"Son, do you want to study abroad?"

Caught off guard, Lu Chi gulped down the hangover soup that Lu's mother handed him, and almost choked to death on the sweet and sour soup.

"Why did you ask that suddenly?" Lu Chi asked inexplicably, holding an empty bowl.

"It's noon today, the boss of Xiaoheng's company is here..." Lu's father moved to the opposite of the eldest son, and said patiently: "A family of three came together, and we had lunch at home. We chatted at the dinner table and chatted. Here it is."

"Mr. Wei said that the universities with good teaching in your major are all abroad. As long as you want to develop in this field, you usually go to study abroad, because the learning environment abroad is good, and the students you train are better. In the future, returning to China will be better than domestic graduates. Life is more developed..."

Before Lu's father finished speaking, Lu Chi smiled and said patiently: "There is indeed such a saying, but it is not absolute. At least I think it is good to study in China for undergraduates. Huaxia has developed rapidly in recent years. In China, I can be familiar with the domestic business environment to the greatest extent. After graduation, if I have the opportunity, I can try to apply for the MBA of Wharton Business School, and then work hard to get a scholarship.”

Wharton or something...

Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at each other in a daze, and Lu Heng, who had a relatively rich amount of information, immediately raised his hand and said, "I know this, it seems to be one of the top business schools in the world."

The world's top... So the boss still thought about studying abroad, right? !

Lu's father and Lu's mother suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Then take this test. We will take the test for undergraduates, and we don't have to wait for graduation. My son is so good, so he should go to the best university and receive the best education. Son, you don't have to worry about money. Even if you don’t have a scholarship, our family can afford it for you. And Mr. Wei also said that he can apply for some excellent student support plan of Wei’s Group.”

Lu Chi smiled slightly. He knew that relatively large domestic companies have their own talent training plans.Most of them are funded by enterprises to support promising talents to study abroad.However, before going abroad, everyone will sign an employment contract, which stipulates that Party B must join the investment company after graduation, and the working period ranges from 20 to [-] years.In addition, the contract also stipulates a lot of strict and harsh terms and confidentiality regulations to ensure that once Party B resigns from the company, he will not be able to work in the industry for at least five years...

As one of the most promising students in the High School Affiliated to Yanda University, Lu Chi had contacted HRs of many companies before the college entrance examination, and they all wanted to use money to support him to study abroad.However, Lu Chi was not interested in this kind of poverty alleviation contract like a sell-off contract—he even refused the olive branch with loose conditions offered by the Yue Group, let alone accept the talent training of the Wei Group.

"I am very grateful to Mr. Wei for his kindness. But when you called me at noon, I said that I don't want to go..."

"I don't want to ask you so clearly about studying abroad." Lu's father looked at him with disapproval and said, "You child, why don't you tell the truth to your parents?"

Lu Chi patiently explained: "...I need it for work."

"You just want to go." Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at Lu Chi with an expression of "I have seen through you, so you will explain it later", waved her big hand, and said very openly: "Your mother and I both understand, you It's because I'm afraid that my family has no money, and I don't want to spend other people's money to take advantage of other people's favors. But son, you can't be fooled with this study, besides, our family has money..."

Father Lu slapped his big hand, and pressed heavily on Lu Chi's shoulder, with a sonorous tone, he said firmly and forcefully: "Don't say anything, let's go to this college!"

Papa Lu paused again as he spoke, opening his mouth and thinking about it: "You said this foreigner is also interesting. He's a good university student. He's called a squat in a nest. He doesn't think it's unlucky." What talents can come out of this nest? !

The two brothers Lu Chi and Lu Heng: "..." He is Wharton...

Lu Chi said: "This Wharton business school can only take the exam after graduation." And the admission requirements are very strict.

"Then you can study if you choose an undergraduate." Lu's father is not attached to the Woqua College, which has a bad name, and said confidently: "My son is so good, we should study the best one."

"Yes, if you want to read, read the best." Lu Heng's younger brother, who is a scumbag, raised his hands to support his brother: "Our family is not short of money."

Lu Chi looked at his parents and younger brother with radiant faces and bright eyes, with the self-confidence of "we believe you can go to heaven and sun and go to sea to fish for turtles" on his face, and couldn't help laughing.

Then the next afternoon, Lu Heng, who went to the company to pay his salary, brought back a large pile of materials for studying abroad, as well as a letter from Wei Linxuan, who asked an old professor who is very authoritative in the field of education in country M to write to Lu Chi. Recommendation letter, and then diligently watched his brother fill out the application form.

In the next period of time, the Lu family's energy will be devoted to the two big things of buying a house and decorating the restaurant.

The Lu family is going to open a firewood stew with local characteristics, so the decoration style of the entire restaurant is also a very rustic big pot stove.The red brick stove, the big black pot made of pure iron, the firewood burning in the stove, the big potatoes and the small stupid chicken with crispy bones and rotten meat stewed in the pot, with golden cornmeal potstickers on the side ...

When the decoration of the hotel was halfway through, the results of the college entrance examination finally came down.

Lu Chi got the third best result in the province with a high score of 720 points.When Lu's father and Lu's mother checked the scores, they couldn't believe it.With the busy line of National Telecom that was busy for 61 minutes for an hour, I checked the score three times in a row, and finally I couldn't believe that the eldest son of the family really got such a high score in the test.

Oh my god!My son has become a Tanhua~

In an instant, Dad Lu, who had the words "Guangzong Yaozu" circulating in his head in 3D, was so excited that he couldn't speak. The first thing he did when he recovered was to report the good news back to Lujia Village. The villagers in the village heard the happy event. Son, also excitedly beating gongs and drums and setting off firecrackers.

And as soon as Lu Chi's college entrance examination scores came out, the home phone was almost buzzed by the admissions offices of major domestic universities-although someone added A University on the volunteer form, they couldn't help but they were willing to give scholarships ~ Tempt me with a high scholarship and other preferential conditions, maybe this kid will be hooked up by us!

Lu's father and mother were flattered by the favor of various well-known universities across the country.But what made the Lu family even more excited was that the applications for admission to several key international universities submitted by Lu Chi had also received feedback.

A total of seven admission notices with bird characters were mailed to Lu's house one after another. Lu's parents and mothers couldn't understand what was written on the admission notices, and they had never heard of the names of these universities.I knew that Lu Chi finally chose a school with a particularly long name, saying that it was his ideal university.

"Congratulations on being admitted to the University of Pennsylvania. Let me just say, with your talent and ability, you should go to study in country M."

The University of Pennsylvania - the university with a very long name in the mouth of Lu's father and Lu's mother is the school that Lu Chi finally chose~

In the new office building of the campus network, Yue Bin, who learned that Lu Chi had finally figured it out, smiled and hugged his friend's shoulders, and complained very affectionately: "But why did you choose Penn? I thought you would choose Columbia or Where's Stanford?"

In Yue Bin's view, Lu Chi will definitely work in the financial or IT industry in the future.If you choose Columbia, you will be close to Wall Street, and if you choose Stanford, you will be close to Silicon Valley.And both schools have great business programs.

Yue Bin had been lobbying Lu Chi to apply for Stanford, because he wanted to continue to be college classmates with Lu Chi.What's more, they also have the common cause of campus network.In Yue Bin's view, Stanford is the most logical choice.

"Penn University does not set up scholarships for Asian students. Based on your conditions, if you can't apply for scholarships, you will be thankful. You are also going to university..."

Yue Bin babbled on and on, until Lu Chi's ears were almost blocked.I can only hold my head and crackle the code.

He came to the campus network today to recruit programmers.And Lu Chi's recruitment process is very simple - he is going to call all the applicants together, each with a computer, and then everyone will attack his system, they have half an hour to crack his TLS encryption, successfully The interviewer who hacks and doesn't get caught by him gets the job...

"What if all the interviewees are caught?" Zhuoyue raised his eyebrows and smiled, "We can't interview another batch, can we?"

With an astonishing score of 742, he has just won the first place in the country, and he can also become a senior-level manager of the campus network. Is high-spirited.And this time the college entrance examination seems to have broken the shackles that have been imprisoned on Excellence for a long time.At least Zhuoyo is talking and laughing happily now, not at all the pattern of bitterness and hatred a year ago.

"Of course we can meet another batch." Lu Chi typed out the last line of code, pressed the Enter key, and said with a smile: "It's better to lack than to overuse. Anyway, there are still programmers from Yue's Group to help, we are not in a hurry. "

Zhuoyou suddenly realized, and said by analogy: "Why don't we just pry the programmers from the Yue Group over?"

Lu Chi looked up at Yue Bin.The second young master of the Yue family touched his nose, and said helplessly, "Pry the corner of our house in front of me, isn't it good?"

Zhuo Liang shrugged his shoulders innocently, and changed the subject with a particularly blunt attitude against Colonel Yue's resentful eyes: "After the results of the college entrance examination, the first batch of admission notices should arrive. Since you choose to study abroad, do you still want to go to school?" You have to go back to the school to report, and don't let University A transfer your file away."

Lu Chi was taken aback when he heard the words, and blurted out, "No way?"

Zhuo*former student council president* Yue said: "I don't know either, just to remind you."

Lu Chi couldn't sit still for a while.He directly handed the computer to Yue Bin: "You help me host the recruitment, and I'll go back to school."

Because Lu Chi had a request for a new office location on the campus network, the High School Affiliated to Yanda University is not far from the campus network.

After Lu Chi hurried to the school, he happened to meet Sun Yiping who was on duty.

As Lu Chi's class teacher, Sun Yiping is very pleased with Lu Chi's college entrance examination results.Originally, he wanted to congratulate his student for being admitted to University A, but Lu Zhi kept silent and threw out a bag of explosives.

Sun Yiping was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said helplessly: "Why didn't you say this kind of thing earlier!"

Lu Chi smiled a little shyly: "This is also my first time, I have no experience."

Why does this sound so awkward?

Sun Yiping sighed: "Okay. Leave the file to me. But why do you suddenly want to study abroad?"

The students on the campus network were busy before, and Lu Chi didn't see him getting involved. At most, he just took the TOEFL test.

Lu Chi was also filled with emotion: "My family members support me to study abroad."

It is undeniable that Lu Chi did fantasize about studying abroad - just like the Lu family said, everyone wants to receive the best education if possible.Not to mention that there were so many people around Lu Chi lobbying him before.

But compared to these, Lu Chi hopes that the whole family can stay together.Rather than traveling across oceans to study.Besides, Lu Chi doesn't think that studying in China will definitely be inferior to foreign students.Father Lu often said that gold shines everywhere.Lu Chi felt that there was nothing wrong with this.Besides, studying abroad costs so much money every year, what Lu Chi is most worried about is whether he can adapt to the living environment abroad - there are blond foreigners everywhere, they speak foreign languages ​​and eat Western food, all the customs Habits are different.Even if you are homesick, you cannot see your loved ones immediately.

Teacher Sun nodded in understanding.Indeed, Chinese people suddenly go to live abroad, from language to food to various customs and habits are different, and it is difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Sun Yiping thought of this, and suddenly thought of something: "Lu Chi, have you ever thought about finding an internship in a foreign company? Earning some tuition and miscellaneous fees is the second priority. The main thing is to adapt to the working environment that is all English, and you can also communicate with foreigners over there. How about talking about foreign customs and habits?"

"You are so good at math, and you are also the financial director of the campus network. If it were you, it would be no problem."

Lu Chi: "Huh?"

The author has something to say:

small theater--

Many years later, Father Lu's inner monologue was Aunt Jiang:

Our family, our couple graduated from college at home, my eldest son will graduate from college in the future, my second son has not studied for a day since he was admitted to college, and my youngest daughter has not yet graduated from elementary school... Our family Education, at first glance, it seems that they are saying goodbye to big companies, and they can only be their own boss_(:з」∠)_

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