Silent Lover

Chapter 174 Provocative.

Shen Yu was half asleep and half awake. He squinted his eyes and saw the hazy ghost mask in front of him. He reached out to touch it, but he was so dizzy that he couldn't touch it. He grabbed it a few times with his hands.mouth

Jun Xuanxiao dodged and grabbed his right hand. If he took off his mask and saw his true face, all previous efforts would be wasted.

Brother Dark Guard...Cheng...wearing a mask all day long, don't you panic?

Shen Yu happened to burp, and Jun Xuanxiao smelled the aroma of the wine, and couldn't help but frowned and got angry. How drunk did he become? He probably didn't even know if he was eaten and wiped clean!.

"Can you take it off? I, I don't even know what you look like... Come on, I won't tell anyone, you

rest assured.......

Shen Yu waved her hands softly, signaling for Jun Xuanxiao to come closer. Jun Xuanxiao didn't move, and rubbed Shen Yu's right hand. His fingers were slender and well-articulated. Although Jun Xuanxiao thought it looked good, but more I noticed that I was on my way these days

Shen Yu lost weight again, feeling sorry for her in her heart.

"You are not obedient...

Jun Xuanxiao didn't like what he wanted, Shen Yubian pursed his mouth like annoyance and strangeness, his nasal voice was thick, and his pronunciation was ambiguous, but it was like a small animal scratching Jun Xuanxiao's heart.

Jun Xuanxiao's evil thoughts, which he had managed to suppress during the day, once again burst into flames. .

He is indeed a person with strong desires, but he never indulges in greed and pleasure and misses the business, but Shen Yu is more powerful than aphrodisiacs, and Jun Xuanxiao can only be so involuntary on him...

Jun Xuanxiao stared at the two blushes on Shen Yu's face, his blurred eyes slowly closed, and in an instant there was the sound of his thin breathing, and he actually fell asleep like this...

The moonlight casts the silhouette of Shen Yu's side face, adding a trace of holiness to his alluring face. .

The evil thoughts in Jun Xuanxiao's heart that were ready to be released finally turned into a long sigh...

Shen Yu must be exhausted, and Jun Xuanxiao couldn't bear to disturb him. .

"I fell asleep without even taking a bath, and Yu'er is going to turn into stinky Yu'er.".

Jun Xuanxiao whispered to himself, and only when Shen Yu was asleep did he dare to pretend to be chatting with him.

Jun Xuanxiao took off Shen Yu's shoes and socks, untied the cord buckles of his coat one by one, and then helped him take off his coat, but|Shen Yu was a heavy sleeper and couldn't cooperate, so Jun Xuanxiao had no choice but to wrap his arms around him and lift him up. drop laundry.


Shen Yu hummed softly, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to hook something, but directly hugged Jun Xuanxiao's neck, her head was relaxed and her loose underwear drooped down, presenting Shen Yu's fair shoulders and neck in front of Jun Xuanxiao. In front of Xuan Xiao, a flat and smooth chest loomed. .


Jun Xuanxiao was miserable, body fluid secreted from his mouth, Jun Xuanxiao rolled his Adam's apple and swallowed, forgetting to move both hands behind Shen Yu's back. .

Shen Yu's body became scorching hot due to drunkenness, and Jun Xuanxiao's palms were also warm, and they were close to catching fire as they pressed against each other through the fabric of the

Jun Xuanxiao was in a state of confusion, so he had to help him take off his clothes in a hurry, but although he wasn't the one who extended his hand in the clothes of the pampered place, he had never served anyone before, and he became more flustered when he was in a hurry, and it took him a long time to unbutton his clothes .mouth

After finally stripping off the complicated clothes, Jun Xuanxiao breathed a sigh of relief. The weather was hot, and his body was hot and restless. After just a while, Jun Xuanxiao was already dripping with sweat, and his shirt was soaked. .

"Hmm---so thirsty...

Shen Yu murmured, his lips were a little dry, so he stretched out his tongue and licked it around to moisten his lips.mouth

Jun Xuanxiao withdrew his hand like lightning, he was afraid that if Shen Yu teased him further, he would run to comfort himself again.mouth

As soon as Jun Xuanxiao let go, Shen Yu lost the strength to sit upright and fell down straight. .

Fortunately, the soft couch was comfortable, and the head just fell on the soft pillow, so Shen Yu didn't wake up from the fall. .

Only the loose underpants were left, and Shen Yu looked even thinner, with the thinness of a teenager. .

Jun Xuanxiao held on to his thoughts, turned around and walked to the sink, wrung out the wet cloth, and wiped Shen Yu's face and body. He wanted to serve Shen Yu comfortably, but he was clumsy and could only wipe it carelessly.

When she touched the soles of her feet, Shen Yu suddenly trembled and curled up. .

Jun Xuanxiao could only grab his feet forcibly. As soon as the wet towel touched Shen Yu's soles, he started to move again. Jun Xuanxiao's strength was stronger than him, and his arms were bigger than

Shen Yu's calf was thick, Shen Yu had nowhere to escape, and she was so uncomfortable that she groaned.

"...Pfft..." Shen Yu finally woke up laughing, "Itchy, so itchy, hehe...

Regardless of his resistance, Jun Xuanxiao wiped Shen Yu's toes once, and Shen Yu was already panting with laughter, and when he was let go, he lay softly on the bed panting. .

Looking back, Jun Xuanxiao saw that Shen Yu's face, which had been wiped clean, was sweating again, and there were beads hanging on both sides of his nose, coupled with the drunken red and unstoppable panting, which made Jun Xuanxiao's imagination run wild... ..

Patting himself on the head, Jun Xuanxiao escaped from Shen Yu's room, and took a deep breath of the cool night air with night dew, and felt better--something.

"This little elf...

Jun Xuanxiao gritted his teeth, walked to the well in the yard, and took a bucket of cool well water, even the cold water could not completely reduce his heat.

Jun Xuanxiao moved his body, his clothes were sticky with sweat, and he didn't have time to take a good bath in the dusty journey these two days.

The Qionghu small building is remote, and no one will come in, and it is even more informal when marching and fighting. Jun Xuanxiao immediately took off his mask, took off all his clothes, and poured a bucket of well water on his head. .

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