Silent Lover

Chapter 132 The Taste of Abandonment

Shen Yu stepped into King Zhenbei's bedroom with an emerald box, and smelled a faint smell of blood. .

Jun Xuanxiao sat on the soft mat, wearing only a thin shirt, which was attached to his slim body, and his abdomen was tied with a thick bandage, speckled with blood. .

There was a cup of green thick liquid on the low table, which was almost the same as the Gu King insect poison that Shen Yu drank.

A vague smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, and she knelt down opposite Jun Xuanxiao. .

"Yu'er, I went to the western suburbs today.

Jun Xuanxiao said abruptly, his voice was as thick and deep as ever, very masculine. .

"Meet a group of assassins, I was injured a little bit, but I killed them all... Fortunately, you didn't come to the appointment, otherwise I don't know what would have happened if you met them...

Jun Xuanxiao said to himself, his eyes seemed to be looking at Shen Yu, and it seemed to be looking further away through him.

Shen Yu raised her hand calmly, and said in sign language: "My lord, you don't have to try it out. I will lure you out of the city, so of course I won't go to the appointment.".

Jun Xuanxiao's deep eyes were condensed, and they fell on Shen Yu's face. After being slightly startled, they were filled with disbelief.

"I rushed to the western suburbs and found that you were not there. I thought something happened to you. They said that you lied to me to attend the appointment and distracted me. Don’t lie to me? Even if you casually say that you didn’t do it, I’ll believe you, won’t you even lie to me?!”.

"I don't want to deceive myself anymore." Shen Yu said calmly in sign language, "When the prince got the letter, didn't he doubt it?".

Jun Xuanxiao finally showed a sad expression. .

"Why? Why did you help them, Emperor Ye?" Jun Xuanxiao asked in pain, "Why did you betray me! Yes, I was suspicious of your motive for inviting me to the western suburbs, but I went anyway! Because I believed You will not betray me, you will not harm me!".

Shen Yu's eyes flickered for a moment, and he gestured: "Probably because of hatred.

Jun Xuanxiao knit his brows together, and he gritted his teeth hard to restrain himself from the tyrannical emotions. .

"Since when?".

Shen Yu's eyes were far away, and she said in sign language: "From the first time I entered the palace, I was blessed by the prince and broke the bones of my hand, from the time I was punished by the prince and couldn't get out of bed, from the time the prince thought Shen Yu was dirty. I once thought that Shen Yu is a human being, so he will be hurt and sad! As for the prince crushing the Linglong dice and throwing it to Emperor Ye, he originally hated it, but he didn't hate it anymore. After all, this is a drama performed by the prince. I don't know why I hated it. My lord never thought about how I survived counting the star seeds in the palace without sleep every night. My lord watched my mother being killed by Emperor Ye, and it would make me sleepless. The prince could have stopped all of this, but you didn't.

Jun Xuanxiao was speechless with every word of Shen Yu's heart. It turned out that Shen Yu's hatred for him had already been deeply rooted. The key was that all of this was deliberately arranged by him. .

You hate me so much, so much that you want to put me to death?!"

Shen Yu's throat choked up, and he gestured weakly: "Since the prince dares to go to the appointment, I know that those assassins can't kill you."

"Then why are you doing such useless work?!" Jun Xuanxiao couldn't believe it. .

"Of course it is to let the prince taste the feeling of being betrayed." Shen Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said in sign language, "The prince is in pain, so I can relax.

Seeing Shen Yu's hysterical appearance, Jun Xuanxiao's heart seemed to be roasted on the stove, annihilating him inch by inch. .

Jun Xuanxiao closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time. .

"So you secretly contacted Emperor Ye's henchmen and betrayed this king?" Jun Xuanxiao said in an unsteady voice, "If this king... really can't come back today? Are you happier? Or How many days will you be sad for this king?

Shen Yu's originally numb heart throbbed, and he gestured: "Then I will accompany you through the Huangquan Road and go to the underworld together. Anyway, I don't have much time."


Jun Xuanxiao laughed loudly, wanton and crazy. . 'It's a pity that this king came back alive, so I can't accompany you to die. "Jun Xuanxiao's eyes turned cold, without a trace of emotion, "Yu'er, I was the one who was sorry for you before, and I can tolerate that you willfully hate me and alienate me, but... I can't tolerate you betraying me!"

Shen Yu nodded calmly. Before doing these things, he had already thought about the consequences. .

"Where is the entrance to King Chu's tomb!? If you tell me, this king, I can let you live, otherwise...

Shen Yu looked down at the glass of poison on the low table, and asked in sign language: "Otherwise, this glass of poison is for me?".

Before Jun Xuanxiao could answer, Shen Yu quickly picked up the silver wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. 9

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