Lu's father and Lu's mother arrived in Yanjing the next night, and Lu Miaomiao also came back.

The little girl played like crazy in one summer vacation. She went up to the mountains to dig birds and go down to the river to fish. She looked like a brunette.

"Big brother, I miss you so much!" The little girl put her arms around her big brother's thigh as soon as she entered the house and expressed her missing. She completely forgot that she had been herding sheep at home for a month, and she didn't think about her big brother at all.

Lu Chi smiled and flicked his sister's head: "I don't believe it. You didn't even call me."

Seeing that the elder brother exposed the facts without giving any face, the little girl covered her forehead with her hands, rolled her black and white eyeballs, and smiled wickedly.

Lu's father and Lu's mother couldn't wait to ask: "Don't make trouble for now. Tell us quickly, what happened to you winning the lottery?"

How can you win more than 20 yuan at once!

Lu Chi hooked the corners of his mouth, and explained in detail the ins and outs of his winning the lottery - in fact, he said it when he called last night, but there were some things that he couldn't explain on the phone - not to mention this kind of Things, no matter how many times you hear them, everyone will not get bored.

"This is really, this is really..." Lu's father and mother walked around the room excitedly, unable to think of suitable words to describe their feelings.

Lu Chi poured three glasses of water for his parents and sister who had just entered the room, and handed over the second prize winning lottery ticket to Lu's father. Yue Bin and Zhang Yang had already redeemed their prizes during the lottery.

Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at the lottery ticket and a wad of cash in front of their eldest son, and they were so excited that they didn't know what to say.

After a long time, the husband and wife took a deep breath and managed to calm down.Father Lu asked in a deep voice, "Have you ever thought about what you want to do after winning so much money?"

Lu Chi said with a smile: "Didn't Dad always want to start a logistics company? Before the family didn't have enough funds, we could only rent a car. Now that the funds are sufficient, Dad can also make great achievements."

"What's more..." Lu Chi paused, and said, "I also want to donate part to charity funds."

With that said, Lu Chi explained to his parents the concept of charity funds.Then I introduced in detail the charity education fund that Yue Bin and Zhang Yang wanted to create.

Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at each other. Lu's mother held her son's hand in one hand and her husband's in the other, and said excitedly: "I think the boss's idea is very good. My son can win the lottery. This is what God gave to our family." But as the saying goes, windfall is easy to cause misfortune. This money comes too easily, we really shouldn’t keep it alone, and use some of it to do good deeds, which can not only eliminate wealth and avoid disasters, but also accumulate virtue for our family .Bless our children to be safe and healthy, better than anything else.”

Father Lu is a retired soldier, and he has been influenced by atheism all his life. Of course, he doesn't believe in the feudal superstition of karma.However, he did not object to his son's desire to do good deeds, but raised objections to his son's desire to directly donate money to the charity fund: "The environment in the capital is much better than our Lujia Village. Dad thinks that he can study in your school." Classmates, whether it is the family conditions or the learning environment, it is definitely not too bad. Instead of donating the money to a charity fund, why don't you just use the money to buy a batch of learning materials and give them to Lujiacun Primary School, as well as us A child in junior high school or high school in the village. Money must be spent wisely, and my father supports your idea, but hopes that when you do good deeds, you will give priority to those around you."

Lu Chi stayed in the closed environment of the High School Affiliated to Yanda University for a long time, and was surrounded by people like Yue Bin and Zhang Yang who were thoughtful and sophisticated, so his thinking was also limited.I didn't expect Father Lu's down-to-earth charity method at all.

At this moment, Lu's father gave him some advice, and Lu Chi suddenly realized: "Yes, Zhang Yang will publish his new notes soon. His notes are very well written. I can order some of them from him and send them to me. Former high school classmates."

Father Lu said with a smile: "In addition to this, you can also buy more English tapes and donate them to our village elementary school. I heard from your mother that the elementary school students here can speak English very well, unlike our village, even the English alphabet I don’t know what it looks like. You can buy more tapes for them to listen to, and teach them to follow suit, which will save a lot of time. There are also those after-school tutoring books for elementary and junior high schools, so buy more if you choose.”

"Then there are people in the village who can't afford to go to school, and want to work in the city before graduating from junior high school. If the children in the family really want to study, we can also send some money for them to study in high school..."

Lu's mother was dumbfounded when she heard it, and said straight up: "My mother, according to what you said, how much will it cost?"

Lu's father calculated silently: "Isn't 10 yuan enough?"

"How much?" Lu's mother looked at Lu's father dumbfounded: "10 yuan?"

Father Lu nodded silently.

Lu's mother immediately became anxious: "My God, that's 10 yuan, not ten yuan, why do you say it's so light?"

Lu's father laughed immediately: "It's not what you said about getting rich and causing disaster, so you have to spend money to avoid disaster."

"Then I didn't say to spend 10 yuan!"

"It's not what you said to do good deeds to accumulate yin and virtue. I just ask God to bless our family safe and healthy, so that we will be free from illness and disaster for the rest of our lives!" Dad Lu said with a smile: "What's the matter, our whole family is healthy and healthy? Isn't it worth 10 yuan?"

"That's not what you said!" Lu's mother held her chest and couldn't bear it: "You old man is too prodigal."

"It's so easy for my son to talk back. We as parents shouldn't be too busy searching!" Lu's father grabbed his son's shoulders: "I won 20 from the lottery ticket. Let's keep half and donate the other half. My eldest son You think so too?"

Of course Lu Chi thought so, but he didn't dare to say so.After all, the Lu family is not a rich family, and he was afraid that he would not be able to pass the test of his parents.

Unexpectedly, Father Lu was more open-minded and generous than he thought.

"Dad, you are really great. I'm proud of you." Lu Chi said, hugging Lu's father very sticky, then turned around and hugged Lu's mother: "Mom is also very good."

"Don't pour me the ecstasy soup." Lu's mother said angrily: "I've never seen you two like this. I spent half of the money before I got it. If you have money, you will be in a panic, right?"

"That's not what you said." Father Lu patted his wife on the back with a smile, and patiently explained: "The main reason is that we are so lucky to win a lottery ticket, and our old Lu family doesn't know if we can bear it." This fortune, so we must avoid disaster.”

"One more thing, over the years, the village has helped our family a lot. When I started a chicken farm and lost money, when you were sick, everyone was rich and helpful. Now our family is not prosperous. It can be regarded as a small celebration, and it is also appropriate to repay the folks."

Father Lu didn't say a word. According to the conditions of Lujia Village, everyone's life is actually not good.Instead of waiting until the folks see that the Lu family is rich and shamelessly come to borrow money, it is better to do things first.At that time, I can not only show off my favor beautifully, but also stop other people's mouths——

I have donated the money to the village to improve education, and everyone has benefited. You are always embarrassed to borrow money.

"I've been thinking about the fact that Xiao Chi won the lottery, and I can't hide it. After all, the lottery station is so big, and it's located near the school. I heard from Xiao Chi that he was not the only one who bought the lottery ticket, although his classmates now know about it. Not much, but there is no guarantee that no one will know about it in the future. Now that someone knows about it, there is no guarantee that it will not be reported back to Lujia Village. So instead of covering it up, we should be more open, so that we can talk and behave in the village from now on."

Lu's father knew that Lu's mother could not turn the corner at the moment, and patiently explained: "Think about it, if the folks know that our family has won a lottery and won more than 20 yuan, will there be no one to borrow money by then? Others Don't say, you can't stand the uncles and sisters-in-law of our two families. Will you borrow it at that time? You don't want to borrow it. When our family was in trouble, everyone didn't look at it coldly. Even if we have no money, our family The two boys didn't spend much time eating and drinking, just for this kind of love, are you embarrassed not to borrow it? If you borrow it, will you let them pay it back?"

This kind of money that you don't want if you borrow it out, everyone understands what's going on.

The Lu family is well-off now. The eldest is studying in a key high school in the capital. He can win more than 20 yuan in lottery tickets. The second is a big star. The family builds a house and rents a car. They also have a nest in a big city. The Lu family is a happy couple. It's been hard work.

But according to the thinking mode of "one person wins the Tao and ascends to heaven" in the local customs of China, isn't your old Lu family so developed that you don't want to help your poor relatives?

Lu's father didn't explain the following very clearly, but Lu's mother still understood.He pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Besides, our family is nothing. Look at Xiaoheng's company, they are not related to us for no reason, just because we put on a show, and they are practicing Taoism and helping to study in school. We can’t even be inferior to outsiders, can we?”

Mother Lu was not stingy, she just couldn't accept it for a while, now that Father Lu broke the truth and explained it to pieces, Mother Lu also figured it out.The most important thing is that mother Lu has been dizzy since she received her son's call yesterday, and she couldn't believe it was true.In addition, Mother Lu didn't see what 20 looked like with her own eyes, so she didn't have an accurate idea.

"Okay, don't be so long-winded. It's like I'm the only one who can't bear the money." Mother Lu waved her hands impatiently: "I know you two are poor and generous. Anyway, it's free money, you guys You and I can spend whatever we want. I don’t care if I donate them.”

As she said that, Mother Lu stood up from the sofa, rolled up her arms and sleeves and said, "What time is it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I have to cook. My eldest son is hungry."

"I'm hungry too!" Lu Miaomiao, who kept silent with a wink while her parents were talking about business, immediately quit.

The little girl put her hands on her hips angrily, looking for Lu's mother's language problem: "You just think that your elder brother is hungry, and you don't even think about me. I'm still your daughter."

"Oh, you are my own daughter." Mother Lu quickly hugged Lu Miaomiao, and kissed her stickily: "Don't be angry, old girl, it's all my mother's fault."

Lu Miaomiao snorted, hugged Mother Lu and kissed her. The little man said loudly, "I forgive you."

Then, he turned his head to look at Lu Chi, and said seriously: "Brother, you are my big brother. You have made money, so you have to treat me to something delicious!"

Lu Chi couldn't help but smile. Thinking of the buffet he ate with his basketball teammates a while ago, he quickly said, "Okay, I'll treat you to a barbecue buffet tomorrow. Parents will also go."

Father Lu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly told his son: "You have to be careful in the near future. Don't be targeted by bad guys, and then kidnapped."

"Oh, don't scare people!" Lu's mother was terrified when she heard this: "I haven't got the money back yet. I think so much. The high school attached to Yanda is far richer than our family. I haven’t seen any children being kidnapped.”

"Be prepared, just in case." Lu's father glanced at his eldest son, and said in happiness and pain: "You too, it's a secret that you don't do things like buying lottery tickets."

Lu Chi smiled warmly and comforted his parents: "Don't worry. My little money is really nothing. It's not even enough for their pocket money."

He didn't dare to say anything else, at least among the people he knew, Yue Bin spent more money on cameras and other hobbies, and Zhang Yang made more money from notebooks.

Compared with these people, the little money he earned from buying lottery tickets is really not enough!

Besides, he seldom wanders outside the school.Most of the time it is a group activity.Especially after joining the basketball team, there is basically no time to act alone.

Hearing what his son said, Father Lu also thought of the famous brand luxury car that could not be parked two streets away from the school gate during the parent meeting.

It is estimated that the 20 yuan in my own home can't even afford the four wheels of others.

Thinking about it this way, while Lu's father hated the rich, he also felt a strange sense of security.

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