Silent Lover

Chapter 112 Seven Treasures Pagoda

Xiao Xiye's eyes flickered, and he took a sip of tea, which was already cold.

"You know I won't say yes."

Shen Yu expected it to be the same. He was rejected more than once, but still insisted on sign language: "The emperor of Junshan Mausoleum has been found, and I can't help the King of Zhenbei's rebellion. What else does the emperor want? Shen Yu agreed, as long as You let me go."

Xiao Xiye approached Shen Yu with a melancholy expression, and stroked Shen Yu's flawless white face with one hand. .

"I want you." Xiao Xiye said affectionately, Yu'er, you always feel that I am just using you, but what I want has always been you. '

Looking at his alluring red lips, Xiao Xiye felt the urge to taste them, just like at the bottom of the cliff of Langjuxu Mountain.Mouth |

Shen Yu turned her head to avoid it, and dodged back.

"This is the only thing Shen Yu can't give, the emperor forgives.".

"Why? Don't I treat you better than Jun Xuanxiao?

You can give everything for him, why don't you give your heart to me? Even a little bit!''.

With mixed emotions, Xiao Xiye hugged Shen Yu, ignored his struggle, buried his head on his neck, kissed him forcibly, absorbing the warmth and fragrance of his skin.

In desperation, Shen Yu grabbed the teacup and smashed it on the table, holding a piece of the teacup against his throat.

"Yu'er! Don't be impulsive!" Seeing that Shen Yu's eyes were red, Xiao Xiye hurriedly stopped his hands, "Okay, okay, I won't move

You... can you put things down?''.

The porcelain piece in Shen Yu's hand fell, and he gestured: "The emperor said that he would never force me.

"Okay, I will do what I say!" Xiao Xiye said sadly, "Yu'er, your hand was cut, I will cover it for you."

Shen Yu lowered his eyes and glanced at his fingers, a lot of bright red blood had already flowed out, and he didn't feel much pain. He didn't let Xiao Xiye hold his hand, and wrapped it in a handkerchief casually. .

"If the emperor has nothing else to do, please go back.".

There was alienation in Shen Yu's indifferent expression, which was a gap that Xiao Xiye would never be able to cross. .

Once upon a time, Shen Yu was a forbearing and gentle person. Xiao Xiye thought that one day he would be able to impress him. Only now did he discover the stubbornness in Shen Yu's bones. Falling in love with someone will never change, life and death will not change. .

"You... move out of the Qilin Pavilion in a few days and change to another place." Xiao Xiye said disappointedly, "Don't think too much, you have read almost all the books in the Qilin Pavilion. It is always inconvenient to read here, help me You find another place to live. …

It doesn't matter to Shen Yu, in fact, it's the same everywhere, he is always in suffering.

The residence Xiao Xiye mentioned was a pagoda that suddenly appeared in the imperial palace. .

How dare Qin Tianjian, who is ordered by the emperor, dare to neglect? He personally recruited hundreds of laborers, and within ten days, he built this Seven Treasures Pagoda in the palace. This pagoda has seven floors. It looks majestic and majestic, twice as tall as the Golden Luan Hall, and the cornices are plated with gold foil, which looks like the Buddha's light shines everywhere and saves all living beings. .

Some of the Buddha statues inside were consecrated by eminent monks, and some were snatched from the temples outside the palace.

In short, Jianzheng tried his best to fulfill the emperor's order.

When Shen Yu moved in, he put up a pergola and looked at the top of the Seven Treasures Pagoda and smiled. How could he be able to live in such a magnificent pagoda, accompanied by many Buddha statues, but he doesn't know how to knock on wooden fish and chant scriptures, I don't know Will the Buddha blame him? .

After Xiao Xiye saw his gesture, his face became weird, as if he was ashamed and angry. .

The pagoda did not arrange a maid and eunuch, but the supervisor said that he must be allowed to cleanse himself of his sins, dispel the evil spirit and evil spirit, and Dajing's catastrophe should be resolved. .

The people in the imperial palace and the capital seemed to feel much more at ease because of the Buddha suppressing the demon stars.

It's a pity that the Buddha failed to bless them. On the day when Shen Yu lived in the pagoda, the post envoy of Juyongguan reported that Juyongguan was broken, and the Zhenbei army drove straight in. They no longer had a barrier to defend. .

The only defense is probably the city wall of the capital. Unfortunately, Xiao Xiye has no troops to mobilize. Even the garrison of the capital and the guards of the imperial palace were all sent to the city tower. This is a last-ditch fight.

The people in the capital panicked. The Zhenbei Army used to guard the Northern Territory, killing the Huns and retreating steadily. They had heard about the bravery of the Zhenbei Army, but what if this iron cavalry stepped on their heads?

Listening to the sound of war drums outside the city wall, the people panicked and rioted. Some people wanted to escape from the city. The battle between King Zhenbei and Emperor Ye had nothing to do with them. They were innocent, so why should they endure this catastrophe?!

It's not them who should be damned, but the evildoer who is the culprit!

Everything is caused by beauty and misfortune. If it weren't for the evildoer who bewitched King Zhenbei to rebel and provoke the relationship between Emperor Ye and the others, how could there be today?

Xiao Xiye put on the armor himself, and stood on the tower to form a formation.

Taking advantage of the emptiness of the imperial palace, under the leadership of Qin Tianjian Jianzheng and a few respected old scholars, hundreds of people from the capital flocked to the west gate of the imperial palace, wanting to kill the demon star with their own hands, and bring peace to the world. .

Shen Yu sat on the highest floor of the Seven Treasures Pagoda, overlooking the imperial palace, with concubines, eunuchs and maids running for their lives in a panic, and even the capital could see half of it. .


It was the sound of logs hitting the door, which made the pagoda tremble slightly. .

This is the king of Zhenbei is going to attack the capital, right?

Shen Yu could hear the beating of war drums and the sound of soldiers fighting. Although he couldn't see the specific scene, there must be rivers of blood and corpses everywhere.

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