Silent Lover

Chapter 228

As soon as Shen Yu's hand got into his chest, Jun Xuanxiao went to block him, but Shen Yu had already grabbed the pendant. .


Shen Yu looked at a black rope in front of him, with a stone-white pendant hanging from it.

Jun Xuanxiao nodded, not daring to look back at him. .

Why are you wearing it?" Shen Yu asked puzzled.

This pendant is obviously a human little finger bone, with one more knuckle than ordinary people. .

Shen Yu shook the rope pendant. It was a rash at first, but the phalanx had turned white. It seemed that jade was specially carved and polished, and it had a warm luster when it was shaken. After being played with jade for a long time, there was a Layer-like pulp. .

So Jun Xuanxiao always holds it in his hand? ,

", because..."

Jun Xuanxiao seldom hesitated to speak, but now he murmured for a long time without saying anything. .

"You carry it with you all the time?".

"Yeah." Jun Xuanxiao lowered his head even more, "I used to wear it next to my body, but I asked a jade craftsman to make it like this a few days ago, Yu'er, I...I don't want to use it as a key... .

"I know.

Shen Yu replied, then fell silent, and took off the bone pendant in silence. As soon as he remained silent, Jun Xuanxiao couldn't figure out what he was thinking, and felt even more guilty. .

"Yu'er, are you blaming me?" Jun Xuanxiao asked tentatively. .

"What's your fault?

"For you, it's probably the last thing you want to remember? I keep it by my side, just to expose your scars, remind you how stupid I was before, the harm I caused to you,... ..

Jun Xuanxiao's lips were blocked by Shen Yu, with soft lips and tongue.

Jun Xuanxiao put his arms around Shen Yu, lowered his head and stared affectionately: "Yu'er, I wear it on my body to remind me all the time that I owe you what I owe you, and I will pay you back forever, no, forever.

"Stop talking nasty words..."

On the surface, the mouth is stiff, but the sweetness in Shen Yu's heart is like a clear spring.

"The matter just now...we haven't finished it yet.

Jun Xuanxiao licked his lips, he couldn't finish it, Shen Yu could tell what he was thinking, and slipped out of his bear hug, some things couldn't always go as he wished, just like a child eating candy, eat more when you are full I'll get tired of it. .

This is what Honglian taught him.

Honglian's original words are: All men in the world are cheap, and he thinks they are cheap, and if he can't sleep, he will think to himself, you are the red card of Qinhuai Building, you are more delicate and expensive? It's not just three or two soft meat, this is called tantalize. .

"Aren't you going to the Jinluan Palace?" Shen Yu was already chasing people away with a sullen expression. .

"It's all business..."

No matter how much Jun Xuanxiao stalked him this time, Shen Yu gritted his teeth, and Jun Xuanxiao who was thrown out of the dormitory scratched his head and went to the Jinluan Hall in distress. . ,

At dawn the next day, Jun Xuanxiao still didn't return to the bedroom, but Shen Yu couldn't hold back any longer. He went to the Jinluan Hall to see that several old ministers were there, and the books in front of Jun Xuanxiao were piled up like a mountain. Those elderly ministers all had black bear eyes and yawned from exhaustion. .

When Jun Xuanxiao saw Shen Yu came to see him, the majesty on his face turned into tenderness. .

"Yu'er, come here."

Jun Xuanxiao waved at him. .

Standing outside the hall, Shen Yu shied away: "You guys should finish discussing the political affairs first.".

"It's okay, come here." Seeing Shen Yu not moving, Jun Xuanxiao raised his eyebrows, "Are you asking me to carry you here?"

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth twitched, this guy could do anything, so he could only move over reluctantly, and was pulled into his arms by Jun Xuanxiao. . ,

"Don't mess around, what do you say like a majestic monarch of a country?" Shen Yu struggled to warn him.

Jun Xuanxiao turned his head and asked the ministers in the palace: "Is there any more

Is it up?


"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, the ministers have already reported all the important matters recently.".

"Yes, no more.

"My minister retire."

"The minister is also leaving..."

The veterans looked at each other in blank dismay, the slick and sophisticated old fox, with sharp eyesight, withdrew from the Golden Luan Hall one by one, and only Jun Xuanxiao and Shen Yu remained in the end. .

"I shouldn't have come." Shen Yu glared at him sideways, "It makes me look like a seductress."

"Hehe, these old men stood there all night, and it's too late for them to thank you.

Shen Yu said worriedly: "What about you? You have worked hard all night too.".

Toil' all night?"

Jun Xuanxiao blinked his eyes, remembering the days when he was served by Shen Yu, it was common to "work hard" all night. .

"Yu'er, do you feel sorry for me?"

At the end of Shen Yu's reply, Jun Xuanxiao had already pecked his tender cheek, and then bent down.

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