Silent Lover

Chapter 49

"It's not that you don't know Dairou. She has loved you for so many years, so she can't bear you to neglect him. You are a flirtatious person, and Dairou didn't ask too much, just go to her place and stay for one night every three to five days. ...'

King Zhenye raised his head to finish a bowl of wine, and said with a smile, "I knew you were going to be a lobbyist.

We brothers haven't seen each other for so long, we don't talk about state affairs, can't we talk about family affairs?"

Xiao Xiye's eyes widened, and he tried to grab the jug, but failed two or three times.

"Go to Xiao, it's not that I want to meddle in your family affairs. After all, Dairou is your first wife and a delicate princess. If you really divorce her back, what will she look like? How can she bear this?" A humiliation? Even I feel ashamed, elder brother has no way to discipline...Look at you, you can take so many female concubines and male favorites, why can't you keep her?"

King Zhenbei didn't answer, and poured down bowl after bowl.

Xiao Xiye knew what he was thinking, and the decision was not so easy to convince, even if he was the emperor.If he gave the order as the emperor, I am afraid that it would not only be self-defeating, but the brotherhood would come to an end.

"Don't talk, don't talk..." Xiao Xiye looked around and asked, "It's fine if you put Dairou in confinement, but you traveled thousands of miles to send an imperial edict to order me to seal her life, where is Concubine Yin? Why don't you see anyone?"

King Zhenbei stopped drinking.

"He is weak and fell ill a few days ago. I told him not to come out to catch the cold and stay in the yard."

"Hehehe...Wu Zangjiaoyi" Xiao Xiye went to the town

Bei Wang gave an ambiguous smile, "I don't know what kind of beauty she looks like, she can make you, a flirtatious ghost like you, reluctant to show it to others.

"Nonsense." King Zhenbei scolded with a smile.

"Isn't it? You told me in Dai Rou's letter that your hidden concubine is a beautiful woman. She said that since you got it, she will never stay with others, and it hasn't decreased until now. She actually begged for a man. Haoming, I did this unethical thing for you too..."

Xiao Xiye kept talking while drunk.

"Dai Rou also said that you dote on her less than [-]% of that Concubine Yin, but is there such a thing? Let me see you, don't be confused by beauty... Hey, why don't you call her Come here, let me open my eyes? See what kind of person it is?

King Zhenbei said contemptuously: "You don't like masculinity, what's there to look at?"


Xiao Xiye was speechless, and finally let out a yell. Although it was a rough gesture, it was still pleasing to the eye when placed on him.


It was already late at night when the banquet was over, King Zhenbei and Emperor Ye put each other's shoulders on each other, staggered to Biqiong Court before staggering away.

After the king of Zhenbei walked away, Xiao Xiye pushed away the support of his servants, his eyes became bright and clear, he smoothed out the wrinkles of his clothes, and took the wet hands from the maid who accompanied him to wipe his hands.

"Let Qu Xiao protect this beauty like a baby, I really want to see Fang Ke, I'm curious...

I walk alone to relieve the hangover.

Xiao Xiye waved his hand and was dismissed. He wandered around in the moon cave in the corridor of the palace. After taking many turns, he saw the remote Shaohua Courtyard in the deepest part of the palace. This place was secluded and unpretentious. different.

"Send someone to guard? It seems that I can't see it today, what a Xuan Xiao......

Xiao Xiye saw the two guards and Song Qing from a distance, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, and left with drunken steps.

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