[Tutorial] The so-called love and kill
Chapter 13 Balian
<Recorded content>【Singing to be fixed キラククター】
01: ILSOLE (私は阳光)/ルッスーリア (CV: Yuzawa Koichiro)
02: 雷撃のレヴィ/レヴィアタン (CV: Hiroto Nakano)
03: Arashi no Prince / Bell Fegoll (CV: Fujiwara Yuki)
04: Soul Song (レクイエム) の雨/Sスクアーロ (CV: Takahashi Hiroki)
05: Magic アルコバレーノ/マーモン (CV: Rumi Shishido)
06: ゴーラモスカ/(Instrumental)
07: Kua り 高き anger (いかり) / XANXUS (CV: Ikeda Masanori)
のAll 7 songs
XANXUS character song
Kua ri high ki anger
Kua ri high ki anger / XANXUS (Ikeda Masanori)
Lyricist: Hideki Mitsui Composer: Hiroyuki Kazumi Arranger: Hiroyuki Kazumi
Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!イメージホング-THEVARIASONGS
Chong め た て ろ respect し ろ Chong 拝 し ろ exclamation し ろ (compliment, admire, worship, sigh)
Anger の火恐りの暴発恩悪の野望
オレは真の推者になる (I will be the true successor)
Despair しろ震え上がれ horror しろ覚望しろ (Despair, tremble, fear, awaken)
Yan の Iron Hammer お前らとは格が运う (The iron hammer of Yan is different from your level)
カスはオレを崇めたてればいい (as long as the trash compliments me, it is fine)
(XANXUS) Whoever follows Xu さぬ 高き善り (How many people follow does not allow unattainable pride)
(XANXUS) Who もか悲える Passionate (The Passion that Anyone Fears)
Amplified する恐りと忍志のこもったoul(Amplified anger and a soul full of obsession)
Despair にひれ volt せ 救いの手はどこにもない火が焼き死くす (kneel down in despair, no one will save you, the flame will burn everything)
Revenge しろ Obliteration しろ Reverse 発しろ Revenge しろ
Farewell の 一撃鬼魔する空は灰にしてやる
Enemy は全て批别やしにする (Eradicate all enemies)
(XANXUS) Bound する大いなる黑黑黑黑の门 (The bounded giant chaos connects the door of darkness)
(XANXUS) who も が fear す る passion (passion that everyone fears)
Fury が火え立 つこの血に宿りしsecret が (The secret hidden in my blood is burning anger)
全てを灭ぼす题に军边する力(the power to destroy everything at the apex)
Amplified する恐りと忍志のこもったoul(Amplified anger and a soul full of obsession)
Despair にひれ volt せ 救いの手はどこにもない火が焼き死くす (kneel down in despair, no one will save you, the flame will burn everything)
Squalo character song
Requiem の Rain
Rain of Requiem
Darkness will tear it apart the fangs of the blast
Shadow (かげ) Entangled (まと) IしBlood of Blood
The shadows veiled him with blood
Destiny to fight
もうwho も stop (とめ) られはしない
no one can stop
The whirlwind cries out for despair
Dakong (そら) Zero (こぼ) れし真如 (いつわり) の雨よ
The sky is filled with hypocritical rain
fighting is bloody
behind me
dead bodies behind me
Far い tomorrow の memory そ の anger (いかり) boast ごごとく
The memory of the distant tomorrow that anger is like pride
far い yesterday の oath い お お つ い て い く と decision めた
The oath of the distant yesterday, I decided to follow you
Abyss (よる) stupid (うごめ) く恨しみのblock (かい
The abyss sloshes the shards of hate
Dark sound (こえ) 嗫 (ささや) く tragic (かなしみ) の mourning (うた) を
the voice whispers a mournful lament
The battle never ends
Suppression (とま) ったら鲜 (おれ) は生きられぬ
Sharks can't live without stopping
Far い tomorrow の memory battle field に 流れた blood tide (いのち)
The memory of the distant tomorrow the blood that flows on the battlefield
Far い Yesterday の Oath い Wash い Flow す Requiem Song (レズイエム) の雨
The oath of the distant yesterday was washed away by the rain of the soul song
Far い tomorrow の memory そ の anger (いかり) boast ごごとく
The memory of the distant tomorrow that anger is like pride
far い yesterday の oath い お お つ い て い く と decision めた
The oath of the distant yesterday, I decided to follow you
Belphegor character song
Arashi no Prince
Belfegor (Fujiwara Yuuki)
sharp light/sharp light
Universe を dance い dance り / dance universe
Lan を move く / draw a storm
Prince だもん / I am the prince
Duanmomoを闻くのが好きさ/I like to listen to the pain of dying
お前の鲁切り切むよ/Chop up your soul
ヴァリアー1の/VARIA's first
冴えた戦闘センス / Familiar with the feeling of fighting
Prince the Ripper
Date じゃないさ/It's not a decoration
Royal Familyの圣なる血流してごらん/Looking at the royal family's holy blood flowing out
Crimson の Excitement Su る / Crimson throbbing revival
Cruel なオレの技/My cruel moves
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
cold light/cold light
お前追い问る / chasing you
Nu Tao の Shi Hang け / is the organ of Nu Tao
Genius だもん / I'm a genius
Negative けだけはけして / only failure
Recognize めはしない / Absolutely do not agree
Prince's Instinct/Prince's Instinct
Sheng つのはオレ/Victory only belongs to me
Mafia's Heart/Killer's Heart
Horror に染めあげるよ / infected with fear
オレのことさ/Just talking about me
ドクドクが死まらないよみがえってくる / The unstoppable flow of blood is about to awaken
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
Cruel na sex (さ が) が / cruel nature
no mercy na longing / longing without mercy
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
cruelty na sex ga / brutal nature
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
Royal Familyの圣なる血流してごらん/Looking at the royal family's holy blood flowing out
Crimson の Excitement Su る / Crimson throbbing revival
no mercy na longing / longing without mercy
ドクドクが死まらないよみがえってくる / The unstoppable flow of blood is about to awaken
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
Cruel na sex (さ が) が / cruel nature
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
Marmon character song
phantom alcobaleno
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
rich guys come to me
I'll take all your money
dream no ある slave は みんなボクのところにおいで
All dreamers come to me
I'd turn all that stuff into phantoms
fear garu ko to nante nai yo
see せ て あ げ る false あ ふ れ た world
not scary at all
Let me show you this whole world of lies
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
friendship も effort も phantom
Friendship and hard work are illusions
Glory is also illusory, and if you sink in, to that pleasure
It's useless to resist
Come to me all the silly looking guys
I'll make you look more stupid
Come to me everyone who fears the curse
show you how hard i work
Cursed Baby Rainbow Babies
Pacifiers are the proof
Kua Rika Ke Zhan U Ha Yu Ka
It's foolish to bet on a battle of pride
For combat the reward is everything
the same life repeated
no matter how many times if it's a curse
To break free so I have to collect money
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
friendship も effort も phantom
Friendship and hard work are illusions
Glory is also illusory, and if you sink in, to that pleasure
It's useless to resist
ILSOLE (private は sun)]
[ar: ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)]
[al: Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!キャラクターホルバム-THEVARIASONGS]
[by: SACO.REI]
ILSOLE (私は阳光)-ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)
Poetry: Hideki Mitsui Composer: Hiroyuki Kazumi Arranger: Hiroyuki Kazumi
Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!
Big empty ga collapse れ ちたとしても【Even if the sky collapses and collapses】
世界が黑に包まれたとしても【Even if the world is shrouded in darkness】
そんなことはどうでもいいわ 【This kind of thing doesn't matter】
自が你方を守ってあげる 【I will protect you】
Private ILSOLE (イルソーレ) [I am ILSOLE]
冻りついたこころのキズ落かしてあげる 【melt your frozen wounded heart】
Eternal (とわ)の爱でわたしあなた【With eternal love】
抱きしめてあげる【Come and hug you】
爱あふれる朝を生むわYoufangのために【The overflowing love gave birth to the morning, it was for you】
明るく强く照らしてあげる 【Bright and strong to shine on you】
热い光吉方を包み込む【Surround you with scorching light】
Adversity を Jump ね Return そうとしても【Even if you can overthrow the adversity】
あきらめず何立立ち上がってきても【Even if you don’t give up, you have to stand up a few times】
そんなことはどうでもいいわ 【This kind of thing doesn't matter】
Private が Your Party に Despair あげる Private ILSOLE [I will give you despair, I am ILSOLE]
死ち果てた冷たくて动かない身身(からだ)【The body that has been rotten and cold and unable to move】
The ultimate の body beauty private の ideal【The ultimate beautiful body is my ideal】
おなりなさい今すぐに私のコレクション 【Now please become my collection immediately】
Resist は无駄吉方怪めに【Your miserable resistance is useless】
そうひれvoltすひれvoltすひれvoltすの~【To kneel and kneel down】
冻りついたこころのキズ落かしてあげる 【To melt the frozen injured heart for you】
Eternal の爱でわたしあなた【With eternal love】
抱きしめてあげる【Come and hug you】
Love あふれる Asahi む む わ【The overflowing love gave birth to the morning】
Your side の ため に Your side の ために 【That's for you】
明るく强く照らしてあげる 【Bright and strong to shine on you】
热い光吉方を包み込む【Surround you with scorching light】
ILSOLE (私は阳光)/ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)
Gola Moska
Destruction の Black Cloud (It's pure music is very good)
Lightning Strike のレヴィ [Lightning Strike Levi]
Electric shock deenemy wo annihilation (せんめつ)
Annihilate the enemy with a lightning strike
yes i am levitan
I only keep the trust of the BOSS
this is all
The Eight Parabolas Behind Lao Tzu
No matter where you go, I won't let you escape
Thunder Boom くその一次一撃一撃刀杀のレヴィ·ボルタ
Levitan, the one-hit-killer at this moment, bursts of thunder
I don't allow anyone to insult the BOSS, even if it's a friend, I want to destroy you
さあこのオレをほめてくれボス忠义こそ最上の悦 (よろこ)び
Come on, praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
Thunder team rate い て collapse (つ ぶ) す
lead the thunderbolts
crush any opponent
target は weak person deあっても
The target will not forgive even the weak
forgiveness しない cold will
calm and clear will
Slicing Vanguard breaks through obstacles and tricks enemies by sneaking around
Who ni も evil devil は さ せ は し な い さ flashing stone fire で mission fulfilled
Don't let anyone hinder me from completing the task like a flash
Absolute Service
Absolutely obey the expectations of the boss even if there is only one arm left
さあこのオレをほめてくれボス忠义こそ最上の悦 (よろこ)び
Come on, praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
オレのposition を threat (おびや) かす slave は who deあろうと干散らしてやる
Anyone who threatens Lao Tzu's status will be kicked away
Praise me again Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
The eight parabolas behind me
No matter where you go, I won't let you escape
Thunder Boom くその一次一撃一撃刀杀のレヴィ·ボルタ
Levitan, the one-hit-killer at this moment, bursts of thunder
Absolute Service
Absolutely obey the expectations of the boss even if there is only one arm left
Come on, come and praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
Anyone who threatens Lao Tzu's status will be kicked away
Praise me again Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
yes pleasure
yes pleasure
Lyricist: Yuka-ri
Composer/Arranger: Yokoyama Takashi
Vocals: Kuni Yuki
リアル fantasy deceitful pleasure / reality fantasy deceptive pleasure
クセになるチカラ turns って/addiction into strength
I'matopmagician./I'm a top illusionist
自由にグシャグシャですよ/Free and comfortable wet
まっすぐなんかじゃInstakill desu/The straightforward guy instakill
热を冷まして暴れましょう/Calm down and make a fuss
Crimson forest はミーのワンダーランド / Crimson forest is me's paradise
ねぇあっちにもこっちにもいるよ/Here and there
ミーだらけ/me can be everywhere
游びにおいでよたーのワンダーランド / Hurry up and play to me's paradise
ホンモノはどれだ? /Who is the real illusionist?
明がけで见つけて / Bet your life to decide the outcome
Sibia?Unreasonable to be overly emotional/severe?Actually unreasonable and excessive
Simple な先生把って/Simple seniors are very good at inciting
I'matopmagician/Because I'm a top illusionist
Freedom に に に に に に に ド ド ロ で す よ
ボンヤリしてたら未わりますよ/Absent-minded will be finished
ホッとしないで惊れましょう / Don't sigh and make a fuss
Bloody forest は ミーのワンダーランド/The blood-stained forest is my paradise
ねぇ追いついてに银のナイフを in the back
游んであげるよみーのワンダーランド / Let's have fun in this paradise of me
ホンモノのリアル? / The real illusionist's reality?
明がけで见つけて / Bet your life to find it
Crimson forest はミーのワンダーランド / Crimson forest is me's paradise
ねぇあっちにもこっちにもいるよ/Here and there
ミーだらけ/me can be everywhere
游びにおいでよたーのワンダーランド / Hurry up and play to me's paradise
Tattalatta-ver.variaCV: Ikeda Masanori, Takahashi Hiroki, Fujiwara Yuki, Kunitachi Yuki)
XS: Hahahaha...
B: Hee hee hee...
F: Gorgeous pure land——[What a beautiful sky——]
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: Latta! !
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: Latta! !
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: latta
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
Everyone: Today も Tomorrow も... tattalatta! ! [Whether it's today or tomorrow... tattalatta! ! 】
X: Battery cut れたら动けない【If the battery is dead, you can’t move】
S: 锖ひづいたら前にも进めない [If the gears are rusted, they won’t work]
B: それとは见うんだボクたちは【Or we are different from each other】
F: ナンダカンダ梦もたくさんあゐ [There are also various dreams]
All members: Today is も楽しく行さたいね [I want to spend a happy time today too]
Tattalatta happy na Tattalatta Nakama たち【Tattalatta happy tattalatta friends】
F: 目指す地方はここで终わりじゃないよ【Our goal doesn’t end here】
All members: tattalatta briskに [tattalatta brisk and lively]
B: ワンツ-STEP 跟んで【onetwo stepping on footsteps】
S: Slap め梦とか望望も【To catch dreams and hopes】
X: ぜんぶぜんぶ味方にっけてやゐ 【All become partners】
All members: lala...lala...lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala (B: hee hee hee hee)
BF: Yatta! !
X: latta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
S: yattatta, latta, latta
BF: Yatta! !
X: lattatta, latta, latta
BF: Tatta! !
S: yatta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
X: latta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
S: yattatta, latta, latta
Everyone: Today も Tomorrow も... tattalatta! ! [Whether it's today or tomorrow... tattalatta! ! 】
X: 心なくしちゃ语れない [Without sympathy, you cannot talk]
S: 立ち做まれば何も初まんない【If you don’t move forward, you can’t start】
B: そんなの知ってんのボクたちは【We who already understood those things】
F: イッチョマエの恋もたまにはして [Occasionally, I also talk about a love that I admit]
All members: Tomorrow もハチャメチャしてないね [I want to spend tomorrow as I like]
Tattalatta happy na Tattalatta Nakama たち【Tattalatta happy tattalatta friends】
F: 目指す地方はここで终わりじゃないよ【Our goal doesn’t end here】
All members: tattalatta briskに [tattalatta brisk and lively]
B: ワンツ-STEP 跟んで【onetwo stepping on footsteps】
S: Slap め梦とか望望も【To catch dreams and hopes】
X: ぜんぶぜんぶ味方にっけてやゐ 【All become partners】
All staff: lala...
F: Lala?
All staff: lalalalalalalalalalalala (B: xixixixi...)
01: ILSOLE (私は阳光)/ルッスーリア (CV: Yuzawa Koichiro)
02: 雷撃のレヴィ/レヴィアタン (CV: Hiroto Nakano)
03: Arashi no Prince / Bell Fegoll (CV: Fujiwara Yuki)
04: Soul Song (レクイエム) の雨/Sスクアーロ (CV: Takahashi Hiroki)
05: Magic アルコバレーノ/マーモン (CV: Rumi Shishido)
06: ゴーラモスカ/(Instrumental)
07: Kua り 高き anger (いかり) / XANXUS (CV: Ikeda Masanori)
のAll 7 songs
XANXUS character song
Kua ri high ki anger
Kua ri high ki anger / XANXUS (Ikeda Masanori)
Lyricist: Hideki Mitsui Composer: Hiroyuki Kazumi Arranger: Hiroyuki Kazumi
Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!イメージホング-THEVARIASONGS
Chong め た て ろ respect し ろ Chong 拝 し ろ exclamation し ろ (compliment, admire, worship, sigh)
Anger の火恐りの暴発恩悪の野望
オレは真の推者になる (I will be the true successor)
Despair しろ震え上がれ horror しろ覚望しろ (Despair, tremble, fear, awaken)
Yan の Iron Hammer お前らとは格が运う (The iron hammer of Yan is different from your level)
カスはオレを崇めたてればいい (as long as the trash compliments me, it is fine)
(XANXUS) Whoever follows Xu さぬ 高き善り (How many people follow does not allow unattainable pride)
(XANXUS) Who もか悲える Passionate (The Passion that Anyone Fears)
Amplified する恐りと忍志のこもったoul(Amplified anger and a soul full of obsession)
Despair にひれ volt せ 救いの手はどこにもない火が焼き死くす (kneel down in despair, no one will save you, the flame will burn everything)
Revenge しろ Obliteration しろ Reverse 発しろ Revenge しろ
Farewell の 一撃鬼魔する空は灰にしてやる
Enemy は全て批别やしにする (Eradicate all enemies)
(XANXUS) Bound する大いなる黑黑黑黑の门 (The bounded giant chaos connects the door of darkness)
(XANXUS) who も が fear す る passion (passion that everyone fears)
Fury が火え立 つこの血に宿りしsecret が (The secret hidden in my blood is burning anger)
全てを灭ぼす题に军边する力(the power to destroy everything at the apex)
Amplified する恐りと忍志のこもったoul(Amplified anger and a soul full of obsession)
Despair にひれ volt せ 救いの手はどこにもない火が焼き死くす (kneel down in despair, no one will save you, the flame will burn everything)
Squalo character song
Requiem の Rain
Rain of Requiem
Darkness will tear it apart the fangs of the blast
Shadow (かげ) Entangled (まと) IしBlood of Blood
The shadows veiled him with blood
Destiny to fight
もうwho も stop (とめ) られはしない
no one can stop
The whirlwind cries out for despair
Dakong (そら) Zero (こぼ) れし真如 (いつわり) の雨よ
The sky is filled with hypocritical rain
fighting is bloody
behind me
dead bodies behind me
Far い tomorrow の memory そ の anger (いかり) boast ごごとく
The memory of the distant tomorrow that anger is like pride
far い yesterday の oath い お お つ い て い く と decision めた
The oath of the distant yesterday, I decided to follow you
Abyss (よる) stupid (うごめ) く恨しみのblock (かい
The abyss sloshes the shards of hate
Dark sound (こえ) 嗫 (ささや) く tragic (かなしみ) の mourning (うた) を
the voice whispers a mournful lament
The battle never ends
Suppression (とま) ったら鲜 (おれ) は生きられぬ
Sharks can't live without stopping
Far い tomorrow の memory battle field に 流れた blood tide (いのち)
The memory of the distant tomorrow the blood that flows on the battlefield
Far い Yesterday の Oath い Wash い Flow す Requiem Song (レズイエム) の雨
The oath of the distant yesterday was washed away by the rain of the soul song
Far い tomorrow の memory そ の anger (いかり) boast ごごとく
The memory of the distant tomorrow that anger is like pride
far い yesterday の oath い お お つ い て い く と decision めた
The oath of the distant yesterday, I decided to follow you
Belphegor character song
Arashi no Prince
Belfegor (Fujiwara Yuuki)
sharp light/sharp light
Universe を dance い dance り / dance universe
Lan を move く / draw a storm
Prince だもん / I am the prince
Duanmomoを闻くのが好きさ/I like to listen to the pain of dying
お前の鲁切り切むよ/Chop up your soul
ヴァリアー1の/VARIA's first
冴えた戦闘センス / Familiar with the feeling of fighting
Prince the Ripper
Date じゃないさ/It's not a decoration
Royal Familyの圣なる血流してごらん/Looking at the royal family's holy blood flowing out
Crimson の Excitement Su る / Crimson throbbing revival
Cruel なオレの技/My cruel moves
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
cold light/cold light
お前追い问る / chasing you
Nu Tao の Shi Hang け / is the organ of Nu Tao
Genius だもん / I'm a genius
Negative けだけはけして / only failure
Recognize めはしない / Absolutely do not agree
Prince's Instinct/Prince's Instinct
Sheng つのはオレ/Victory only belongs to me
Mafia's Heart/Killer's Heart
Horror に染めあげるよ / infected with fear
オレのことさ/Just talking about me
ドクドクが死まらないよみがえってくる / The unstoppable flow of blood is about to awaken
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
Cruel na sex (さ が) が / cruel nature
no mercy na longing / longing without mercy
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
cruelty na sex ga / brutal nature
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
Royal Familyの圣なる血流してごらん/Looking at the royal family's holy blood flowing out
Crimson の Excitement Su る / Crimson throbbing revival
no mercy na longing / longing without mercy
ドクドクが死まらないよみがえってくる / The unstoppable flow of blood is about to awaken
Innocent 気なむきだしの / innocent exposure
Cruel na sex (さ が) が / cruel nature
この世界何もかも切り切む/Chop up everything in this world
Marmon character song
phantom alcobaleno
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
rich guys come to me
I'll take all your money
dream no ある slave は みんなボクのところにおいで
All dreamers come to me
I'd turn all that stuff into phantoms
fear garu ko to nante nai yo
see せ て あ げ る false あ ふ れ た world
not scary at all
Let me show you this whole world of lies
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
friendship も effort も phantom
Friendship and hard work are illusions
Glory is also illusory, and if you sink in, to that pleasure
It's useless to resist
Come to me all the silly looking guys
I'll make you look more stupid
Come to me everyone who fears the curse
show you how hard i work
Cursed Baby Rainbow Babies
Pacifiers are the proof
Kua Rika Ke Zhan U Ha Yu Ka
It's foolish to bet on a battle of pride
For combat the reward is everything
the same life repeated
no matter how many times if it's a curse
To break free so I have to collect money
friendship も hard work もいらない
No friendship or effort needed
Glory is something that can be bought with money
friendship も effort も phantom
Friendship and hard work are illusions
Glory is also illusory, and if you sink in, to that pleasure
It's useless to resist
ILSOLE (private は sun)]
[ar: ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)]
[al: Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!キャラクターホルバム-THEVARIASONGS]
[by: SACO.REI]
ILSOLE (私は阳光)-ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)
Poetry: Hideki Mitsui Composer: Hiroyuki Kazumi Arranger: Hiroyuki Kazumi
Tutor ヒットマン REBORN!
Big empty ga collapse れ ちたとしても【Even if the sky collapses and collapses】
世界が黑に包まれたとしても【Even if the world is shrouded in darkness】
そんなことはどうでもいいわ 【This kind of thing doesn't matter】
自が你方を守ってあげる 【I will protect you】
Private ILSOLE (イルソーレ) [I am ILSOLE]
冻りついたこころのキズ落かしてあげる 【melt your frozen wounded heart】
Eternal (とわ)の爱でわたしあなた【With eternal love】
抱きしめてあげる【Come and hug you】
爱あふれる朝を生むわYoufangのために【The overflowing love gave birth to the morning, it was for you】
明るく强く照らしてあげる 【Bright and strong to shine on you】
热い光吉方を包み込む【Surround you with scorching light】
Adversity を Jump ね Return そうとしても【Even if you can overthrow the adversity】
あきらめず何立立ち上がってきても【Even if you don’t give up, you have to stand up a few times】
そんなことはどうでもいいわ 【This kind of thing doesn't matter】
Private が Your Party に Despair あげる Private ILSOLE [I will give you despair, I am ILSOLE]
死ち果てた冷たくて动かない身身(からだ)【The body that has been rotten and cold and unable to move】
The ultimate の body beauty private の ideal【The ultimate beautiful body is my ideal】
おなりなさい今すぐに私のコレクション 【Now please become my collection immediately】
Resist は无駄吉方怪めに【Your miserable resistance is useless】
そうひれvoltすひれvoltすひれvoltすの~【To kneel and kneel down】
冻りついたこころのキズ落かしてあげる 【To melt the frozen injured heart for you】
Eternal の爱でわたしあなた【With eternal love】
抱きしめてあげる【Come and hug you】
Love あふれる Asahi む む わ【The overflowing love gave birth to the morning】
Your side の ため に Your side の ために 【That's for you】
明るく强く照らしてあげる 【Bright and strong to shine on you】
热い光吉方を包み込む【Surround you with scorching light】
ILSOLE (私は阳光)/ルッスーリア (Yuzawa Koichiro)
Gola Moska
Destruction の Black Cloud (It's pure music is very good)
Lightning Strike のレヴィ [Lightning Strike Levi]
Electric shock deenemy wo annihilation (せんめつ)
Annihilate the enemy with a lightning strike
yes i am levitan
I only keep the trust of the BOSS
this is all
The Eight Parabolas Behind Lao Tzu
No matter where you go, I won't let you escape
Thunder Boom くその一次一撃一撃刀杀のレヴィ·ボルタ
Levitan, the one-hit-killer at this moment, bursts of thunder
I don't allow anyone to insult the BOSS, even if it's a friend, I want to destroy you
さあこのオレをほめてくれボス忠义こそ最上の悦 (よろこ)び
Come on, praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
Thunder team rate い て collapse (つ ぶ) す
lead the thunderbolts
crush any opponent
target は weak person deあっても
The target will not forgive even the weak
forgiveness しない cold will
calm and clear will
Slicing Vanguard breaks through obstacles and tricks enemies by sneaking around
Who ni も evil devil は さ せ は し な い さ flashing stone fire で mission fulfilled
Don't let anyone hinder me from completing the task like a flash
Absolute Service
Absolutely obey the expectations of the boss even if there is only one arm left
さあこのオレをほめてくれボス忠义こそ最上の悦 (よろこ)び
Come on, praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
オレのposition を threat (おびや) かす slave は who deあろうと干散らしてやる
Anyone who threatens Lao Tzu's status will be kicked away
Praise me again Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
そう、悦び Yes, yes
The eight parabolas behind me
No matter where you go, I won't let you escape
Thunder Boom くその一次一撃一撃刀杀のレヴィ·ボルタ
Levitan, the one-hit-killer at this moment, bursts of thunder
Absolute Service
Absolutely obey the expectations of the boss even if there is only one arm left
Come on, come and praise me Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
Anyone who threatens Lao Tzu's status will be kicked away
Praise me again Boss loyalty is the highest pleasure
yes pleasure
yes pleasure
Lyricist: Yuka-ri
Composer/Arranger: Yokoyama Takashi
Vocals: Kuni Yuki
リアル fantasy deceitful pleasure / reality fantasy deceptive pleasure
クセになるチカラ turns って/addiction into strength
I'matopmagician./I'm a top illusionist
自由にグシャグシャですよ/Free and comfortable wet
まっすぐなんかじゃInstakill desu/The straightforward guy instakill
热を冷まして暴れましょう/Calm down and make a fuss
Crimson forest はミーのワンダーランド / Crimson forest is me's paradise
ねぇあっちにもこっちにもいるよ/Here and there
ミーだらけ/me can be everywhere
游びにおいでよたーのワンダーランド / Hurry up and play to me's paradise
ホンモノはどれだ? /Who is the real illusionist?
明がけで见つけて / Bet your life to decide the outcome
Sibia?Unreasonable to be overly emotional/severe?Actually unreasonable and excessive
Simple な先生把って/Simple seniors are very good at inciting
I'matopmagician/Because I'm a top illusionist
Freedom に に に に に に に ド ド ロ で す よ
ボンヤリしてたら未わりますよ/Absent-minded will be finished
ホッとしないで惊れましょう / Don't sigh and make a fuss
Bloody forest は ミーのワンダーランド/The blood-stained forest is my paradise
ねぇ追いついてに银のナイフを in the back
游んであげるよみーのワンダーランド / Let's have fun in this paradise of me
ホンモノのリアル? / The real illusionist's reality?
明がけで见つけて / Bet your life to find it
Crimson forest はミーのワンダーランド / Crimson forest is me's paradise
ねぇあっちにもこっちにもいるよ/Here and there
ミーだらけ/me can be everywhere
游びにおいでよたーのワンダーランド / Hurry up and play to me's paradise
Tattalatta-ver.variaCV: Ikeda Masanori, Takahashi Hiroki, Fujiwara Yuki, Kunitachi Yuki)
XS: Hahahaha...
B: Hee hee hee...
F: Gorgeous pure land——[What a beautiful sky——]
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: Latta! !
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: Latta! !
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
X: Tatta! !
BF: latta, latta, latta
S: latta
BF: tattatta, latta, latta
Everyone: Today も Tomorrow も... tattalatta! ! [Whether it's today or tomorrow... tattalatta! ! 】
X: Battery cut れたら动けない【If the battery is dead, you can’t move】
S: 锖ひづいたら前にも进めない [If the gears are rusted, they won’t work]
B: それとは见うんだボクたちは【Or we are different from each other】
F: ナンダカンダ梦もたくさんあゐ [There are also various dreams]
All members: Today is も楽しく行さたいね [I want to spend a happy time today too]
Tattalatta happy na Tattalatta Nakama たち【Tattalatta happy tattalatta friends】
F: 目指す地方はここで终わりじゃないよ【Our goal doesn’t end here】
All members: tattalatta briskに [tattalatta brisk and lively]
B: ワンツ-STEP 跟んで【onetwo stepping on footsteps】
S: Slap め梦とか望望も【To catch dreams and hopes】
X: ぜんぶぜんぶ味方にっけてやゐ 【All become partners】
All members: lala...lala...lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala (B: hee hee hee hee)
BF: Yatta! !
X: latta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
S: yattatta, latta, latta
BF: Yatta! !
X: lattatta, latta, latta
BF: Tatta! !
S: yatta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
X: latta, latta, latta
BF: Latta! !
S: yattatta, latta, latta
Everyone: Today も Tomorrow も... tattalatta! ! [Whether it's today or tomorrow... tattalatta! ! 】
X: 心なくしちゃ语れない [Without sympathy, you cannot talk]
S: 立ち做まれば何も初まんない【If you don’t move forward, you can’t start】
B: そんなの知ってんのボクたちは【We who already understood those things】
F: イッチョマエの恋もたまにはして [Occasionally, I also talk about a love that I admit]
All members: Tomorrow もハチャメチャしてないね [I want to spend tomorrow as I like]
Tattalatta happy na Tattalatta Nakama たち【Tattalatta happy tattalatta friends】
F: 目指す地方はここで终わりじゃないよ【Our goal doesn’t end here】
All members: tattalatta briskに [tattalatta brisk and lively]
B: ワンツ-STEP 跟んで【onetwo stepping on footsteps】
S: Slap め梦とか望望も【To catch dreams and hopes】
X: ぜんぶぜんぶ味方にっけてやゐ 【All become partners】
All staff: lala...
F: Lala?
All staff: lalalalalalalalalalalala (B: xixixixi...)
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