Silent Lover

Chapter 240 Red

"Lian'er, what are you afraid of?".

Song Qing put her hand on Honglian's shoulder, Honglian still couldn't restrain her trembling slightly, Song Qing simply embraced him in her arms, hugged him tightly, and comforted him softly in his ear, Honglian gradually calmed down After coming down, the sincerity and fear in his eyes lessened a lot. .

"Lian'er, do you still remember when we were six or seven years old, we used to play the game of getting married?"

Honglian raised her head awkwardly, but did not answer. . .

Song Qing said self-consciously: "At that time we had a toy wooden horse, and I pretended to be the groom's official, put a red blind on the horse, and married you home. But when you get older, you think it's childish and stupid. I don't play anymore."

Song Qing's gentle tone was like a warm spring, which calmed Honglian a lot. .

"Look, isn't today and then very similar?

I hung these lanterns, and I posted the red paper, you just treat it as if you were playing games when you were young, leave everything to me,

Okay? I love you, Lian'er. "

In the past half a month, Song Qing personally pasted couplets, hung up pieces of red curtains, and furnished the new house. She did everything by herself, and no servants were allowed to intervene. .

Seeing that Honglian was silent, Song Qing took the initiative to put a gauze on him, and handed over Qianhong to him. Song Qing walked in front and looked back to see Honglian still not moving. .

Hong Lian raised her hand to look at the silk and satin, and then stroked the gauze on her body. They were all made of the best material and brightly colored. The red was so hot and pure that it burned his skin like a flame. .

"Song Qing,... let me go.

Honglian is only a short distance away from Song Qing, and she still has red silk in her hand, but in Honglian's eyes, it is far away.

"Why?" Song Qing was confused. .

"You are the Great General Zhenbei, and I am a gentleman who would bow his head to give way to a prostitute. We are not a good match." Hong Lian tried to keep her tone steady, "I am not good enough for you."

Song Qing said excitedly: "What is worthy or not? Even if I am not good enough, I am not good enough for you! Lian'er, you are more talented than anyone else in the world! Don't you remember? At that time Who doesn't praise you very much, I was stupid and mediocre since I was a child, I should be lucky to be able to marry you!

Hong Lian was in a daze before her eyes, as if she had been in a lifetime. . "Lian'er died a long time ago, the day the whole family was executed, there would be no such person as Lian'er in the world.

Honglian reluctantly stroked the red silk in her hand, smiled, and then let go. .

Song Qing anxiously rushed to Hong Lian and hugged him.

"You are Lian'er, even if you change your name, you are still Lian'er!

Honglian broke free from his embrace, and asked calmly: Then let me ask you, is the one you want to marry, Lian'er, the proud son of heaven, or me, a lowly husband-in-law?".

Song Qing asked confusedly: "It's all you, what's the difference?

"If I wasn't Lian'er before, but just a little girl from Qinhuai Tower, would you like me? Love me like you said?

Song Qing was stopped by the question for a moment, and was speechless in a daze.

Hong Lian chuckled, took off the red gauze on her body, and handed it back to Song Qing.

Look, in fact, what you love is not Honglian. I have been pestering you to try to do that kind of thing with you. You don’t like it, and you even hate it, because in your eyes, I’m just a shameless husband. Don’t you I didn't even realize that the reason you keep calling me Lian'er is because you are ashamed to even say the word Honglian. "

Song Qing's mind was in a mess, he was confused by Honglian's words.

"No, no! It's all you, why do you have to distinguish so clearly?" Song Qing asked.

Honglian lowered her eyes for a moment, and then said: "People will change naturally, you and I have already gone our separate ways. Speaking of it, I shouldn't, and I shouldn't deliberately approach you when I was in the palace. If you really can't tell the difference, just When Lian'er died a few years ago, it's fine."

Hong Lian raised her head and looked at the red-painted General's Mansion, remembering the day when Yu's family was convicted, Mr. Song ransacked the house with an imperial decree, executed everyone on the spot, without even interrogating, and then the Yu's family was burned to the ground. Lie Yan took off, and it was so red. .

In the entire Yu Mansion, only Honglian escaped. He fled after many attempts, but was caught by Ren Yazi and sold to Qinhuai Tower. .

Among the girls and boys who were sold to Qinhuai Tower, he was the only one who escaped five times, and was caught every time, beaten to the brink of death, but he was so handsome that the people of Qinhuai Tower couldn't bear to kill him.

The last time he escaped, the people from Qinhuai Building didn't beat him again.

To deal with violent and dishonest newcomers like him, Qinhuai Tower usually has a method called "opening buds". It only needs to be done once, and either die or be honest from now on. 8

He didn't die, and he accepted his fate.

Blood was dripping from his lower body, and half of his body was stained red. He thought that his life was destined to be red, so he gave himself a new name, and only wore red clothes from then on.

Wearing red clothes, he seems to have a protective color, and he acts recklessly. The "red" is like a brand branded on him, which he can't take off or wash off for the rest of his life. .

But when Song Qing dressed in red and red and rode a horse to marry him, and she was as beautiful as fire, he became terrified. .

This red color should not be prepared for people like him.

If he stays longer, it will be defiled.

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