Silent Lover

Chapter 176 Ice Cream

Chu Yi, who had been struggling all night, got up early in the morning. He didn't know why, but the vague outline of that person couldn't get rid of it in his mind. It's better to just get up after tossing and turning on the bed. .

Huh? Since when did my Yi'er work so hard?" Chu Ling saw Chu Yi sitting outside early in the morning with a befuddled head, and teased, "Don't grandpa force you to do homework?

Chu Yi suddenly turned his head. He couldn't wait to ask Chu Ling about the man, but he also knew it was wrong, so he swallowed the words. .

What's the matter? What can't you say to me? Look at your preoccupied appearance, as if you've been seduced by a female ghost. "Chu Ling joked...

Chu Yi blushed, does he look like being seduced by a female ghost now?

"Brother Ling, where are you going?" Chu Yi was embarrassed to tell him directly, so he changed the subject. .

"Go and tell the servants to fetch ice from the ice cellar."

"Ah? It's not the hottest time yet..." Chu Yi said happily again, "It's just a good thing! I've wanted to move an ice basin in my house for a long time.".

"It's nothing to do with you." Chu Ling knocked him on the head and said, "This is an ice cellar specially opened for Yu'er in advance. He is not in good health and can't stand the severe cold and heat, so I'm going to take ice cubes for him to cool off. , Ask the kitchen to make some sorbet for him to try.

For Shen Yu!.

Chu Yi couldn't help being excited, and said, "Then I'll go with you!"

"Okay, it just so happens that you don't know him very well, he is only a few months older than you, maybe you can play together in the future.

Chu Ling only thought that he wanted to play with Shen Yu, so he didn't think much about it.

Chu Yi followed to the ice cellar, and personally moved a small piece of ice to the kitchen, asked the cook to chop it up, added milk to make ice cream, put it in a food box, and urged Chu Ling. .

"Brother Ling, hurry up!"

Chu Yi didn't want to wait for a minute, he really couldn't wait to see the man who drove him out of his mind again. .

"What are you in a hurry for?".

Chu Yi made an excuse and said: "The weather is so hot, if you don't hurry up, when you get to Qionghu Xiaozhu, the ice cream will melt!".

Chu Ling stopped, remembered something and said: "I almost forgot, I want to say something to my grandpa, so you can help me deliver the things, don't mess around and be impolite, get along well with Yu'er, he came from a long way, without a father Mother, you want him to make this home."


After Chu Ling confessed, he left. Chu Yi hesitated for a moment, and asked him to find that person alone. He absolutely didn't dare, but there happened to be a reason, so let's bite the bullet and go.

Chu Yi stepped into Qionghu Xiaozhu, and Shen Yu was walking in the yard when he heard someone coming to look at him sideways.

"Chu Yi?" Shen Yu asked with a smile, "Your name is Chu Yi?"

The person I met yesterday, with Shen Yu's photographic memory, of course remembered his name, but he didn't have time to say a few words. .

"It's me, jade, jade...

Chu Yi has never seen many outsiders. Shen Yu is handsome and amazing, and has an aura in every gesture. On the contrary, he is a little ashamed of himself, with stiff hands and feet, thinking that they are worthy of coming from the capital, and both master and servant are so good-looking.

"Well... Brother Yu asked me to bring you two ice basins and put them in the house to cool off."

Shen Yu looked at the copper basins in the hands of the two servants behind him, each of which had a large piece of ice and was still breathing coldly, Shen Yu was amazed. .

The servants placed the copper basins in the two corners of the room.

"Where did the ice come from today?" Shen Yu asked curiously


"It's made of saltpeter, and it can be stored in the ice cellar for a long time.

Chu Yi answered absent-mindedly, and only glanced behind Shen Yu, but there was no person from yesterday by the well in the yard. .

"Are you coming in with me?"

Seeing him looking around, Shen Yu thought he wanted to enter the house to play.


Chu Yizheng was embarrassed to say it directly, and said with a smile: "There is also this, it is the iced drink that Brother Ling asked me to give you, try it...

Chu Yi followed Shen Yu into the house, and took out two bowls of ice from the food box, one with milk and one with candied hawthorn.

"Eat and eat quickly, it will melt if you wait a little longer!" Chu Yi said as if offering a treasure. .

Shen Yu scooped up a spoonful of ice cream, the sweetness of milk and crushed ice refreshed the heart and lungs, and it was delicious to eat it on a hot day. .

"good to eat!

Shen Yu tasted the bowl of hawthorn again. It was sweet and sour, with a different flavor. When she looked up, she saw Chu Yi staring at the bowl, swallowing. .

"Will you eat together too?".

"No, no." Chu Yi waved his hand and said, "I... I used to eat it every year, and this is for you...

"I can't finish it all by myself, so don't waste it.

Chu Yi's unsteady will was defeated, he smiled gratefully at Shen Yu, and dug a large spoonful, and the two of you soon bottomed out. .

When Jun Xuanxiao entered the room, he saw Shen Yu scooping up a large spoonful of ice cream and putting it into his mouth, eating it. He strode over and snatched the bowl.

"Eh? Brother Dark Guard, do you want to eat too?" Shen Yu generously handed him the spoon. .

Jun Xuanxiao didn't move, this kind of ice cheese was also made during the summer in the royal palace, mostly for children and women to relieve the heat, he didn't like this kind of sweet and greasy food.

I was in a hurry to grab it because I saw that Shen Yu had almost eaten the two bowls!.

Doesn't he have a sense of proportion for his own small body? I don't want to be able to bear it!

Seeing Jun Xuanxiao coming in wearing a mask, Chu Yi wasn't sure if it was the man from yesterday, but Qionghu Xiaozhu was their master and servant, so he couldn't help but focus on Jun Xuanxiao. .

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