Silent Lover

Chapter 68 Is Yu'er Serving Comfortably?

"Go to Xiao, so you're here, Bian Shishi has been seen by him as sick, luckily he's fine, go in quickly.

Xiao Xiye smiled relaxedly, as if he could finally calm down.

King Zhenbei frowned into a hill, and Emperor Ye's tone sounded as if he was the owner of the yard, Shen Yu was his man, and King Zhenbei was a visiting outsider instead.

"Having the emperor's wholehearted care is Shen Yu's dream of blessing. King Zhenbei's tone is casual.

Xiao Xiye was surprised: "Xuanquan, I know your nature, if your things are contaminated by others, you will throw them away, but Shen Yu is not an object after all, I know Shen Yu and I spent a night together, you only care about him It tastes good, but after all, the situation at that time...

The emperor thought too much.

King Zhenbei interrupted him, instead of being angry, he smiled.

"You and I are brothers and sisters, and a wife wants a man like clothes. If the emperor likes Shen Yu, I will give him to you. Even if I didn't know you before, I put Shen Yu in Shaohua Academy, without mentioning too much , for fear of staining the emperor's eyes.


Xiao Xiye didn't realize it for a moment, Dong Liang, whom Jun Xuanxiao valued, had always been hard for him, and he had never heard of it being handed over.

Xiao Xiye unexpectedly... had a moment of heartbeat.

However, Wang Juandu of Zhenbei was ambiguous, and Xiao Xiye couldn't figure out whether he was sincere or deliberately probing.

'Hahaha, go owl, don't be joking. "Xiao Xiye said righteously, "A gentleman does not take what others like. I see that you are not ruthless to Shen Yu. Why bother to say such angry words?"

King Zhenbei didn't answer him, but just started another topic: I didn't come to visit him just now, but to find the emperor. "

"Oh? Is there something urgent?

"You will be driving back to the capital in two days... King Zhenbei paused and said, "Take Dairou back too. "

Xiao Xiye asked in surprise: "Xuanquan, are you determined to divorce the princess?"

"I said just now that a wife and concubine can't afford clothes." Zhenbei Wang Yunpu said softly, "I'm afraid that one day, I can't help but kill her."

The corners of Xiao Xiye's eyes twitched, and the anger came from his heart. As expected of the daring King Zhenbei, he dared to say such words in front of him.

"Don't you understand Dairou's feelings for you?"

"Children's love is just the little girl's family's thoughts, and it's normal for her to go on and on, and there are many young masters in the capital who are romantic, scholarly, and business-like.

Xiao Xiye was so blocked that he had nothing to say, just now King Zhenbei said that he could gift Shen Yu to him, now kidnapping with "love" is just a joke.

In the end Xiao Xiye just sighed: "For so many years, you have no pity for Dairou?

The King of Zhenbei said in a deep voice: "Even if there is, I like her innocence when she was a teenager, but now it is probably all gone... The emperor's northern tour, will he still get what he wants?

Xiao Xiye was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: What does Xuan Xiao say?

I have been dealing with the Huns for most of my life, the emperor doesn't think I can't tell the difference between the Huns and the Han, does he?

Xiao Xiye's face was stiff.

"Exchanging the lives of more than 100 guards for Shen Yu's good night, I don't know if the emperor is satisfied with Shen Yu's training. Is Yu'er comfortable serving him?

Xiao Xiye squinted his eyes, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all. It turned out that King Zhenbei believed in his heart that he had wiped out Shen Yu.

"Hahaha! The beauty of the country, the ecstasy of the soul, I am naturally satisfied."

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