Silent Lover

Chapter 2

Shen Yu couldn't help but imagine what the man in front of him, who had been known as the Living King of Hell, had been galloping through northern Xinjiang for more than ten years.

It must be like a vicious god.

I heard that Lord Yan is like that, with black eyes, wine nose, beard, the kind that can frighten ghosts.

Xipa was suddenly lifted.

Shen Yu closed her eyes subconsciously.

He felt a finger lift his chin. The fingers were strong, not gentle at all, and a little rough. King Zhenbei led troops to fight, and his hands must be calluses from holding weapons.

Fingers stroked his right cheek.

"Heh, the number one beauty in the Dajing Dynasty is a bit interesting."

The voice was as thick as a war drum, and a smell of alcohol mixed with a man's smell hit his face. It didn't have the stench of Shen Yu's imagination, and the smell of alcohol was a bit intoxicating.

Probably because he married a concubine, he washed his mouth clean after all.

Shen Yu wondered whether he was satisfied or not.

"You dare not look at me?"

Shen Yu moved her body together, feeling even more uneasy.

King Zhenbei looked at the beauty in front of him, she was thin, probably only seventeen or eighteen, and she was just about to bloom.

The face is as clean as the unpolluted snow on the Tianshan Mountains, and it is also like pure white suet jade. Wearing a wedding dress with a phoenix crown and Xiapei, under the candlelight, it adds a little rosiness to the complexion, and the light rouge adds a unique sex appeal. .

Although his lips are closed, they are slightly upturned, as if to seduce people to taste, his nose is small and exquisite, and his ear pearls are crystal clear and jade-like.

How can there be a stunner who is heard so often in the world!

Even though the king of Zhenbei is well-informed and has married ten wives and concubines, it is common for him to seek flowers and ask willows, and he is amazed by the beauty in front of him.

King Zhenbei touched the beauty's face, from chin to lips, to the tip of the pen, to the corners of the eyebrows, he could feel the beauty trembling slightly.

"Afraid that I will eat you?"

Shen Yu nodded. He had long heard that King Zhenbei was short of military rations during the war, and even ate the enemy's human flesh.

Obviously, what King Zhenbei said had another meaning, but Shen Yu misunderstood it, making King Zhenbei think it was a deliberate seduction.


Zhenbei Wang smiled loudly and lifted Shen Yu's chin.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

The tone this time was an order, the magistrate said that one must never disobey the prince, Shen Yu slowly opened his eyes.

The man in front of him was burly and heroic, Shen Yu probably could only reach his chest when he stood up.

The king of Zhenbei has a broad chest, slender arms and legs, and looks powerful, full of fierceness that has nowhere to vent.He was wearing a wedding gown, but it was draped lazily, revealing the black undershirt underneath.

It turns out that the living King of Hades in the legend is not so hideous!

Shen Yu saw King Zhenbei's two hilly browbones, thick ink-like sword eyebrows straight into the temples, calm and majestic deep eyes, and a high nose bridge, combined together, exuding a full of heroic spirit.

He also shaved his beard, and Shen Yu saw his blue stubble, which was majestic and majestic in its roughness.

"It's not ugly at's not that scary..."

King Zhenbei was stunned for a moment.

When Shen Yu closed her eyes, she was already a rare beauty in the mortal world. When she opened her eyes, King Zhenbei was once again astonished as a heavenly man. The eyes like peach petals, hidden in the beauty of spring, are captivating!The pupils are dark and lively, and there is a whole starry night in them. These eyes can compete with the sun, moon and stars, and make the dim bridal chamber shine.

The beauty of a fairy, and the enchanting beauty of a ghost, combine in the same person.

An evil fire rose from King Zhenbei's lower abdomen.

He wants to keep this beauty for himself!Belongs to him alone.

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