Silent Lover

Chapter 118 You still love me, right?

When Shen Yu woke up from the darkness, the door was just pushed open, and a glare of sunlight came in. He lost his eyesight for a while, and it took him a while to recover. His whole body was sore and weak, and he hadn't recovered from extreme fatigue. .

It was Jun Xuanxiao who came in, the person Shen Yu didn't want to see at the moment. .

"Yu'er, how are you? Is there any pain?" Jun Xuanxiao walked to the side of the bed in a few steps, leaned down, and asked with concern...

Shen Yu looked at Jun Xuanxiao's handsome face, and was stunned for a moment before remembering what happened before she fell into a coma. .

"Where's my mother?"

Shen Yu asked in sign language, and Jun Xuanxiao could tell from his distrustful eyes that he was questioning. .

Jun Xuanxiao couldn't help feeling depressed, but seeing Shen Yu's body covered in cold sweat and collapsed, he couldn't bear to blame

"I ordered people to bury the body and buried it not far from the imperial mausoleum.

Jun Xuanxiao saw that he lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, so he immediately stopped him, not allowing him to get down. .

"Don't run around in a hurry, when you recover some strength, if you want to go to worship, I will send a carriage to take you there.

Shen Yu didn't move, he was physically and mentally exhausted now, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to reach the grave, his forehead throbbed, he smiled lightly, with a slight gloom, he really couldn't escape Jun Xuanxiao's palm, He really didn't want to be entangled with him anymore, he was very tired.

As silent as Shen Yu, Jun Xuanxiao could only read information from his expression. .

"Yu'er, I didn't kill your mother.

Shen Yu glanced at him indifferently unexpectedly, heh, when will the mighty king of Zhenbei explain himself?

"Your Majesty, you are at ease.

Shen Yu said in sign language, is there any difference between him?All his grief was personally arranged by him, and it would be too late to apologize now. .

King Zhenbei didn't understand what he meant, and repeated: "I didn't kill her, and I wouldn't kill an irrelevant woman, Yu'er, you are looking down on me.

"Underestimate? The lord is really a big face. How can I underestimate you at this moment? The world does not dare to underestimate you. How dare I underestimate the lord who can even win the throne?

After Shen Yu gestured smoothly, she turned her head away. He looked at Jun Xuanxiao now, and felt that the blood in his heart was churning, which was hard to restrain. .

"But the king did not kill her! Yu'er, let me explain to you, it is because... because I don't want you to misunderstand.".

Because Jun Xuanxiao was holding back his anger, his voice became deep and majestic. .

Shen Yu sneered, and asked in sign language: "Why does the lord ask me


Jun Xuanxiao choked, and said sullenly: "Because this king cares about you!

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth smiled even more exaggeratedly, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world. .

"Thanks to the great love of the lord, since the explanation is over, please go back." Shen Yu drove him away. .

Jun Xuanxiao frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean? You still doubt me?".

"No." Shen Yu shook her head and gestured, "I see, so is the prince at ease? The prince helped me to bury my mother's body, shouldn't he be more at ease?".

Jun Xuanxiao was so excited that he was breathing heavily, and his breath seemed to spew out fire. .

"This king is not for peace of mind!"

Jun Xuanxiao got up irritably, pacing back and forth, he suddenly felt speechless, how could Shen Yu miss him so much?

"Could it be that the prince wants me to forgive you?" Shen Yu sneered, waved his hands weakly, and then said in sign language, "Okay, I forgive you, you won't kill my mother.".

Jun Xuanxiao noticed that his attitude was weird, but he was already very satisfied if he could trust himself. Before he had time to be happy, he saw Shen Yu gesturing again. .

After all, with the lord's ingenious calculation, he will definitely let her live, so as to threaten me. '.

Jun Xuanxiao's face darkened instantly, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Did you hear my conversation with Emperor Ye in the Jinluan Palace?"

Shen Yu glanced at him lightly, and said in sign language: "I would rather not hear it, so that I would think that the prince once liked me. Although he hated me later, he still liked me a little... I lost my way in the palace that day, and bumped into the Golden Luan Hall by mistake, it seems that God is destined to wake me up.".

Jun Xuanxiao let out a long breath, and only then relieved some of the suffocation in his chest. He struggled for a while, and then admitted Xiao Xiye's words, but what Emperor Ye said was not all what he thought in his heart. .

"So you think that this king used to be hypocritical, and now he is using you to inquire about the secrets of Junshan Mausoleum?

Shen Yu didn't answer, King of Zhenbei, King of Zhenbei, it's already this time, why are you asking these nonsense?


Jun Xuanxiao grabbed a handful of hair and loosened the crown. .

"Okay, this king admits that it was within my plan to deliberately surrender you to Emperor Ye." Jun Xuanxiao said dejectedly, "But it is true that this king likes you! Even if you are not a descendant of the Yunmengchu family , this king will like you too!" o|

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment, if he wasn't from Yunmeng, maybe he and King Zhenbei wouldn't be separated, but what's the use of talking about it at this time?.

Shen Yu said in sign language: "The prince said yes, so let's have it, but compared to the prince's grand ambitions, I can give up. Why is the prince also indecisive and wants to save an abandoned child? This is not like being decisive at all. Zhenbei King."

Jun Xuanxiao's heart was surging, his throat was almost choked with anger. .

"Yu'er, I shouldn't have treated you like that." Jun Xuanxiao gritted his teeth and asked, "But can you forgive me? We can make up again, and I swear I will make it up to you. You still love me, don't you?" Heart

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