Silent Lover

Chapter 40 Do You Think This King Is Blind Or Idiot?

Shen Yu didn't nod, and didn't deny it. What's the point of saying this now?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" King Zhenbei's voice was full of anger.


Shen Yu laughed miserably, how dare he tell King Zhenbei?

"Because you don't believe me." King Zhenbei asked himself and answered, "You don't believe that I will forgive you, you don't believe that I like you that much, and you don't believe that I will make decisions for you.

Shen Yu was bitter from tongue to heart: How dare he have such extravagant hopes?

Shen Yu supported himself on the ice and snow. Beicheng entered the cold early, and in the severe winter, it could even freeze people's ears and fingers.

"Do you think that this king likes the flesh and blood of the woman you pretended to be? Do you think that this king loves you because of his status as the magistrate's daughter? it?

"We have shared the same bed for so long, do you think this king is blind or a fool?"

There was a rustling sound of clothes rubbing against each other, and a hair fell from Shen Yu's body.

Pi Dahui, with the body temperature and masculine breath of King Zhenbei.

Shen Yu shook her body, raised her head, and was stunned.

The king of Zhenbei took off his big coat and put it on his body. His big hands helped him close together to cover his exposed position, so as to prevent the wind and cold from continuing to invade.


Why does he still treat himself like this? Shen Yu's mind was suddenly blocked by this warmth, shouldn't he kill himself to vent his anger? Even the princess beside him was too shocked to speak, and it took a while to react.

My lord!" the princess cried out anxiously,

"He...he's a man! And a lowly slave! You've lied to you for so long, why don't you kill him?!

"You lied to me, what did you lie to me? Speaking of which, if it wasn't for you, the king, who still doesn't understand, why would Yu'er resist me?"

King Zhenbei's voice is calm, but it is very quiet, like a lake without a trace of ripples, and murderous intentions are hidden in the deep water

The princess also continued to persuade King Zhenbei, "He..." "Shut up!"

King Zhenbei shouted angrily suddenly, and the princess shuddered when she saw his angry face.

"Dairou, do you really think that this king dare not touch you? This king tolerates your arrogance in the palace. You have killed so many people in this king, and you never care about it. It's for your brother's sake. He You and I are brothers who lived and died on the battlefield, and he asked me to take good care of you, and I promised. But you have been killing my patience!"

The princess was frightened, and said hoarsely: "My lord...... I just love you so much"

"Enough!" King Zhenbei didn't want to listen to her excuses, "Starting today, the princess is forbidden to step out of Liqingyuan, and when your brother arrives, let him take you back to the capital!

Do not!

The princess rushed over and hugged King Zhenbei: "My lord! Are you going to divorce me? I won't leave, I want to follow you!

King Zhenbei broke her hand: "Bring me back to Liqingyuan." "My lord! I am Princess Dajing! What face will I have after you divorce my wife! You might as well kill me! My lord...

The King of Zhenbei ignored her hoarse shouting, leaving her alive was already the most merciful explanation for his brothers and sisters.

King Zhenbei bent down and gently hugged Shen Yu, seeing that Shen Yu was still looking at him in disbelief.

Silly Yu'er, do you think that this king likes you because of those external reasons, and wants to make you a side concubine?" King Zhenbei was angry and distressed, and this king likes you only because you are my king's Yu'er!

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