Silent Lover

Chapter 216

Shen Yu tugged at her wet sleeves, and being looked at by Song Qing made her feel weak. She was already harboring ghosts, and she became even more embarrassed.

"Brother Song, what's going on with the Chu family? Any news?"

"Cough, I was just about to tell you about this." Song Qing said solemnly, "I have already reported back quickly. When King Zhenbei rushed to Baixiao Mountain, the Huns had already broken through the Chu people's defense...

"What? So what happened to them?".

Shen Yu's heart hung up, and she hurriedly asked. .

"Don't worry, the Huns just broke through, and the casualties are not clear, but they shouldn't be too heavy." Song Qing comforted,

"Don't worry, wait patiently for another day or two."

Shen Yu nodded,

I still haven't let go of my heart, but at this time, I can only wait and not be urged. . ,

Your Majesty, if the Zhenbei Army is fighting with the Huns, the prefect of Wuding Prefecture, the inner ghost, will definitely take action. This camp may not be safe. "Song Qing asked for Jun Xuanxiao's opinion...

"Go to Bauhinia Pass." Jun Xuanxiao said decisively. .

"Your... Song Qing hesitated...

"It's okay." Jun Xuanxiao waved his hand and said, "Leave immediately."


Song Qing accepted the order with his fists in his arms, and said: "There is one more thing. According to preliminary estimates, there are about [-] Huns who sneaked into the territory of Dajing. ,

In this way, the Zijing Pass was surrounded, and the minister only brought [-] elite soldiers, and it was difficult to resist the Huns with [-] iron...."

Jun Xuanxiao's eyebrows were drawn into his temples, his majesty suddenly emerged, and his momentum was overwhelming.

"Then we must strictly guard the Bauhinia Pass." Jun Xuanxiao paused for a moment, and ordered, "Song Qing, you should send people to seal off all the pass roads now, no one can enter and exit, and cut off the connection between Wuding Mansion and the Huns .”

"The subordinates obey!".

Song Qingsurong, the master and servant have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and they have long been accustomed to the status of "Zhenbei King" and "Subordinate Officer". Jun Xuanxiao returned to the barracks. The blue eyes were slightly hot, and unconsciously changed his mouth. .

"Then the subordinates will send troops and horses to wipe out the Huns in the territory first, and stabilize the interior to drive out the foreign bandits.".

"No, no outsider's knife is as sharp as this, and the rotten flesh from the body must be cut off first." Jun Xuanxiao pointed to the Wuding Mansion City on the map, "Take the Fucheng first, and all the traitors will be killed. There is no need to stay alive."


The Thunder of the Northern Zhenbei Army quickly gathered troops and attacked Wuding Mansion by surprise. The magistrate thought that the matter had been exposed and had already made defenses, but he believed that Emperor Xuan would take the lead in killing the Huns, so he was caught off guard. .

After all, the city defense soldiers lack battlefield experience, so how can they fight against the experienced Zhenbei army?

Although well-equipped and occupied the city wall, they were still defeated by the Northern Army.

Three days later, the magistrate of Wuding Prefecture knew that he was doomed, so he killed his wife and children with his own hands, then cut his throat and killed himself.

Shen Yu followed Jun Xuanxiao to Zijing Pass. .

After Song Qing counted the traitors that day, he escorted a prison car back to Zijingguan to return to his command. .

"Your Majesty, there is a man whose subordinates don't know whether to kill him or not, so bring him back and leave him to the Emperor."

Jun Xuanxiao was sitting with his chest bare, asking Shen Yu to change the dressing for his wound. .


Jun Xuanxiao was surprised,

He has already ordered Song Qing to dispose of the traitor's power, so Song Qing can't decide, who is the big man?

"Don't move... Shen Yu pressed Jun Xuanxiao's shoulder.

Song Qing glanced at Shen Yu, and murmured: "Your Majesty, you should go and see for yourself."

Shen Yu stopped, feeling sensitively that Song Qing was avoiding something related to him. .

What charades are you two trying to hide from me?

Shen Yu deliberately increased the strength of his hand. .

The corner of Jun Xuanxiao's mouth twitched, and he shouted aggrievedly: "Yu'er, I didn't say anything, why are you pinching me?

It's not that you have any ghosts, Brother Song is an honest person, unlike your stomach full of water and black intestines, you must have done something wrong. '.

I have been about you go and have a look, I am open-minded!".

Jun Xuanxiao wanted to cry but had no tears. It turned out that in Shen Yu's heart, he was a black-bellied villain, not as good as the "honest and responsible" Song Qing......

"Just go." Shen Yu hummed, you'd better be frank.

When Shen Yu saw the people in the prison car, she gave Jun Xuanxiao a look of "it really is so".

This down-and-out woman is none other than Shen Ruofei, her hair is in a disheveled bun, and her clothes are stained with dust. .

Shen Yu never expected to see Shen Ruofei here.

It's your side concubine. "Shen Yu sneered, "No wonder Brother Song didn't dare to deal with it, and wanted to bring it back to wait for your order.


Jun Xuanxiao clogged his chest with a mouthful of old blood. He didn't expect that she was the one Song Qing didn't dare to kill, and he brought her back. Doesn't this mean that he and Shen Yu had been friends for a few days and deliberately added to the chaos?

Jun Xuanxiao glared at Song Qing angrily, this was the most unfavorable thing Song Qing did. .

Song Qing spread her hands innocently, but smiled inexplicably in her heart: With your ability, the emperor, it must not be a big deal to add a little difficulty to you.This time, it will probably last for two days, so she won't be flirting with Shen Yu in front of him every day, right?

Shen Ruofei heard the voice, looked up to see Jun Xuanxiao, and then noticed Shen Yu next to him, turning his back to Jun Xuanxiao with a cold and arrogant face, while Jun Xuanxiao rubbed his hands, annoyed his wife, apologized but couldn't do anything . 4

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