Silent Lover

Chapter 14 Punishment of Kneeling and Stitching

In the dead of night, the moon waterfall sprinkled on Shen Yu who was kneeling in front of the hall. He was so thin that he almost disappeared in the moonlight.

There was a cold wind, and frost hung on the grass.He was cold, sleepy and hungry, with injuries on his body, and his eyelids were as heavy as a weight, and he always wanted to close them.

It's nothing, he is the son of a slave, he has endured all kinds of cold and hunger, even at the King of Zhenbei's place, he has suffered enough torture, the princess didn't use other punishments, Shen Yu was already secretly thankful.

Shen Yu became more and more tired, his vision gradually narrowed, and his head finally hung down.

As soon as he closed his eyes, there was a stabbing pain in his left shoulder, and Shen Yu woke up suddenly.

Zhiluo was holding a two-inch long thin needle and stuck it in the bone seam of her left shoulder.

The heart-pounding pain came from his left shoulder, and Shen Yu became more awake.

"Mrs. Shen, I'm sorry. It's not the servants who use the lynching. It's the princess who doesn't let you sleep. I can't think of any tricks, so I can only use this stupid method. If you can't stand it, don't close your eyes, and you won't suffer from it." Flesh pain."

Zhiluo had a smile on her face, but the movements of her hands were vicious and vicious. She pushed in some more needles, and all of them sank into Shen Yu's flesh and blood.

Shen Yu gritted her teeth in pain, stiffened her body, pulled herself together, and tried to wake herself up.

The princess is the mistress, and Shen Yu dare not disobey the order of the mistress, which was taught by her mother since she was a child.

But it was late at night, Shen Yu's body was very weak, and he didn't have much strength to support him, and he was drowsy again.

This time, it was Shen Yu's knee that Zhi Luo attacked.

The long needle pierced through the seam of the knee, deliberately leaving half facing the ground. As long as Shen Yu's body relaxed a little, it would be squeezed to the end of the needle and penetrated deeper.

"I've said it all, if you're afraid of pain, don't sleep."

Zhiluo picked another needle and waved it in front of Shen Yu.

"It's better for the servant to help you."

The other knee was also needled in the same way.

Bean-sized beads of sweat fell from Shen Yu's temples, and he could only slightly lift his knees so as not to fall to the ground, but he couldn't avoid touching them.

King Zhenbei forced Shen Yu to drink a lot of medicinal food in order to prevent Shen Yu from fainting when he was entertaining him, so Shen Yu looked energetic every day, but in fact his body was empty.

At this critical juncture, the medicinal diet worked, and Shen Yu wished she could just pass out, but it didn't work.

"Mrs. Shen, the prince won't pay attention to the wound with a large needle hole, and you are a mute, so you won't complain to the prince, and no one will know about it, right?"

Shen Yu wanted to ask for help. In the past, his mother took pity on him, but now there is no one to protect him in the huge palace.

Shen Yu felt it was absurd. At this moment, what appeared in his mind was King Zhenbei, that terrifying and cruel man.

The whole night, Shen Yu felt that she was more painful than being skinned. The dawn sky showed a white belly, and Shen Yu didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

"Miss Zhiluo! Miss Zhiluo!" A servant girl came to report, "The lord has returned to the mansion!"

Zhiluo woke up from the princess's bed, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up, send him back, don't be caught by the prince!"

Shen Yu was sent back to his yard. He was about to fall asleep when he touched the pillow, but the door was kicked open by King Zhenbei.

Shen Yu opened his eyes with difficulty, his face was as pale as a dead man, he would die if this continues, and only King Zhenbei can save him, so he wanted to smile at King Zhenbei, but he didn't even have the strength to smile Yes, he barely hooked the corner of his mouth.

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