Silent Lover

Chapter 109 Demon Star

In less than half a month, the envoy sent by Emperor Ye to Yunmeng in the southern country rushed to report back, and he found Junshan Mausoleum at the bottom of the lake in Yunmengze. .

It’s just that the Junshan Mausoleum under the water cannot be entered for the time being. If it is forcibly excavated, the contents inside will be destroyed. We can only reclaim the lake and make the Junshan Mausoleum out of the water. This is not a small project. The governor of Huguang has called for it It took a lot of hard work, but it didn't happen overnight.

Emperor Ye didn't have time to be happy, he was very busy with Zhenbei Army. .

Jun Xuanxiao was captured on purpose, and successfully diverted Emperor Ye's attention, causing the Jing army to relax their defenses. By the time they found out that the Zhenbei army had quietly crossed the Yellow River and entered the hinterland of the Central Plains, it was already too late. .

After the return, Jun Xuanxiao led the Zhenbei Army for a hundred miles a day, and soon reached Juyongguan, which was only a hundred miles away from the capital. .

Emperor Ye originally thought that his 20 army could suppress the Zhenbei Army with only [-], but his illusion was crushed by the iron hoof. .

The Zhenbei Army was Dajing's trump card division. It was trained as an iron army in the Northern Territory. The highly anticipated general was vulnerable to Jun Xuanxiao's tactical ability. .

Emperor Ye no longer asked Shen Yu for advice, but Jun Xuanxiao's formation was ever-changing, and he always had the upper hand. .

Fortunately, Juyong Pass is the best pass to defend against foreign enemies, and the Zhenbei Army is temporarily blocked outside the pass. Once it is lost, I am afraid that Jun Xuanxiao will be able to go straight to the palace within seven days. .

Rumors arose in the palace, saying that Emperor Ye was bewitched by a demon, and that the demon was brought back from the northern capital of King Zhenbei. King Zhenbei was so angry that he became a beauty, so he rebelled in order to snatch the demon away. go back. .

These rumors quickly spread to every corner of the capital, and the common people and officials were heartbroken. Emperor Ye and King Zhenbei were brothers who were born and died, but they turned against each other because of a demon, and the culprit was him. With a charming male body and female appearance, there is something that can't be said, and the appearance is so charming that ordinary people will be charmed at a glance. .

Of all the ruined kings in history, which one didn't have a goblin who brought disaster to the country and the people?

As if to confirm this rumor, Qin Tianjian inspected the stars at night and found that the demon star in the north was so bright that it almost covered the light of the North Pole star. , the catastrophe of Dajing!.

Emperor Ye kicked the jailer to the ground and drove him out of the palace. .

The emperor was so obsessed with ghosts that the officials and common people in the capital jointly wrote a petition, asking the emperor to order the killing of evildoers, so that Dajing's crisis could be relieved.

Even the court ministers, even if they don't believe it, have to believe it a little bit. After all, King Zhenbei is about to hit the capital. They can't do anything other than kill evildoers to gain some sense of security and pray for God to open his eyes. . .

Emperor Ye was restless and tired every day, and only went back to the Qilin Pavilion to hide for a while at night.The dumb don't make noise and are the best listeners. .

Shen Yu turned a deaf ear to the rumors outside, except that the maids and eunuchs serving in Qilin Pavilion sometimes looked coldly at him and said some harsh words, the rumors did not have much influence on him. .

"My Majesty... I beg you to take a look at Yu'er, he hasn't closed his eyes for two days, and he just coughed up blood! If you don't help him, Yu'er dead!"

Shen Yu raised her head, it was Empress Jiang's voice, she was crying hoarsely as she knelt outside the Qilin Pavilion. .

"I'll go and come back.

Xiao Xiye threw down the sand table flag and got up, Shen Yu hesitated for a moment, and went out with him. .

Empress Jiang was holding a four or five-year-old child in her arms, wrapped tightly, only her red face was exposed, Empress Jiang was crying so much that her eyes were dazzled, she knelt on the ground and kept begging. .

Apart from a few court ladies, there was also Shen Jieyu supporting Empress Jiang. .

"Yu'er has been ill for so long, and I'm also very worried, but I'm not a doctor, those imperial doctors say it's just a cold, what's the use of you begging me?".

Empress Jiang glared at Shen Yu, and cried, "The imperial doctor said it will be fine, but Yu'er is getting worse every day. A cold has dragged on for more than a month. Look, he vomited blood just now!".

Shen Yu noticed carefully that there were still blood stains on the corners of the third prince's mouth and clothes. .

"The supervisor of Qin Tianjian said that he was suppressed by the demon star! Otherwise, how could the ordinary wind and cold not be cured?!".

"Nonsense!" Emperor Ye said angrily, "Everything is caused by demon stars, even sickness!?"

Empress Jiang pointed at Shen Yu viciously and said loudly: "The concubine is not talking nonsense! It is this goblin! Ever since he entered the palace, Yu'er has been ill. Why don't you listen to the loyal minister's heartfelt words, but be bewitched by his slander? You have to wait Will he stop after killing all your heirs?

Xiao Xiye said impatiently: "Then why are the other princes well-behaved and only Yu'er is sick?".

"The supervisor said that Yu'er's name has violated the demon star! This scourge will kill my son first... Empress Jiang's hair is messy, and her face is pressed against the third prince's tears.

Xiao Xiye was stunned, and silently said "Yu'er, Yu'er", there was a slight change in his eyes, seeing Empress Jiang crying so miserably as a mother, after all, she couldn't bear it. .

"Maybe it's just a coincidence...he wants to reduce his fever, so don't wrap Yu'er in so many clothes.

Xiao Xiye lost the confidence to speak, walked over to check the third prince's face, and suddenly withdrew his hand quickly. .

The third prince has lost his breath.

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