Silent Lover

Chapter 20 Take off your pants

In the past two months, Shen Yu slept so deeply for the first time. He had a long dream. He dreamed that he went back to the prefect's small courtyard and saw his mother. In front of him, he was ordered to take off his clothes for his pleasure...

When she woke up, Shen Yu saw a pair of eyes as deep as stars, looking at herself.

Zhenbei King!

Shen Yu shuddered, he was finished, he was finished, and fell asleep while serving King Zhenbei!

And now he is... lying on King Zhenbei's chest, no wonder he was so warm in his dream.

Shen Yu's face lost all color, and he rolled down from King Zhenbei's body, then fumbled to grab the handle of King Zhenbei's stag, buried his head, and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

King Zhenbei looked at Shen Yu tremblingly, for fear of doing something wrong, the first thing he did when he woke up was to serve him, and grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Are you so afraid of me?"

Shen Yu was at a loss. As a pet raised by King Zhenbei, shouldn't he be afraid of him?King Zhenbei also said that pleasing him is Shen Yu's only duty.

King Zhenbei's women and men are afraid of him, and he also enjoys the thrill of conquest. If it was before, King Zhenbei would be very satisfied with Shen Yu's reaction, but this time, he doesn't like it.

"Yeah~ This is just right, it's happening again in broad daylight? Lord, you should be careful, don't make it half dead again, how many times can I save it no matter how good my medical skills are? Do you think I am too old?"

Bian Shishi barged in from the outside, with mischievous eyebrows and a mocking sneer.

Shen Yu's face was facing King Zhenbei's crotch, and he was kneeling again, looking like a erotic picture. Shen Yu was thin-skinned, flushed with shame, and dared not see anyone under the covers.


King Zhenbei snorted coldly, got up from the bed, put on his robes and general armor, and left without saying a word.

Shen Yu felt lost for a while. Song Qing said that the prince likes obedient and well-behaved people. If he can't serve him well in bed, he will not be far from falling out of favor.

Is King Zhenbei disappointed in him?

"What are you looking at? Your lord is gone!"

Bian Shishi sat down, looked at Shen Yu, and clicked his tongue.

"It's beautiful, it's so beautiful! It's much more beautiful than the concubines in the palace! Before you were in a coma, you looked like a dead body, but now that you're alive... look at those eyes. It's hooked the soul."

Shen Yu stared at this strange man. He looked like a foolish young man, with slender eyes full of cunning, thin nose and thin lips, like a charming and cunning fox. What was he talking about?

"I heard from the prince that you are dumb?" Bian Shisi asked in a daze.

Shen Yu nodded and lowered his eyebrows, the fact that he was dumb made him feel even more inferior.

"who are you?"

Shen Yu gestured casually, and he didn't expect the other party to understand.

"Beautiful hands rejuvenate, Bian Shishi, who pissed off Hades to death!"

Shen Yu suddenly raised her head, her eyes were shining brightly, Bian Shishi could understand it!For the first time anyone could understand his gestures!

"Don't look at me like that, ouch, it's so attractive, I don't want to be ripped apart by King Zhenbei..."

Bian Shishi rummaged through the medicine box and said, "Take off your pants."


"How do you apply medicine to your stabbed little daisy without taking off your pants?"

The hairs all over Shen Yu's body suddenly rose, his hands and feet were suddenly cold, and a wave of fear penetrated his whole body.

Has his identity, the secret he has been hiding all along, been known?Then Zhenbei King...

No wonder King Zhenbei lost interest in him, Shen Yu didn't dare to think about the fate of deceiving King Zhenbei...

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