"Hey, Roma-chan, come away with me, okay?"

"Roma sauce, run away!!"

Outside her room, a man wearing stockings was talking to her through the door and window. It was Tuwais. He was in a very bad state recently, and his schizophrenia had affected his daily words and deeds. That's why he had a serious conflict with Sigangmuhang .

"I can't go out, my father said that I can only listen to him this holiday." Roma said.

"Karaki is crazy! He's just using us! Using you! He's going to kill us all!"

"Your father doesn't love you, poor little cutie~~~"

Tuwais always talks incoherently and inconsistently, which is due to the division, and everyone is used to it.

"I secretly got the key to the factory, let's go there together, and you will be free from your father's control~"

"Master the core technology! Brainless rule the world!"


Then, there was a brainless street incident.

The whole city was torrentially raining, but the blazing fire seemed to be indestructible. The cold rain blew on Izuku Lvgu's face with the night wind, and the feeling of weightlessness in the air made his stomach convulse.

"Rom...! Isn't this too high?!" Lu Gu was grabbed by her, and he almost didn't dare to look down. This can reach the same height as the air wave generated by 100% ofa, but he is not in the cover state now, It is inevitable to produce the physiological reaction of ordinary people.

"If it's not that high, you'll be seen." Rom said, glanced at him sideways, and suddenly let go.


As soon as Green Valley yelled, Rom moved his hand, and the cold skin touched his arm, and his fingers wrapped around his hand, interlocking with his.

His body temperature passed over, and for a moment Rom's cold, stone-like skin also had the illusion of temperature.

"Rom, you really can fly! It's amazing, how did you do it without wings?"

As soon as Green Valley finished speaking, Roma spread out a pair of white wings from the gap between his shoulder blades, like the wings of an angel standing out in the rainy night.

"..." Green Valley once again lost the ability to think.

He touched the snow-white feather in disbelief, which was different from Hawks, the winged hero, and also different from the feathers of the bird that was always stepping in the shade. It had no temperature, cold, and lifeless touch.

Green Valley withdrew his hand and turned his gaze to the approaching scene of the rape.

Although Roma no longer had any scruples about Green Valley, he folded his wings in good time when he was about to land.

Wherever he went, there was already a sea of ​​flames, and there were police cars and people crying everywhere. As soon as Green Valley landed, he wanted to join the evacuation team. A policeman recognized him: "Are you a puppet? We can do it, you go over there and help the professional heroes!"

"Yes!" Green Valley was about to rush forward, but when he remembered something, he turned around and said to Roma, "You don't have a temporary license yet, so you can't use your personality at will. You stay here to help the police uncles!"

"No, I want to go with you." Rom grabbed him tightly, "And you're not wearing a battle suit, it's too dangerous to go there like this."

Lu Gu couldn't help her: "Then you have to remember, no matter what happens, the most important thing is to protect yourself!"

Roman just nodded.The two of them ran against the crowd to the ** center together, during which time Green Valley received a call from All Might.

"What did you say? Brainless?!"

Green Valley shouted in disbelief, not noticing that Rom's body stiffened beside him.

"Hmm...Understood! I'll go to support right away! Don't worry!...Mmm!"

Green Valley hung up the phone, and said solemnly: "Those monsters have come out, Rom, you must be careful!"

Rom looked at him slowly: "...monster?"

"Well, yes!" Green Valley turned his head and nodded at her, but didn't notice anything. "The monster that is a special product of the Brain Wu is an enemy alliance. It has no humanity at all. It is very scary and difficult to deal with!"

Rom asked in a low voice, "You hate brains?"

"There's nothing you don't like, that kind of monster shouldn't exist in this world!"

Rom stopped in his tracks.

"Rom? ... What's wrong?"

Green Valley also had to stop, but before she had time to see the possible emotions in her eyes, the wailing from the other side took his attention.


"I'm coming!" Green Valley roared forward, then turned to Rom and said, "Rom, it's too dangerous over there, you'd better stay and wait for me!"

Green Valley rushed into the scene after speaking.Brainless has not appeared in the public eye for a long time since the enemy alliance disappeared. Now I heard that a bunch of them came all at once, and they are scattered in different neighborhoods. Maybe there are remnants of the enemy alliance in there.

There are different varieties of Brainless, and it has been created to rival 100% All Might, and the evolutionary version of Brainless that can't be beaten to death even if it can talk makes Andeva blind one eye.

Will there be something new this time?

The heavy rain made all actions very difficult. Currently there is a giant brainless in sight, and Green Valley can only see the naked.On the exposed cerebral cortex, two or three heroes are fighting stalemate, but they are still at a disadvantage.

Green Valley immediately concentrated on OFA's full coverage, punched and swiped over, and rescued a heroine who was almost crushed by Brainless at the very moment.

"Are you okay?!"

"Be careful... this thing is too... strong..." the heroine was in shock before she finished speaking.

Green Valley quickly sent her to the side of the medical team, and immediately joined the battle.

But the situation was even worse than he thought, the heroes were all seriously injured, bloodstains were everywhere on the ground, and all effective and ineffective attacks were absorbed by it, unable to cause substantial damage at all, let alone kill them. it!

Green Valley knows that this is not the only one, and he is also very worried about the situation on the other side, but right now he can only concentrate on dealing with the one in front of him, he is constantly deploying the power of ofa, he has all the scruples, and the observation period. Throw it away, there is no need to worry about this kind of man-made monster that violates human common sense!

One punch is useless?Then ten punches, one hundred punches... 5%, 8%, 20% is his current limit, and without Eri's backtracking bonus, 100% will smash him to pieces.

But is 20% enough?Can it reach the absorption limit of this brain?


Muscles start to twitch and the brain starts to starve of oxygen.

He has already surpassed 20%.

Fighting beyond the limit is already instinctive. He wants to become a great hero. He wants to save others and drive away evil with a smile. He doesn't want to be like the night of the Kira incident, powerless and can only watch everything happen.

But the inescapable reality is always difficult.

His companions had all fallen down. During the one-on-one battle between Lugu and Naowu, a shattering blow hit his chest. He flew back far away and heard his head hit. There was a thud against the wall, the glass was deformed and several shards fell, scattered on the floor behind him.

The brain immediately overtook him, and its huge foot stepped heavily on his thigh. Without the protection of the battle suit, he could hear the disgusting cracking sound.


In addition to the pain in his leg, he felt the sharp sting of glass piercing into his scalp, and a warm liquid ran from his hair at an alarming rate, soaking the skin on his shoulder very quickly. T-shirt, dripping on the wet floor.

What is this pain?Green Valley tried to resist, but the strength of the brain was still astonishing, and the previous attack did not even cause the slightest damage to it.

It's All Might and Andva both tricky brains,

He is not even an official professional hero now, let alone calling the next generation a "symbol of peace"?

At this moment, Green Valley just wants to grow up overnight and become a superhero who is strong enough to protect anyone.

Hateful Hateful Hateful!

That insanity increased the strength under his feet, and a piercing pain pressed from his shoulder blades to his ribs. Green Valley clearly heard the sound of bones breaking in his chest cavity. After hearing the brainless roar that almost shattered his eardrums, his consciousness began to faint, and everything in his sight began to spin crazily like a washing machine spinning a drum...

bang dong——

There was an incredible tremor on the ground.

It was followed by another roar, a roar that was deeper than the top of the head, full of fury.

The weight suppressed on his body was suddenly removed, and Lu Gu opened his eyes blurred by the rain and blood, and saw a familiar long silver hair.

The author has something to say:

see you tomorrow

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