Silent Lover

Chapter 6 Dumb

The burly figure of Zhenbei Wang appeared in Liqingyuan. He is a swordsman, and his every step is like a breeze.

The princess, who was resting on the beauty bed with her eyes closed, rolled down and hurriedly saluted.

"My lord..."

King Zhenbei squinted and saw Shen Yu kneeling on the ground. His thin body was curled up together, looking so thin that a gust of wind could blow it away.

"Why is she here?"

King Zhenbei asked casually.

"Uh..." The princess hesitated, "On the first day she entered the mansion, no distinction was made between superiority and inferiority. I am setting up rules for her."

"Set the rules?"

King Zhenbei frowned with two mountain-like eyebrows, full of majesty.

"You are well-mannered, why did she provoke you?"

The concubine immediately said: "She only got up at noon, and she didn't even know the etiquette of coming to say hello to me, the mistress of the palace. I just asked her a few words, and she said that it was the prince who favored her and treated me coldly. I am angry." But she was punished to kneel here."

King Zhenbei's eyes sparkled: "Kneel until this hour?"

"Hmm... just two or three hours... right?"

King Zhenbei has no expression: "Is there any more?"

"Also!" Wang Hao continued, "She is actually a mute! That person surnamed Shen was born dumb, and she actually lied to the world and the prince!"

The king of Zhenbei gave the princess a look.

"This king knows."

"The prince knows?" The princess was very surprised, "Then you still take her as a concubine? How can a dumb person be the prince's concubine? It's better to divorce her and drive her back!"

"Do you also want to take care of the king's affairs?"

King Zhenbei was full of murderous aura in vain. Although he didn't mean it, but he walked from the bloody wind on the battlefield. The evil spirit he developed on his body was more piercing than frost. It was as if he had fallen into an ice cellar when he was looked at. The indifference made the princess terrified.

"I...I didn't mean that..."

King Zhenbei ignored her, walked up to Shen Yu, and picked him up.

A bloodstain on Shen Yu's chin suddenly came into King Zhenbei's eyes. On his flawless face, this scar was too eye-catching, like a crack from a delicate jade object.

There is also the corner of his mouth, which is slightly cracked, proving what he has suffered with the princess.

"Very good, you dare to touch my king's things."

King Zhenbei's voice was not loud, but the anger in his tone made everyone shudder.

Especially the concubine, it is not the first time she has attacked the concubine of King Zhenbei, but the prince has never felt distressed, how did he know that Shen Yu was punished to kneel for a few hours, and he was so furious?

"Dairou, this is the first and last time, if there is any damage to the king's things, you can go back to the palace!"

King Zhenbei pinched Wang Hao's chin, and the killing intent in King Zhenbei's eyes was as solid as essence.

The princess felt cold all over. She had never seen King Zhenbei protecting a person like this. He really dared to kill her.

"I...I know..."

King Zhenbei let her go, and left Liqingyuan without looking back while holding Shen Yu's head.

The concubine couldn't help trembling as she touched her painful chin. With lingering fear and anger, she smashed the bottle with the peacock feather in it.

"How could he do this to me! Just for such a vixen? A mute! I am a princess, his first wife! I am a dignified princess, so I am not as precious as a mute..."

The concubine is the emperor's own younger sister. She was formerly titled Princess Dairou and has a noble status. The emperor gave her a marriage in order to win over the king of Zhenbei.

At the same time, it was the concubine who asked for the marriage on her own initiative, and the king of Zhenbei happily married her back then, but he never thought that in this bitter and cold place in the north, the noble princess is no more than a dumb in the heart of the king of Zhenbei!


Shen Yu woke up in her own bed, only Song Qing was by her side.

"Thank you for bringing me back."

Shen Yu made gestures, which were actually his own gestures. His mother was born as a slave, so how could he afford a husband to teach him sign language?There are not many people in this world who can understand sign language, and even fewer teachers who can understand sign language.

Unexpectedly, Song Qing understood.

"Are you thanking me?"

Shen Yu nodded.

"No, it's the prince." Song Qing explained, "Actually, the princess is too reckless. The prince doesn't like others to damage his things."

Song Qing knew the prince, even if Shen Yu was humiliated to death by the princess, the prince would not even blink his eyes.The reason why the prince was angry was because of the scars on Shen Yu's face.

It turned out to be the case.

Shen Yu was a little bit disappointed, he was King Zhenbei's plaything, so King Zhenbei didn't allow others to destroy his face. Without his appearance, he was worthless.

"What about the medicine?" Shen Yu pointed to a pile of porcelain bottles.

"The prince personally applied it to you." Song Qing hesitated for a moment and said, "But I advise you not to think too much. The reason why the prince treats you well is because you get a newcomer for a while."

These words are a little cruel, Song Qing is used to seeing women who are abandoned by the prince when he gets tired of playing, so he won't be really emotional.Rather than saying that the prince takes a concubine, it is better to say that he changes pets.

The reason why Song Qing talked so much was that she felt that Shen Yu was the most beautiful among the prince's women, so that Song Qing couldn't bear to watch Shen Yuxiang disappear.

Shen Yu nodded, indicating that he understood.

Song Qing was a little surprised, there are not many people who can accept the cruel reality calmly.

It's just that no one cared about Shen Yu except his mother. The occasional gift from King Zhenbei is one of the few lights in Shen Yu's life.

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