Silent Lover

Chapter 107 Humiliation?

The gasp of the two lasted for a long time. .

Shen Yu's head was blank, and she couldn't move her tired and empty body for a long time, so she just sat on Jun Xuanxiao's body to rest and recover her strength, then raised her head and raised the left corner of her mouth at Jun Xuanxiao, smiling slyly and wickedly. .

Shen Yu stretched out her slender fingers, scraped some milky white liquid on Jun Xuanxiao's chest, and quickly wiped it on Jun Xuanxiao's lips. .


Jun Xuanxiao was enjoying the aftertaste of joy, but he didn't expect Shen Yu to come up with this trick. He sat up angrily, wiped the mucus on his lips, his eyes widened and he almost wanted to kill someone!.

When he spat out the residue, he tasted a salty taste, which humiliated him more than any offense!.

How dare Shen Yu do this!.

Shen Yu only sneered, left Jun Xuanxiao's body, and then endured the pain, his legs were still trembling weakly, and there was a bloodstain slowly flowing down from the root of his thigh, but he pretended to put on his clothes as if nothing had happened .

The movements are smooth and flowing, like a romantic young man who is used to going in and out of brothels, and then he picks up Jun Xuanxiao's clothes and throws them on his naked body, which is very similar to the attitude of King Zhenbei towards him afterwards. .

Jun Xuanxiao was still in a rage, Shen Yu had already finished his movements, and then neatly put on his shoes and socks and got off the straw mat. .

Jun Xuanxiao was so angry that his teeth were itching, he rushed over, pulled Shen Yu back, and pressed him down. .

What do you mean? Take have fun with me?".

Jun Xuanxiao was panting like a bull, with a fierce expression on his face. .Shen Yu's face was flushed abnormally. He would not be intimidated by King Zhenbei's lust, so he pretended to gesture easily. .

"Why not? You are not a noble prince now, but a prisoner in the sky prison. Being a sex slave once is not an insult to you. I am very satisfied, but I forgot to bring silver

Seeing the sarcasm at the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, Jun Xuanxiao was furious, and grabbed his throat, his fingers were shaped like eagle claws, embedded in Shen Yu's flesh. .

Shen Yu's face was flushed instantly, but the smile on his face remained stubborn and refused to change. .

Jun Xuanxiao finally let go, and said slyly: "Don't think that you can anger and humiliate me just by doing this, you are the one who is making love under my king's crotch, if you suffer once, you will never be able to turn over again, hmph.

Shen Yu waited for the blood on his face to fade before he recovered, and gestured: "Thank you for not killing me, I don't have any money, but I will reward you with something.

Shen Yu threw something out of his sleeve, and then walked out of the prison without looking back, seemingly unrestrained, but actually limping even when he stepped. .

Jun Xuanxiao caught it and saw that it was a key. The tooth shape was obviously used to open the shackles on his hands and feet, Jun Xuanxiao's pupils constricted.


Shen Yu was powerless to entangle with Jun Xuanxiao any more, he had already made a decision, and he just assumed that they would never see each other again in this life.

When Shen Yu walked out of the prison where King Zhenbei was imprisoned, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. .

At some point, all the guards guarding the sky prison had fallen down. A few people in the same costumes as the jailers, holding swords, cleaned up one by one, wiped the unconscious man's neck, blood spattered, and killed one by one in unconsciousness. disappear. .

This is... what happened?!.

Shen Yu looked at the corpses, his body stiffened, and the people holding the swords saw that he didn't respond, and they were still doing their own things. .


A palm was patted on his shoulder, and Shen Yu was startled, but when she turned around, it was Jun Xuanxiao who had escaped from trouble. .

Did Jun Xuanxiao bribe these jailers? Is this a long-planned robbery?

"They were originally my king's people." Jun Xuanxiao explained Shen Yu's doubts, "otherwise, how dare this king come to the prison?".

Shen Yu opened his mouth, unable to calm down for a long time, King Zhenbei was more profound and far-sighted than he imagined.

It turns out that even his capture is something within his control? Why did he do this?

Shen Yu's lips turned white, and he gestured weakly: "It seems that I tried my best to steal Emperor Ye's key, but it was just unnecessary, you don't need my rescue at all.

Shen Yu felt a deep sense of frustration. Originally, he wanted to humiliate King Zhenbei, but in front of him, it was childish and ridiculous.

"No matter how much you tried to humiliate me just now, this king will keep your intentions in mind, and I won't care about you."

Jun Xuanxiao pondered for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, he put his hands on Shen Yu's shoulders. .

"Yu'er, can you go with me?"

Shen Yu looked at his eyes as deep as a valley, and behind them were his thoughts, emotions, and anger that he would never be able to guess.Shen Yu later found out that Jun Xuanxiao's question was a rare discovery of his conscience, and it was also one of the few times that his hard-hearted heart was touched because he stole the key. .

Unfortunately, he shook his head and refused.old

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