Silent Lover

Chapter 184

Do not doubt him?

As long as he doesn't doubt his identity, Jun Xuanxiao doesn't care. What he fears most is being found out.

Shen Yu swallowed nervously, his head almost dropped to his chest, he secretly glanced at the dumb guard, who was still so cold that he had no friends, got off the bed, and straightened the crumpled clothes that Shen Yu slept on.

Shen Yu looked at his tall back, as if ignoring what she meant, did it mean that he was really unhappy?

Shen Yu hesitated and said: "...don't be angry, Brother Dark Guard, I'm just curious, I didn't mean to offend.".

Jun Xuanxiao didn't look back, he was afraid that he would see Shen Yu's pitiful apology, so he couldn't help but pretend,

He walked to the stove on his own, on which he warmed the soup with charcoal fire, Jun Xuanxiao lifted the lid, the soup in the medicine pot was not dry, and there was still a small bowl left after pouring it out.

Jun Xuanxiao held the medicine bowl and handed it to Shen Yu.

"Huh?" Shen Yu asked unexpectedly. "...Aren't you angry?"

Jun Xuanxiao shook his head, what could he be angry with? Shen Yu would be thankful if he wasn't angry with him. .

Shen Yu smiled, and the stone in her heart fell to the ground. .

Jun Xuanxiao held the medicine bowl to Shen Yu's mouth, motioning him to drink it.

Shen Yu was frowned by the smell of the decoction, and the root of his tongue was already bitter before he drank it. The medicine contained ginger, which was bitter and spicy. What's more, this small half bowl of medicine was concentrated after simmering for a long time, and it looked as dark as black. ink. ..

"Can I stop drinking? I drank twice in one night...

'Shen Yu said with a sad face, it's too bad to drink.

Jun Xuanxiao's hands were stiff, indicating that there was no room for negotiation. .

"But I'm all healed, I'm cured, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore, so I don't need to drink it?" Shen Yu begged.

The moment Jun Xuanxiao and Shen Yu looked at each other, they turned around and brought them from the table - a stack of wick cakes. The wick cakes are sweet and refreshing, and are most suitable for relieving suffering. .

This was two or three hours ago when Jun Xuanxiao saw that Shen Yu couldn't swallow the medicine, so he ran to the kitchen in the middle of the night,

Pulled the cook out of bed and made it fresh. .

Judging by the dumb guard's appearance, if Shen Yu didn't drink anymore, he would probably be gulping it down, so although Shen Yu was reluctant, she pinched her nose and swallowed it. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. .

The bitterness and acridity of the potion came out of her throat, and Shen Yu coughed violently. .

The wick cake was stuffed into his mouth, Shen Yu chewed it hard and swallowed it, and then took a sip of warm tea, tears came out from the hot.

Seeing Shen Yu's tearful appearance, Jun Xuanxiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly under the mask. He remembered that Shen Yu was in a coma before, and he fed the medicine mouth to mouth, otherwise he wouldn't have swallowed it obediently and spit out more than half of it. .

Now he still doesn't like to drink medicine, this petty temper is extremely cute in Jun Xuanxiao's eyes. .

Shen Yu's lips were already rosy, and looked plump and plump, like a pink peach, tempting people to take a sip. .

Like a ghost, Jun Xuanxiao approached him. Of course he knew that it was impossible for him to wear a mask, but Shen Yu's crimson lips were fatally attractive to him, and even his rationality was swept away for a while.

Shen Yu tightened her body and let the dumb guards approach in a daze. The room was so quiet that one could hear each other's small but slightly rapid breathing.

"Brother Yu!

A cry came from outside. .

Jun Xuanxiao's mind regained clarity in an instant, and he took a step back, while Shen Yu also turned his head awkwardly.

It was Chu Yi who knocked on the door. When he came in, he saw Shen Yu and the dumb guard master and servant. He didn't notice the strange atmosphere in the room, so he sat down next to Shen Yu. .

"Brother Yu, Brother Ling heard that you were sick and asked me to come see you.

look at you. ".

In fact, Chu Yi wanted to come by himself, but he didn't dare to admit it, so he found a reason at random. .

Although the dark guard spoke coldly to him that day, Chu Yi reflected on it, and the dark guard was not familiar with him, so there was no reason to flatter him, and his attitude was not particularly bad.

It just didn't meet Chu Yi's expectations. .

He came here today wearing plain clothes, and his hair was meticulously groomed. Since he didn't fall in love at first sight, it's okay to gradually accumulate good feelings.

Chu Yi looked at the dark guard from the corner of his eye. His eyes seemed to fall on him, and seemed to be focused on Shen Yu. Chu Yi couldn't tell the difference. .

"I'm fine, it's just that the iced drink you brought is too delicious. I just got cold in my stomach after eating too much. I won't be greedy anymore."

After Shen Yulang finished speaking, he glanced at the hidden guard, and leaned close to Chu Yi's ear and whispered.

"Next time, bring me two more bowls, don't let him see...

The dumb guard is wide-ranging, so he has to touch it quietly, otherwise he will throw it away again and waste everything. .

Shen Yu's voice was low, but Jun Xuanxiao's hearing was extraordinary, and he could hear every word without falling to the ground. .

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