Cui's father looked at his silent son, and his heart burst into flames for no reason. I always wanted him to have a bright future, but he couldn't understand.I have already made concessions, and I just want him to agree to study hard, but that doesn't work.Hate iron is not steel, "If you don't agree, then don't even think about singing, you don't want to join an underground band, go by yourself, I won't give you a penny." After finishing speaking, Cui's father dumped She walked away and entered the bedroom. The sound of the door closing alarmed the mother who was still in the kitchen.

"Seung-hyun, your father is also looking out for your own good, but he has a very quick temper, so you have to follow him. Dad has lived through a lot at this age, and he will give you good advice." Mom persuaded Seunghyun, the worry in his eyes is obvious, after all, not everyone can succeed in singing if they want to.

"Mom, I know, but I don't seem to be able to meet Dad's requirements. It's not like you don't know how I can improve my studies." Seeing the worry in her mother's eyes, Cui Shengxuan actually felt uncomfortable.

After chatting with his mother for a while, Cui Shengxuan returned to the bedroom, and saw Jin Na looking around in the bedroom, looking very happy.I'm getting angry outside, you go here and look around, you're still very happy, now Cui Shengxuan's heart is out of balance.

"What are you doing, I'm in a bad mood right now, you have to be responsible for making me happy." Cui Shengxuan really just wanted to trouble Jin Nana, look, how unreasonable the request is.

Seeing Cui Shengxuan's stinky face, I knew he was in a bad mood and wanted to make him happy, but it seemed that I didn't have this skill.So I could only ask, "What's the matter, come on, be happy, you can tell me if you have anything bad, I can't say it anyway."

Cui Shengxuan saw her cautious and ingratiating appearance, he was not very angry anymore, he just wanted her to continue teasing him, and kept silent, his heart was already happy.

Seeing Cui Shengxuan's appearance, I thought he was still in a bad mood, "Let me sing for you, I have never sung to anyone before, you are my first audience."

Cui Shengxuan didn't expect to have such a harvest, it was really worth it, but he still had an aloof look on his face that strangers should not get close to.

I know this would happen and I don't want to be around

when it gets out.

I've closed the last picture and painted the windows

inside and out.

Give me your dreams and I'll give you my time,

together we'll cross the borderline.


cracking the night,


that cut like aknife,



Joe Brooks' "Voices" rang in his ears. This girl who earnestly made him laugh has never left a deep imprint on Choi Seung-hyun's heart like now. She is very charming at this moment.

Unknowingly, the corner of Cui Shengxuan's mouth rose slightly, and Jin Nana saw it, and her hard work finally paid off.

It's 11 o'clock in the evening, it's almost time to sleep now, Choi Seung-hyun has never felt as embarrassed as he is now. "Well, where do you sleep? Because the room is small, there is no other place except the bed. Do you need to sleep?"

"I don't know about the other ghosts, but I really want to sleep now. I'll just sleep on the floor. It's fine. I can't feel the cold. Don't worry."

"Okay then, go to sleep, Jin Nana, good night."

"Good night, fat boy."

"Who did you call Fatty?"

"The little fat man called you."

After tossing and turning for a long time, sleeping alone in a room with a girl for the first time, I was still very uneasy, and the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't fall asleep. "Jin Nana, are you asleep?"

There was silence for a while, and there was no answer. Cui Shengxuan looked at Jin Nana's peaceful sleeping face, and everyone fell asleep.What's so embarrassing about me, I'm not as generous as a girl.Closing his eyes, Cui Shengxuan also slowly fell asleep.

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