Lu Chi not only stipulated that netizens are not allowed to speak ill of his brother when gossiping, but also wrote hundreds of codes overnight after returning to the dormitory, trying to avoid the possibility of Lu Heng being associated with a series of bad words from the source .

Seeing the sudden addition of hundreds of such intelligent screening instructions on the source code of the website, Yue Bin and Zhang Yang looked at each other in blank dismay, and truly felt the horror of the younger brother's going crazy.

However, Lu Chi still feels dissatisfied. After all, the source code screening conditions are relatively rigid, and there must be omissions.So he wants to recruit a few more webmasters to implement this rule through manual checking and posting.

"It's not just about my brother..." At the website meeting the next day, Lu Chi said: " is the first real-name registration website in China, and its positioning is a website for students. So, we must Make sure that all the content of this website is green, healthy and positive, and play a positive guiding role for students. However, through the fan battle in the Kanshan irrigation section yesterday, we can see that in the community where netizens communicate anonymously, many of the comments are ours Uncontrollable."

"We support freedom of speech, but the premise of freedom of speech is that each speaker can be responsible for his words and actions."

"I took a look at the user profile of the real-name registered users yesterday, and the results show that the age group of the registered people on the campus network is between eight and 35 years old, which means that the entire user group covers elementary school students to social people. Users in the age group from birth to college students account for more than 60.00%.”

"That is to say, excluding those social people who have stereotyped thinking and independent judgment, the main users of our campus network are students aged 8 to 22. According to social psychology and educational psychology... ..."

While talking, Lu Chi sent everyone the content of the version rules that he thought of when he was coding last night.

A piece of thin A4 paper, the content on it is actually limited, probably from the aspects of policies and regulations, rumors and troubles, swiping the screen, complaints from netizens, dissemination of pornographic content and extreme speech, etc. The website must To grasp a degree.

"We don't have to restrict users' freedom of speech, but we must ensure that all posts and replies are not free to fabricate nonsense even if the content of the posts and replies cannot be well-founded. We hope that every netizen can do it before posting. To think independently instead of copying others, we encourage netizens to actively participate in the discussion of the topic floor. But this atmosphere cannot be maliciously guided and manipulated... When necessary, the campus network must take the attitude of an official website, and we safeguard everyone's freedom of speech , but also punish those who speak too much. The way of punishment is to ban, block or even delete the account.”

Lu Chi's idea is simple: Although the newly launched campus network needs traffic support, Lu Chi hopes that the users who register on the campus network will be high-tech representatives.He wants to create an elite and fashionable atmosphere on the campus network, rather than a junk website that follows the crowd.

In short, it is to create a first-class brand awareness-although Lu Chi didn't expect so much at the moment.

Lu Chi roughly stated his thoughts: "Time is short, I just think about these. I also hope that everyone can brainstorm and enrich the content of the version regulations as soon as possible."

"Also, I probably took a look at the post last night. Although most of the netizens' attention was attracted by the fan battle in the school grass topic floor. However, some netizens are not interested in these entertainment gossip. They posted A lot of career-related posts, such as finance, business management, accounting regulations, lawyers, and even travel knowledge. So far, although the content of these posts is small, it has attracted many netizens to comment and discuss. I think Can we subdivide the content of the Kanshan Irrigation section, separate the career section and the gossip section, and then make a simple index on the page, so that netizens can browse related posts according to their interests?"

Zhuo Zhuo and others' eyes lit up, and immediately seconded: "This is a very good suggestion. However, if so many sections are subdivided at once, can the system support it?"

Lu Chi unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, took a sip, and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I will guarantee technical support. But the way of thinking depends on everyone's brainstorming."

When everyone heard the words, they nodded their heads one after another, and started discussing in a hurry.

Lu Chi listened for a while, and said: "Everyone will discuss this part after the meeting. Just give me the specific section classification during evening self-study."

When everyone heard what Lu Chi said, they subconsciously stopped the discussion.Lu Chi continued: "There is also the server...."

Lu Chi turned his head to look at Yue Bin and Zhang Yang: "According to the current development trend of the campus network, it is likely to directly break through the big data of 100 million registered users within three days. Our existing servers must not be able to support such a huge number of customer visits." quantity."

Yue Bin immediately said: "Don't worry. We will take care of this part."

Lu Chi nodded and said, "Let's discuss the issue of equity distribution later."

Just as Yue Bin and Zhang Yang were about to talk, Lu Chi said with a smile: "Business is business. The investment of capital is to get a return, and it is a return of value for money. This is what you told me."

Yue Bin and Zhang Yang looked at Lu Chi's posture of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, and they had nothing to say.

Lu Chi made a final decision, and continued: "The last problem is recruitment. It will be June soon, and everyone has to prepare for the SAT exam and the college entrance examination. You should not have much energy to take care of the website. So we must recruit some new people to ensure that the campus normal operation of the network.”

This sentence immediately attracted strong approval from everyone.Other employees of the campus network smiled and echoed: "This one is simply too important. We really need to find someone to help... To be honest, I don't have the heart to review because of the campus network."

"Every day I just want to refresh the webpage and check the background of the website. This feeling is indescribable, just like going crazy."

"I think if there is no pressure from the college entrance examination, I can sit in front of the computer for a month and refresh the campus network 24 hours a day."


Zhuoyou looked at Lu Chi, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is the scope of recruitment limited to the first and second graders of the High School Affiliated to Yanda University, or is it open to the whole society?"

"We don't have that much time and energy." Lu Chi frowned: "First select from the first and second grade students. After the college entrance examination is over, we will hold a large-scale job fair depending on the development of the campus network."

With that said, Lu Chi turned to look at Yue Bin and Zhang Yang: "What do you think?"

The two nodded and agreed with Lu Chi's statement very much.

Joyo wrote a few lines of records in his notebook, and then asked: "It's easy to recruit candidates for other positions. Only the programmer..."

Zhuoyou looked at Lu Chi and said, "I don't think there is another high school student who can code a website by himself like you."

Lu Chi frowned, and silently compared the time and effort required to interview programmers with the possibility of doing everything by himself.He said, "Let's do this for the program first. I can handle it by myself."

Seeing this, Yue Bin quickly said: "If necessary, I can borrow two programmers from my brother. Let's pass the college entrance examination first, and then recruit to the society?"

Lu Chi glanced at Yue Bin, smiled and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Yue Bin smiled at Lu Chi: "As long as it doesn't delay your review."

Lu Chi looked down at the contents of the notebook, and felt that everything that should be said had been said: "Do you have anything to add?"

Xing Yuan raised his hand and said, "It's about the issue of our website's version regulations issued last night. Many netizens discussed it very intensely..."

Lu Chi looked at Xing Yuan quietly, until the thick line of the basketball captain automatically silenced, Lu Chi patiently asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." The northern man with a very keen intuition shook his head, and said solemnly: "I want to say that our campus network should be so principled. It is absolutely impossible to change things overnight."

Lu Chi nodded, his dark eyes swept over everyone one by one, and continued to ask, "Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

Lu Chi smiled slightly: "The meeting is over."

Looking at the students who packed up their notebooks and got up to leave, Lu Chi remained expressionless and calm, but the little man in his heart wiped his sweat dangerously.

He changed the code last night and wanted to plan. He made so many things, and he finally fooled the first rule of the version~

When there were only three people left in the conference room, Lu Chi took out three revised equity allocation documents and said to Yue Bin and Zhang Yang: "If you want to solve the server problem, you must invest more. I don't have any money. , so I’m counting on the two of you in this regard.”

Yue Bin and Zhang Yang frowned together: "What are you doing? Didn't we agree at the beginning that to build the campus network, the two of us are responsible for paying the money, and you are responsible for the code. The equity has already been divided, you There's no need for that."

"That's right." Yue Bin nodded, and said sincerely: "The two of us know that you have no money. This time the additional investment is considered to be the two of us lending you the money. When the campus network makes money one day, we will start from yours. Just deduct the money from the share. There is no need to change the equity distribution, right?"

"That's right! If you really want to change it, you have to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change it." Zhang Yang said with a smile: "This is a troublesome thing. Between us brothers, don't be so troublesome, right?"

Lu Chi smiled slightly: "One size is one size, even brothers have to settle accounts."

Yue Bin and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and couldn't help but said: "Lu Chi, we know what you are thinking. But you have to know that the creation of the campus network was your idea, and the source code of the website was also written by you. So no matter what we invested in How much money comes in, you are the most important person on the campus network—”

Lu Chi smiled and interrupted the mothers-in-law and mothers of the friends: "You should read the equity distribution agreement first."

"Don't worry, I won't let myself suffer."

When Yue Bin and Zhang Yang heard the words, they could only look at each other helplessly, took over the equity distribution agreement drafted by Lu Chi, and flipped through it page by page.

Then they were shocked to find out that in the new equity distribution agreement, Lu Chi had allocated 26% of his shares to Yue Bin and Zhang Yang. After this distribution, Lu Chi's own shares only accounted for 29%.At first glance, it seems that Lu Chi's shares have shrunk a lot, but Lu Chi also clearly stated in the new share agreement: If Yue Bin and Zhang Yang accept the new equity allocation, then they must also accept Lu Chi's other request for equity allocation— —

That is to say, regardless of whether or not will conduct a round of financing and listing in the future, the 29% of the original shares held by Lu will not increase or be diluted.

Yue Bin and Zhang Yang looked at Lu Chi in astonishment.

Lu Chi raised his eyebrows: "I said it a long time ago, I won't let myself suffer."

But Yue Bin and Zhang Yang were not surprised by this matter: "Do you think our campus network can be listed through financing?"

Lu Chi thought for a while, then smiled warmly: "Who knows." He just wanted to find an excuse to let the friends who kept throwing money at the campus network accept the 26% of the shares.

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