Silent Lover

Chapter 160

Jun Xuanxiao scavenged a box of books from the old academy in the capital and took them to the villa. Most of them were lonely books, which were not easy to come by. .

Shen Yu was so obsessed with sleeping and eating, it was Jun Xuanxiao who caught him to eat supper, and then took a flower bath. Shen Yu's satin-like black hair was wet, and she leaned over the desk to read. .

That's all, I'm here to help you.

Jun Xuanxiao originally wanted to ask Shen Yu to dry his hair, otherwise he would easily suffer from headaches, but Shen Yu was so absorbed in the book that he just ignored his words, so Jun Xuanxiao took a plain towel and sat behind Shen Yu.

Fortunately, this season has already started to be dry and hot, Shen Yu's hair was half wet and half dry soon, and Jun Xuanxiao's hands felt soft and smooth to the touch, and the feel was excellent.

"Smells good

Jun Xuanxiao leaned close to Shen Yu's hair, breathing intoxicatedly, Shen Yu's faint body fragrance mixed with the faint floral fragrance made Jun Xuanxiao feel refreshed. .

I don't know how long, he hasn't been able to get so close to Shen Yu. .

Shen Yu always resisted him and didn't like him approaching. Although Jun Xuanxiao and Shen Yu shared the same bed, Shen Yu just shrank to one side when sleeping. Jun Xuanxiao wanted to stick close to him, but Shen Yu shrank back subconsciously. In the end, almost all of them were stuck to the wall, Jun Xuanxiao had no choice but to give up, in order for Shen Yu to rest, he could only endure his eagerness. .

Jun Xuanxiao secretly smiled wryly, and only when Shen Yu was addicted to reading, he had the opportunity to be intimate with Shen Yu for a while.

To be honest, this feeling is very tormented.....

After all, Jun Xuanxiao is a normal big man, full of energy, and his desire in that aspect is much stronger than that of ordinary men. He is not a monk and saint who wants nothing. .

Especially when the beauty is by his side, but he only looks at it and cannot eat it. Jun Xuanxiao has already been full of evil fire.Jun Xuanxiao tossed and turned in the bed at night, the evil fire burst into his body until the blood was almost evaporating, Yeye was as hard as a bone. .

God knows how tempting Shen Yu is to Jun Xuanxiao.But he promised that unless Shen Yu is self-help, he will never force Shen Yu. .

After only taking a close sniff of Shen Yu's body fragrance, Jun Xuanxiao set up a big tent. .

Looking at Shen Yu's back figure, Jun Xuanxiao felt regretful. He didn't know how to restrain himself before, how could Shen Yu bear him like a wolf like a tiger? Now let alone meat, he can't even taste the fishy soup.

A person's fortune and luck are predestined, Jun Xuanxiao has learned a lesson now, he spent too much in the past, now it is hard to find money. .

Shen Yu raised his buried head, and he felt something pressed against his waist, almost close to the place of the tailbone...

Don't even think about it, it must be the bully playing tricks again. .Shen Yu directly picked up a bamboo fracture fan on the desk, and slapped it backhand.

"Uh huh~

With a muffled groan, Jun Xuanxiao gritted his teeth in pain, but he didn't dare to yell too loudly. .

No matter how hard Jun Xuanxiao's avatar is, it is not as hard as a bamboo bone, let alone the most vulnerable part of a man. .

"Yu'er, you are so cruel that you want to ruin the happiness of my lower body...

Jun Xuanxiao shouted in his heart, but he couldn't bear it on his face. He stood up and walked out of the room with a bent waist. .

Shen Yu glanced back, the bully was limping, could it be that he just broke his knee with a fan?

Just put on a show.

How can a bully be so vulnerable?Lying on the bed late at night, Shen Yutian fell asleep comfortably, Jun Xuanxiao looked at Shen Yu's quiet face, the baggy nightgown, showing delicate skin, and the sexy collarbone looming

Jun Xuanxiao sighed, and had no choice but to get up and go to the bathroom. Fortunately, Shen Yu didn't have much strength, otherwise he wouldn't even have a chance to comfort himself now. .

Roughly venting his anger, Jun Xuanxiao scooped up cold water to pour over his body, wanting to cry but without tears, he went back to bed and fell asleep. .

Shen Yu got up earlier than Jun Xuanxiao, and Jun Xuanxiao felt a little regretful. Why did he bring this pile of books home? It was like inviting a rival in love. .

"Yu'er, when I moved them away, the old academics in the academy cried terribly, as if I were kidnapping their grandson. I'd better go back after you finish reading it, so that no old man can't think about it." I'm out of breath. This stack is my collection of books from earlier years, you can take your time reading it, don't always eat and sleep, your bones are broken, I can't help you.

Jun Xuanxiao stepped out of the door and turned back, pushed the pumpkin and sea cucumber custard in front of Shen Yu, stared at him after eating, and then smiled, and went to court in peace. .

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