is glad that King Zhenbei is still interested in him.

Shen Yu took a deep breath, walked over to pick up the pen, and wanted to explain clearly the misunderstanding of King Zhenbei during this period, but the pen was knocked to the ground by King Zhenbei.

A drop of ink splashed on Shen Yu's face, and Shen Yu hurriedly wiped it off. King Zhenbei likes his face, so he can't get it dirty...

The hand was strangled by King Zhenbei.

"Your body is already dirty? No matter how much you wipe it, you can't clean it.

Shen Yu's body shook. If he wiped off the rouge gouache on his face, King Zhenbei would definitely see his face as dusty.

King Zhenbei leaned close to Shen Yu, stroking Shuo Yu's face with his thumb, and simply scratched a little ink on Shen Yu's face as a prank, and fainted into a black ball.

"This king really wants to ruin this face of yours, so that you won't seduce men everywhere.

King Zhenbei smiled wickedly, but Shen Yu felt terrible, which made him terrified.

"Serve me well, I can still treat you well, just like before.

King Zhenbei opened his hands like Shien, Shen Yu swallowed his bitter hope and put on a flirtatious and charming smile, put his hands on King Zhenbei's chest, and walked dexterously on King Zhenbei's body with his hands, his beard, Adam's apple , broad chest, waist...

The king of Zhenbei closed his eyes comfortably and let Shen Yu serve him. These hands seemed to have magical powers. They were strong when they should be strong, and weak and boneless when they should be gentle.

Shen Yu untied King Zhenbei's chest and took off his obscene pants, leaving only a thin undershirt hanging on his body.

Shen Yu raised his head, just enough to reach King Zhenbei's Adam's apple, and his tongue touched it lightly, and King Zhenbei snorted sensitively.

Then Shen Yu turned slowly, all the way down, looking for the sensitive parts of King Zhenbei, from the chest muscles to the abdomen, doing her best, from lightly licking to sucking, using all the teachings and nuns to get rid of it. Men's moves.....

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