Silent Lover

Chapter 213

Jun Xuanxiao raised the corners of his mouth, feeling vengeful, and imitated Shen Yu, scooped up a large ladle of water to wet Shen Yu's black hair, and then rubbed it like a ball of hair. .

"what are you doing?".

"Let's take a bath together, it's not the first time you and I have bathed together."

"I didn't take a shower until early in the morning! Don't get my clothes wet before I put them on!"

Shen Yu screamed and resisted, but was still wet by Jun Xuanxiao, his hair was messy, he was gasping for breath, feeling sorry for the clothes he had just put on. .

"Huh? What are you still doing in your dress? Take it off.

Jun Xuanxiao frowned and asked, Shen Yu didn't say anything, he forgot about it, Shen Yu was still wearing the new wedding gown when he was in the Chu family, he washed it and dried it in the past few days, Jun Xuanxiao thought of it This matter, I feel uncomfortable. .

"It's hard to find clothes that fit in the barracks, and I have nothing else to change!

Shen Yu knew what he was thinking, and muttered: .

"Be careful, now I'm more concerned. Why did you go earlier? I haven't settled with you yet, but you're the first to talk about me."

Jun Xuanxiao lost his momentum a bit, and asked: "What do you want me to do?".

"Ask knowingly!" Shen Yu poked his chest and asked, "If it weren't for the Huns, would you never have planned to show up? Just let me marry Brother Chu Ling?"

When Shen Yu thought about coming these days, she felt aggrieved, her eyes became hot and covered with mist. .

Jun Xuanxiao felt ashamed when he saw that his thoughts were aroused. At that time, he was already sad and lost his mind, hesitated, and didn't know how to face Shen Yu, so he delayed and did not show up to interrupt the wedding. .

"No, no." Jun Xuanxiao quickly denied it, and explained in a clumsy manner, "How could I let you marry him? Even if you hold grudges, I even have the idea of ​​taking you away... However, at that time, I couldn't tell whether you loved me or hated me, and I was afraid that if I made a mistake, it would only make you ignore me for the rest of my life."

"Then you still dare to mention it now?!" Shen Yu glared at him angrily. .

Jun Xuanxiao chuckled, went to hug Shen Yu and said, "Don't you know you love me now?"

Seeing him begging for nothing, Shen Yu was angry and funny, so she could only let it go, some things will be healed sooner or later, will they be used to hurt each other again and again?

"Love ghost, look what you look like now."

Shen Yu pretended to be unable to bear to look directly, and made a "tsk tsk" sound. .

"Is it really ugly?".

Jun Xuanxiao touched his half-shaved beard. He had never cared about his own image, and he rarely even took a look in the mirror. He was disgusted by Shen Yu inside and outside. He really lost his confidence. With loose hair and beard, he really looks like a lion with fried hair.

"Not only ugly, but also very old." Shen Yu added. .

"Then finish shaving for me!"

Jun Xuanxiao finally became anxious. After all, he was much older than Shen Yu. Although he was still at an energetic age, Shen Yu thought he was old, so he couldn't go on like this. . .

Shen Yu smiled triumphantly, and wet his beard, it was better to have water to moisten than dry shave, but in the end, the side of Jun Xuanxiao's face was still red.

Shen Yu was attracted by his rejuvenated, handsome face. Except for his vigorous beard, he was actually not old or ugly at all. If he dressed up carefully, he would look much better than those noble men in the capital. It's a pity that he has a rough temper. It may be rich in clothes and jade crowns, deliberately dressed up. .


Seeing his red face, Shen Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud. .

"What are you laughing at?" Jun Xuanxiao was depressed. .

"Your face... Shen Yu pursed her lips and suppressed a smile, "It looks like a monkey's butt! Haha...

Jun Xuanxiao's face darkened, he pulled Shen Yu over, poured water and scratched his waist, making Shen Yu muddy.His body was drenched, his eyes were wet from laughing, and he kept panting for mercy.

*don't...I can't do it! Haha...don't...

Shen Yu's coquettish smile made Jun Xuanxiao fascinated again, and stretched out his hand to Shen Yu's reddish face, (stroking it lightly, then touched his delicate vermilion lips with his fingertips, the soft and moist touch made Jun Xuanxiao feel The urge to stutter.

"go away.".

Shen Yu brushed his hand away, panting with some exhaustion, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

As if Jun Xuanxiao didn't hear it, he continued to touch the corners of his lips and jaw. Shen Yu opened his teeth and bit him, but Jun Xuanxiao didn't hide, and let him bite his finger. .

Shen Yu was reluctant to use force, and he was not afraid of pain, so he let go of his mouth. As soon as he opened his teeth, his lips were covered by warm lips. Jun Xuanxiao's tongue invaded fiercely, attacking his territory, crazy Stirring the tip of Shen Yu's tongue. .

Because the two hadn't been intimate for a long time, Jun Xuanxiao was so held back that he went crazy, Shen Yu had no time to react, he was kissed deeply by the back of his head, the tip of his tongue was sucked vigorously, and his reason also went away...

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