Silent Lover

Chapter 249 July

The full moon was supposed to hold a banquet to celebrate, but was stopped by Shen Yu, who canceled all the preparations for Jun Xuanxiao to throw money and make a big show.

"Why? Yu'er." Jun Xuanxiao wondered, and asked after Shen Yu, "The Ministry of Rites is ready, and everything that needs to be prepared is also complete. Why should it be cancelled?"

Shen Yu was holding two small brocade clothes with gold threads in his hand, one was embroidered with a dragon and the other was embroidered with a pine and crane.

"Why such extravagance and waste? There is such idle money in the treasury, so it's better to put it down to business."

Jun Xuanxiao was dissatisfied, and asked: "Why is it not a business? Celebrating Qiyu's birthday is the biggest business! I just want to tell the world, let him see his subjects in a beautiful way, and let the world bless and worship him. He is my only son. Also a noble prince!"

Shen Yu looked up helplessly and said, "It's only been a month since he opened his eyes, and he knows what is honor and what is beauty? Then according to you, he has to do it at the full moon and at the end of the year, doesn't he have to do it every year? "

Jun Xuanxiao took it for granted: "Of course the emperor's family has to take care of it."

Shen Yu choked, okay... Being an emperor is indeed a habit, isn't it a big birthday celebration every year?

"I don't have the time to spare. I'm tossing about every now and then, and celebrating with everyone, as if you're the only one who has a son."

Shen Yuxi was quiet, thinking of the noisy scene gave her a headache, not to mention she was the one who was tired.

"Although we all have sons, dragons give birth to dragons, and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, our children must be different...Anyway, we have to show something, and we can't treat my son badly."

But Jun Xuanxiao is used to being in a noble place, as if the world revolves around him, he also wished to give Qiyu all the best things, naturally he didn't want the full moon wine to make it so shabby.

"It's fine to hold a family banquet. I have invited a few relatives and close friends to chat and drink together. Isn't it easier than standing at the ceremony all day?"

Jun Xuanxiao couldn't compete with him, he rubbed his big face against Jun Qiyu's tender little face, and whispered.

"Look at your little daddy, he doesn't love you at all. In the future, if you get close to your father, let's ignore him. He's petty..."

Shen Yu was annoyed and funny when she heard it, and rushed to twist his ears.

"When he's only so young, you can just sow discord! You're so pregnant, he can't understand anyway, so don't you want to destroy our father-son relationship."

Jun Xuanxiao couldn't stop laughing, but couldn't help rubbing Qiyu's face, this time he was too strong, his beard stubbled Qiyu, the baby started crying, Jun Xuanxiao hurriedly coaxed him, but the more he roared, the louder he cried .

"This kid has such a loud voice..." Jun Xuanxiao was helpless.

Shen Yu snatched the child over in disgust and gave him a blank stare.

"I've already said that he can't stand up to your thick walled face now, really..."

Jun Xuanxiao rubbed his hands and apologized beside him.

Strange to say, as long as the child is in Shen Yu's arms, the child will no longer be distressed, and the big eyes that are still full of tears are open, the black legs are spinning, and the aura is compelling.

"Look, he still kisses me, no matter how much you provoke him, it's useless."

Satisfied, Shen Yu didn't forget the business, pointing to the two brocade clothes and asked, "Look, which one is better for Qiyu to wear?"

Jun Xuanxiao couldn't hold the child, so he could only watch enviously, and he glanced at the two clothes.

"Of course it's the one with the dragon pattern."

There were black lines on Shen Yu's forehead, as expected, this guy was more inclined to this little gown embroidered with gold thread and silver silk, it looked very expensive.

"I think the pine and crane embroidery looks good, the silk is softer, and the qiyu is comfortable to wear."

This one doesn't have so many gold thread patterns, but simply embroidered two patterns, implying health and longevity.

Jun Xuanxiao sneered and said: "This embroidery is too rustic, Qiyu is just born, and it's not an old man celebrating his birthday."

Sure enough, it was impossible to communicate, but Shen Yu didn't have so much hope for her children, she only wanted to grow up healthy and safe, so she specially asked the embroidered girls to make this style.

"Based on your aesthetics, I'm afraid you can't wait to hang all the gold, silver, jade, and jade on your body, so that it looks good."

Jun Xuanxiao was despised by him again, and hugged him not to let him move.

"Are you saying I have no eyesight?"

"It's more than lack of vision. It's no different from a landowner and squire."

Jun Xuanxiao reacted quickly this time, and said back: "Then I looked for you, but didn't I have any vision?"

Shen Yu was taken aback for a moment, and Aojiao turned her head away.

"This is the only time you have a good vision. A fool will gain something if he thinks a thousand times. Even if you are blind, there will always be a time when you are not old."


Jun Xuanxiao was not only angry, but also proud of it.

The two flirted in the bedroom, changed Qiyu's clothes, and went to the Imperial Garden together when it was time for dinner. Bian Shisi, Song Qing, and the others had already arrived, as well as several ministers in the court, and some relatives and elders Well, the Chu family had heard about Shen Yu long ago, and sent many people from the younger generation to congratulate him.

Adding up, there were already quite a few people, and Qiyu received a lot of congratulatory gifts, most of which were precious things such as golden lock anklets, which can also drive away evil spirits and pray for blessings.

Although Shen Yu didn't like to make a lot of noise, but she also used her thoughts. There were a lot of singing, dancing, drinking and dramas, and she specially entrusted Honglian outside the palace to find all kinds of folk tricks. There was constant laughter and laughter at the banquet. Very strange in the palace.

"Song Qing, why haven't you seen Honglian?"

Shen Yu couldn't find Honglian in the crowd.

Song Qing's complexion was abnormal, and he said: "He has something to delay, and he said that there is no need to wait for him, he will come."

Bian Shishi pursed his lips: "I don't know what kind of demon I want to be."

He always has some fancy things, and Shen Yu doesn't care.

"They all gave gifts of Qiyu, you, father, what do you want to express?"

Shen Yu secretly asked Jun Xuanxiao, thinking that his careless nature would definitely not remember this matter, but Jun Xuanxiao really took out something.

"Hmph, how could I forget?"

In the early years, Jun Xuanxiao obtained a piece of precious Hetian jade. He ordered someone to make it into a long-lived lock a few days ago. The jade craftsmen thought that a piece of treasure that was good enough to be passed down as a jade seal was only carved into a jade lock. What a waste of money!Even the wasted leftovers can be made into jade pendants...

"You..." Shen Yu was shocked, "You are too big!"

Jun Xuanxiao smiled evilly: "It's not the first time that Yu'er has been feeling emotional, and whispered about this kind of private matter..."

Shen Yu didn't react for a while, but when she thought about it, she bitterly grabbed his waist.

"It's not serious!"

"Ah yo..." Jun Xuanxiao pretended to cry out in pain, and said with a playful smile, "I'm telling the truth! What's wrong with me?"

Shen Yu didn't bother to answer his nasty words, and said, "Your jade lock is too heavy, Qiyu is only a month old, how can you wear it?"

"It will be the same with Dai when he grows up."

Shen Yu has nothing to say about his doting on Hu Saihaisai.

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