Silent Lover

Chapter 120 Conditions

"First, the prince is irritable and dissatisfied with his desires. I am afraid that Shen Yu will not have this blessing to enjoy it, so he will not bow down to have sex again.

The first sentence of Shen Yu's sign language made it difficult for Jun Xuanxiao to accept. Wasn't it because he liked Shen Yu that he was dissatisfied with his desires? Could it be that Shen Yu simply refused his future courtships so simply that he was not happy at all? .

Jun Xuanxiao snorted coldly and said: "This king wants to want it, but you have the final say, besides you, who else is there besides you for this king's pleasure?".

Shen Yu was no longer surprised by Jun Xuanxiao's arrogance

"There are many beautiful men and women in this world. The prince's methods are overbearing. How can he not grab them? The prince can have a few more concubines and male favourites."

Jun Xuanxiao saw that he didn't care about him at all, and looked calm and composed, so he wished he could really force him. .

"You want to hand over the king to others so much? You say."Shen Yu pursed the corners of her lips, and gestured: "My lord is really ridiculous, when did my lord ever belong to me?".


What did Jun Xuanxiao want to say, Shen Yu interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

I really don't have much strength to argue with the prince. "Shen Yu signed in boredom, "The prince just endured for a year or so... Maybe half a year is not needed, and he can get what he dreams of. ".

"Three months! This king will give you three months to cultivate!" Jun Xuanxiao said with relief. .

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment, March is not far away, and whether his body can still be happy at that time is up to him to decide, so Shen Yu nodded and agreed. He has nothing but to exchange The quietness of the next few days. .

Second, please allow me to freely enter and exit the palace without supervision. ".

Jun Xuanxiao couldn't understand what he was going to do more and more, and asked displeasedly: "Then I don't know if you want to escape?".

Shen Yu showed contempt, and gestured: "The prince has the final say in this world, where can I escape? The prince sees how far I can run with this little strength?

Jun Xuanxiao pondered for a moment. After Shen Yu had seen more, he had his own calculations, as if he wanted to get out of his control. In today's conversation, Shen Yu even had the upper hand and led him by the nose.

"If there are any other conditions, you can directly put them forward, lest you regret it in time!

Shen Yu thought carefully for a while, and said in sign language: "I can't think of anything else at the moment, and I will talk about it later. I am not like the prince who backs out. Since I agreed, I will not go back on my word."

"Okay, this king will allow you. After three months, this king will get everything you want, including the tomb of King Chu,!".

Jun Xuanxiao left with a flick of his sleeves, and Shen Yu relaxed his body. His eyes were empty, and a deep sense of lethargy and loneliness swept over his body. The palace was resplendent and spacious, and Shen Yu seemed to be alone.

It wasn't until someone approached him that Shen Yu recovered from his wandering thoughts. .

Bian Shishi's face appeared in Shen Yu's gradually clear vision. .

"Little beauty, how do you feel?".

Bian Shishi is still dressed as an ordinary doctor, carrying a medicine box, but he is thin and small, with a delicate face, such a big doctor wearing a doctor's hat, looks like a child who steals an adult's clothes. .

"Have you come to the capital too?"

Shen Yu asked politely in sign language. In fact, he knew that when he was in a coma, he heard his voice in a daze, and he saved his life again. .

"This is my hometown, alas... I got tired of staying in the wild land of the Northern Territory, so I came back with the Zhenbei Army."

Bian Shishi picked up Shen Yu's hand signal, but his black eyeballs rolled around, looking absent-minded. .

"How many times have you been poisoned?" Bian Shishi asked. .

Shen Yu compared three fingers. .

The first time was when the princess was poured with Gu Wang poison. Although Bian Shishi rescued him, the remaining poison could not be removed; the second time was before leaving the palace; The burning pain that invaded the internal organs was relieved, and when he woke up, there was only sweat all over his body and the fatigue after the toxicity subsided. .

"... After deceiving Fourteen Pinches for a long time, he said, "The interval is about four months and three months?".

Shen Yu nodded and looked at him nonchalantly, wondering why he took so long to count. .

Bian Shishi blushed, rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not very good at math, okay? Do you think everyone is as evil as you?"

Can you still be a doctor with such poor calculations?

If the dose is wrong, won't you eat the dead?

Bian Shishi looked at Shen Yu's expression, as if he could read people's thoughts, and said arrogantly:

"I'm good at abacus! You'd better worry about yourself, this poison will attack more and more frequently, and you will burp by the seventh time!".

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