Silent Lover

Chapter 190 Get used to loving him

Are you angry?" Jun Xuanxiao asked in sign language.

Shen Yu shook her head and said: "No, I just want to make it clear to you, you are married, why bother to be ambiguous with me? It is impossible for me to do anything with you.

Shen Yu will always carry a person's memory on his back, whether it's love or hate, there is a vacancy in his heart now, and it is impossible for him to dedicate himself to another person for the rest of his life.He even suspected that he had a crush on the dumb guard, just because the dumb guard resembled that person in some ways. .

After being bored in the wing room for half a day, Shen Yu figured it out.

It is better to explain clearly than to get involved and entangled. .

Jun Xuanxiao didn't know how to answer for a while, he only regarded Shen Yu as his wife, but Shen Yu thought that his heart belonged to someone else. .

He finally knows what it means to have suffering and unspeakable, not to mention that he can't speak now, even if he has a hundred mouths, he might not be able to speak clearly. .

If I knew this matter would make Shen Yu entangled until now, I shouldn't have talked about getting married that day. I was soft-hearted and didn't want to deceive Shen Yu for a while, but it caused even more trouble in the end.

But it's better to be misunderstood than to be seen through.

Even if he is farther away from Shen Yu, as long as he is by his side, Jun Xuanxiao can only swallow the bitterness and accept it. .

"Okay, from now on I will only perform my duties as a secret guard, and will not get close to you." Jun Xuanxiao said in sign language. C

Shen Yu raised her head, she didn't expect him to agree so readily, her heart was secretly shy, it seems that even if he likes her, it's only a little bit, right? It's because she has been thinking about it for so long. .

"Can you eat now?

After Jun Xuanxiao finished the sign language, he picked up the chopsticks on the table, put vegetables in Shen Yu's bowl, picked up several horseshoe balls, and brought the bowl to his mouth. .

Shen Yu spent a lot of energy riding a horse in the morning, and he was hungry for half a day, and Jun Xuanxiao was worried that there was something wrong with his small body, but he had long forgotten that he had stood outside the house for a long time without eating a single grain of rice. .

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment, some mist appeared in his eyes, he took the bowl and chopsticks, and took a few mouthfuls sullenly with his head down. .

'It's all said that I don't need your care. "Shen Yu said in a low voice, "You don't have to do this deliberately in the future.

Jun Xuanxiao didn't make any more gestures, and nodded slightly, then got up and walked outside the house.

"Hey! Brother Dark Guard!"

Shen Yu called him, Jun Xuanxiao stopped, he still expected Shen Yu to say something intimate. .

In the nicer to your wife, half-heartedness is the most hurtful thing. "Shen Yu enjoined, "I have been... oh, forget it, I know you are not like him. ".


As said and done, Shen Yu will not chat with the dumb guards for the next few days. Sometimes when the dumb guards are on the sidelines, Shen Yu will just use it as air, and more often go to practice horseback riding with the two brothers Chu Ling and Chu Yi. Although his equestrian skills cannot be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, he is already able to ride and run independently. .

Since Chu Yi was scared by the dumb guard last time, he has become taciturn, not as cheerful as before, chattering non-stop, he always hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to ask Shen Yu, but was caught by Chu Ling's eyes. stop. .

Shen Yu asked Chu Ling for a few servants from the maids. Since she wants to reduce contact with the dumb guards, it is better not to let the dumb guards do some things, such as serving dishes, cleaning starches, and cleaning. There are very few opportunities to appear in front of Shen Yu. .

The dumb guard is clumsy, and he can't do this kind of serving people at all. Before he learned to wash Shen Yu's clothes, he could accidentally tear the cloth, and clean up the dishes without dropping two or three a day. unusual. .

But if it were a familiar servant, everything was in order, and Shen Yu actually felt uncomfortable. .

When he returned to Qionghu Xiaozhu, there were obviously a few more maids in the yard, but Shen Yu felt as desolate as if there were fewer people. He always felt that the dumb guards would wait in the yard and arrive whenever they were called. .

The secret guard has really become a secret guard. He rarely shows up on weekdays. Shen Yu clearly knows that he is in the yard, but doesn't know what he is doing.

Shen Yu patted her forehead every night to get rid of distracting thoughts, and finally fell asleep. The weather was at its hottest, and Shen Yu often woke up sweating and had to go to the bathroom to soak in cold water. .

Maids do things differently. They probably know what Shen Yu has to do every day, and they always prepare them in advance. For example, at night, they also prepare bath water that is half-cool and not hot. The temperature is just right, and they can enjoy the coolness without getting cold , For example, after taking a bath, Shen Yu can reach out and get a set of clean clothes hanging on the screen. .

After Shen Yu had cooled off and fell asleep, Jun Xuanxiao entered the room softly, replaced the ice basin that had melted in the corner of the room, and couldn't help looking at Shen Yu's sleeping face. .

He didn't know if it was worth it. The Zhenbei King, who once ruled the Northern Territory, has fallen into a useless field today.

Shen Yu probably didn't need him anymore, so she said that he didn't have to take care of him deliberately. In fact, he didn't deliberately take care of him, but he was used to it. .

As used to love him.

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