The bright sunshine shrouded a certain ancient country in Europe with a long history. On the fountain square full of exotic customs, a group of people looked bleak and embarrassed, followed by a group of cameramen, attracting everyone's attention.

"...What should I do! I can't understand what they are saying at all, and the local people don't speak Y language either. How can I communicate?" A man wearing a white T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a ponytail The girl held a local map that she couldn't understand at all, and she was about to collapse standing in the bustling crowd: "I can't even understand the map. Where is the place they said!"

"Let's ask someone!" Another boy who was also very neatly dressed said.Standing in the square to intercept the crowds coming and going, they kept asking in clumsy and broken Y language: "Please, can you understand Y language?"

"Do you know how to get to this place?"

"Oh, I'm so worried!" Another short-haired woman who looked in her 40s smiled wryly at the camera: "I don't know anything, I don't understand anything. What should I do?"

"Hey, there seems to be a Chinese person in front, let's go over and ask." The eyes of the girl with ponytails in a white T-shirt who complained before, her eyes lit up, and she trotted all the way to the front of the musical fountain, beside the little boys who squatted down to feed the pigeons stopped.Some of them have black hair and black eyes, and they look like Asians.Of course it could be Asian.

"Hi little brother, may I ask if you can speak Y language?"

"What are you talking about?" The two foreign children next to the black-haired boy suddenly raised their heads. They were blond and blue-eyed, with exquisite appearance, a man and a woman, just like the angels on the murals.

The boy who was lowering his head to feed the pigeons also raised his head in bewilderment, and a handsome face came into the camera.

"It's so cute!" All the adults screamed exaggeratedly.

The girl in the white T-shirt that was agreed before asked Jiao Didi: "Little brother, little brother, do you know how to get to this place?"

The boy definitely glanced at the girl in the white T-shirt, raised his eyebrows, and a Northeast dialect with a big smell suddenly rang in everyone's ears: "Huaxia?"

Others: "..." This handsome man with outstanding aura is paired with a strong taste of mandarin, why is it so weird!

Seeing that everyone was blindfolded, the boy sneered and said bluntly: "Then you should speak Mandarin. Your Y language is so bad that you can't understand it at all."

The white T-shirt ponytail who just spoke: "..."

"Nianchi, don't say that. Girls also want to save face." The blond boy sighed, imitating his father's way when he was sympathetic and cherishing jade: "You man, you are too incomprehensible."

"It's good to be incomprehensible. My dad said that a man who understands amorous feelings will be promiscuous." The boy said casually, unable to understand that everyone was messed up by the conversations of several children who did not meet their age. Thoughts, continue to ask: "Come on, what are you calling me for?"

"...Well, do you know how to get to this place?" The exquisitely dressed new idol Nan Jingming was the first to react, squatting in front of the boy, and asked very kindly: "What's your name?"

The boy reached out to take the map, glanced at the location circled by the red pen, and suddenly realized: "You walk along this street for 2000 meters, and then..."

After finishing speaking, he said again: "My name is Yue Nianchi. You are..."

The boy glanced at the videographer behind everyone, and suddenly realized: "Are you doing a show?"

After a pause, the boy glanced at the work card worn by the cameraman around his neck again: "Yo, it's still a program from Huaxia TV? I haven't heard of it. Is it a new program from Huaxia TV?"

"Yes!" The ponytail in the white T-shirt before said cutely: "Little brother has also heard of Huaxia TV?"

"I've heard of it!" Yue Nianchi replied with a smile, thinking that your young master is still buying ice cream in front.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard a cold voice behind me: "What are you talking about?"

The boy who was squatting on the ground feeding the pigeons suddenly turned his head, and said with a smirk: "Binbin, what a coincidence, I just stopped here to feed the pigeons, and I ran into the program group of Huaxia TV station recording a new program."

As he said that, he reached out to pick up the ice cream in the boy's hand.The boy named Binbin avoided him, frowned, and said with a look of disgust, "Wash your hands."

Yue Nianchi, who was squatting on the ground feeding the pigeons, chuckled, turned around and washed himself in the fountain.A man in a black suit appeared beside him at some point and handed the boy a handkerchief.

The boy wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and said with emotion: "Binbin, don't be so obsessed with cleanliness. In fact, there is a layer of paper on the outside of this ice cream, which is not dirty at all. And grandpa said, You won’t get sick if you don’t do anything clean.”

Lu Nianbin glanced at the nagging boy.Yue Nianchi, who was talking endlessly, stopped abruptly, touched his nose, and said with a cowardly smile, "Don't look at me like that, I'm your brother!"

Lu Chengxuan, who was following Lu Nianbin, smiled and bumped his younger brother Wei Heng with his shoulder: "Look at how cowardly brother is. It's hopeless!"

The blond twins also agreed with a smile: "Nian Chi is so cowardly, just as cowardly as Uncle Yue."

"Hey, what are you bastards talking about? Do you want me to play games with you later?" Yue Nianchi groaned and glanced at Lu Nianbin, who was expressionless, and retorted confidently: "I'm a coward Is it? I love it!"

Hey, hey, you really know how to put gold on your face!

Wei Heng and Lu Chengxuan smiled and poked me, and I gave you a hug, winking tacitly.

A group of people from the program group stood by, secretly looking at the children in front of them.I saw six children who looked about seven or eight years old.The clothes are exquisite and elegant, a pair of twins with blond hair and blue eyes, and a pair of twins with black hair and black eyes.The black-haired and black-eyed twins looked a little familiar, one was lively and loved to laugh and the other was calm and indifferent, and the young and stern face looked a little majestic.The eyes of the stars who participated in the show lit up, and they faintly sensed that these children should be unusual.

If these children can be tied into the program group to do tasks together, the ratings of this program will definitely increase a lot.

The girl with ponytail in a white T-shirt who was the first to talk to Yue Nianchi asked with a smile, "Little brother, are you here to travel too? Where are your adults? How can you rest assured that you can go shopping by yourself?"

"You need to take your family with you just to go on a trip?" Yue Nianchi raised his eyebrows, tilted his head and looked at the ponytail, without saying a word of truth: "Our parents and seniors are hiding away for a honeymoon trip. They hate us light bulbs , sent us out directly. Didn’t even give us 100 yuan. We are also worried now..."

The ponytail girl's heart skipped a beat, her eyes sparkled, and she was about to say that it doesn't matter if you don't have money, so you can walk with us, and Yue Nianchi continued to say, "Will I stay in a hotel or an old castle later?"

Girl with ponytail being molested: "..."

Lu Nianbin sighed silently.

"Hahahaha!" Yue Nianchi laughed contentedly, and the two brothers embraced Lu Nianbin's shoulders: "Let's go, let's go, I'm hungry, let's go have lunch!"

"Hey, wait." A few little stars were anxious, and said quickly: "Do you want to participate in the show? Brothers and sisters can record the show on TV now. Do you want to let more than one billion people in China watch it? To you? Do you want to be a star..."

"Playing the footage of us without permission will violate our portrait rights." Lu Nianbin said with a cold expression, "Remember to cut us out when editing."

All the little stars: "..."

The following program group: "..."

"Don't be so serious! We are all family after all." Yue Nianchi bent his elbow and rubbed Lu Nianbin's chest, and said with a chuckle: "I think the journey is long and boring, and it's nice to play with them OK!"

Lu Nianbin looked at Yue Nianchi and said nothing.

Wei Heng said with a smile: "I don't care. After all, it's my own show. Please support it. If the ratings really go up, I'll ask my dad for pocket money."

Lu Nianbin, who hates troubles but is controlled by both elder brother and younger brother: "..."

So in the next period of time, the guests who were excited that the next episode of the program might increase the ratings began to watch the performances of several children with a confused look.

All kinds of Spanish or local dialects are readily available, and all kinds of allusions of tourist attractions are quoted from many sources. Stocks, earn thousands of dollars every minute in half an hour, and even memorize maps of the entire city, subway lines, and bus stop signs incarnate as human-shaped maps, and learn about all kinds of food, drink, local customs, and even wealthy families in Western countries. There are so many romantic affairs, and even the conversations at the dinner table are all international current affairs and economic situation.Later, it seemed to take care of the IQ and academic level of the guests, and began to discuss domestic entertainment gossip.However, those coefficients and big data in their mouths... What are they talking about... Are you really in the same entertainment circle?

All the guests looked at the group of monsters in front of them, and they were dumbfounded in astonishment——

Oh, my good boy, whose family raised these kids!

This is the so-called elite education, it is too perverted!

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