Silent Lover

Chapter 207 You Won't Die

Those officers, soldiers and Huns who dared not approach due to the might of the dumb guards, when they saw the dumb guards injured, they swarmed up like flies smelling the blood.

"Brother Dark Guard, your wound has been bleeding..."

Shen Yu intended to help him press the meridians of the wound, but while the two were running away, the dumb guard was fighting the pursuers. The more violent the movements, the faster the blood flowed, and the waist and abdomen of the dumb guard were already stained red. Shen Yu's hands were also covered with warm blood. .

Shen Yu's Zhuge Liannu arrow box was also empty, so he simply threw away the Zhuge Liannu, took off his outer robe, and roughly bound his abdomen while running away in a panic. .

The dumb guard pierced the chest of a Hun who was blocking the way, and pulled Shen Yu to run towards the horse. .

Shen Yu felt the sticky damp heat again when holding down the hand of Yawei's wound, and the blood from his wound oozed out from the thick robe. .

"If this goes on,... you will die!".

Shen Yu has already seen a few new wounds on Ya Wei's body. Although they are not as serious as his abdomen, he is still human no matter how tough he is. His strength has dissipated a lot, and his temples and chin are glistening with sweat. .

Shen Yu wiped the dumb guard carelessly with his sleeve, and the dumb guard looked down at him. .

"Are you worried about me?".

When Shen Yu heard a slightly hoarse and deep voice coming from under the mask, his brain hadn't reacted yet. . ,

"Of course I'm worried, what are you talking about... you!!".

"That's good.".

Shen Yu came back to his senses, his body trembled, he was no longer familiar with this voice, it was a voice he hated deeply and haunted in his dreams, a voice he would never forget for the rest of his life. .

All kinds of emotions made Shen Yu's mind go blank, and the bottom of her heart was like a dye vat bursting, with mixed feelings. .

"Mr., that you?".

Shen Yu didn't know whether to be happy or to hate, her chest was so congested that her name was on her lips, her voice was trembling, and she couldn't control her articulate words. .

"it's me.

This answer is full of complex guilt and love. .

Shen Yu's face turned pale in an instant, her body was so stiff, even her eyeballs lost their spirituality, and her eyes were scattered. .

A Hun scimitar went straight to Shen Yu, and Jun Xuanxiao scooped him up and kicked the Hun over. .

Shen Yu regained her composure, stared at the person in front of her in disbelief, and pushed him away. .

"You will follow me when I leave Beijing. What is your purpose? My family is ruined,

Why are you still following me? Don’t you think it’s not enough to hurt me?! The emperor’s work is not fun, he wants to tease me in a micro-service, and play with me in the palm of his hand, isn’t it fun?!”.

The past entanglements ignited Shen Yu's hatred, coupled with the anger of being teased, Shen Yu's heart ached like a storm, and the resentment accumulated for too long came out. .

He had doubted the dumb guard, and tried to question him, but when he learned the truth, he just felt that the world had been turned upside down, and he didn't know how to deal with it. .

"...I'm not teasing you." The muffled voice came from under the mask, "I just want to protect you.

Shen Yu laughed miserably. .

"All my pain was caused by you. Why do you say you want to protect me? Don't tell me, you King Zhenbei will also find out with conscience and come to make up for me."

Jun Xuanxiao remained silent. .

Shen Yu looked at the officers and soldiers and the Huns surrounded by groups, and felt exhausted, so he had the despair of dying and dying. .

"All right,

You don't have to rack your brains to think of words to trick me. You are very skilled in martial arts. If you weren't dragged down by my burden, you would have been able to get away and go away. Let's go. ".

Jun Xuanxiao went to grab Shen Yu's hand, but he dodged it. .

"Do you want me to abandon you?".

"Don't you have your ambitions, your great country? Anyway, I can't escape, otherwise, do you still want to die with me and go to the underworld together? I don't want to die with are the Nine-Five Supreme , Is it worth dying with me as a dumb slave?".

Shen Yu was determined to die, with a cold face, but was surrounded by Jun Xuanxiao, Shen Yu struggled hard, and Jun Xuanxiao's deep and mellow murmur rang in his ears. .

"If you move around again, you're going to open my wound again. Be good, don't make trouble."

The gentle tone shattered Shen Yu's stubborn coldness. His heart and lungs were trembling, and he secretly cursed himself that there was no cure. . .

"Go away, after I die, if you still have a conscience, help me rescue my people..."

"You won't die." Jun Xuanxiao snapped, "Don't you hate me? Of course you have to live, so that you can slowly settle accounts with me every day in the future.

Before Jun Xuanxiao finished speaking, he had already picked up Shen Yu, and rushed out like a raging bison. He burst out with all his strength, and his marksmanship was fierce, sweeping away the Huns. No matter how many cuts he had on his body, he only had eyes for killing and breaking through !.

In the blink of an eye, Jun Xuanxiao rushed to the side of the horse, and put Shen Yu on the horse's back. Shen Yu opened his mouth wide when he saw the knife wound all over his body. .

"Zijing Pass, which is only twenty miles north of here, is guarded by the Northern Army. They recognize you and will send troops to rescue your people. Remember?" Jun Xuanxiao said quickly. .

Shen Yu grabbed him: "What do you mean?".

Jun Xuanxiao took his hand away and stroked his slightly messy black hair. .

"Yu'er, you look good in a red wedding gown, as if you entered the palace of the king...".

Jun Xuanxiao's voice was soft and earnest, deeply attached to him. .

"Yu'er, wait for me to come back... If you can't wait, I promise you to find another love."

Jun Xuanxiao didn't wait for Shen Yu to answer, the red-tasseled spear pierced the horse's buttocks, and the horse galloped in pain.

Only then did Shen Yu realize that Jun Xuanxiao was letting Shen Yu escape, and he was going to die alone, Shen Yu's heart sank, and his eyes shattered. .

"Jun Xuanxiao! Come back, get out! Don't think that I will forgive you!".

Shen Yu knew that he couldn't help, but still wanted to jump off the horse anxiously, he would rather die with him!.

But at some point, Jun Xuanxiao wrapped two ropes around him and tied him tightly to the saddle.Shen Yu's heart was on fire, her eyes were red, and she cursed loudly. .

"Didn't you fucking say that I will settle accounts every day in the future? Jun Xuanxiao! You bastard! You lied to me again!!"

'Jun Xuan Xiao!!!".

Shen Yu's tearing sound resounded through the mountains. .

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