In the midsummer of June, at seven o’clock in the evening, the sky is not yet completely dark, the dim sunset glow renders the whole campus shadowy, and the teaching building is brightly lit, with white incandescent lamps shining through the front and rear doors of the classroom The doors and windows slanted down, flickering the light in the empty and silent corridor.

In the second-grade teacher's office, Lu Chi handed the completed application to Sun Yiping, and said, "Mr. Sun, from tonight onwards, I will go to the library for evening self-study."

Sun Yiping took the application form with a smile, took out a file folder from the plastic bookshelf on the desk, and put the application form in: "Zhao Zhuo is a very good student, from the year he was admitted to the junior high school of the High School Affiliated to Yanda University. , has always maintained the best grades in the school year. However, in the teacher's view, the most outstanding point of excellence is not his test scores, but the child has strong self-control and knows how to study to be better Progress. Of course, not only him, but also the members of the whole study group. They are constantly studying better learning techniques. Many times, even teachers like us have to refer to the experience of the study group, and even use some Proven, proven learning methodologies rolled out to the entire school."

"So, after you join the excellent study group, you must humbly ask these excellent students for advice. Don't waste this good opportunity."

"Also, the evening self-study of the study group is held in the library. After you join the study group, the teacher can't keep an eye on you all the time. It depends on your self-control. You have to learn to study by yourself. Don't waste your time. Wasted on unnecessary things."

When Sun Yiping said this, he added meaningfully: "Also, don't be tempted to skip class and go to an Internet cafe. No one will cover for you."

Lu Chi: "..."

I always feel that Teacher Sun is targeting someone!

After coming out of Teacher Sun's office, Lu Chi closed the door gently.The sensor lights in the corridor turned on one by one, and Lu Chi walked straight through the silent corridor to the outside of the teaching building.

"How did you take the time to come out—"

A voice came from in front of him.

Lu Chi stood on the steps and stopped, the sensor lights in the teaching building behind him turned on, and the faint light diffused out, illuminating the square inch in front of the teaching building.It also illuminates the person in front of him.

"Hello!" Yue Bin was carrying his schoolbag on one shoulder, tilting his head to look at Lu Chi: "I've been waiting for you here for a long time, and I thought you didn't want to go."

Zhang Yang, who was standing next to Yue Bin, also waved at Lu Chi triumphantly: "Old Lu, you are really slow!"

Lu Chi: "..."

In the brightly lit library, Zhuo Liang, who was reviewing his homework, glanced at the watch in his hand, and then looked out the window.

The entire campus was shrouded in darkness, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.The girl with ponytail sitting opposite him turned her head and looked out the window, and asked, maintaining the movement of doing the question: "Isn't that Lu Chi not wanting to come?"

"It's also possible!" A male student wearing glasses sitting next to her shrugged his shoulders and said, "I heard from other students that this Lu Chi has a photographic memory and learns things very quickly. The self-study ability is also very strong. That's why I was able to get No.1 in the exam after leaving school for half a month... With such a learning talent, it is probably not rare for our study group!"

"Also, didn't they say that the relationship between Lu Chi and Yue Bin is particularly good? If Yue Bin strongly opposes Lu Chi joining our study group, Lu Chi will not come here even for the sake of his friends. -"

"Hey, don't treat me like a villain, okay?" A voice came from the door.

Several students in the study group turned their heads subconsciously, and saw Yue Bin, Zhang Yang, and a very handsome boy walking side by side.

"I can't stand you snitching. But I won't make decisions on my own behalf for my friends. Even if it's under the banner of 'for his own good'." Yue Bin said, not forgetting to squint at Zhuoyou With a glance, he let out a cold snort.

Several members of the study group looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally all their eyes fell on Zhuo Liang,

Zhuo Liang shook his head with a wry smile, got up and stretched out his arms to Lu Chi: "Welcome to join our study group."

Lu Chi held Zhuoyou's right hand and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Zhuo Zhuo patted Yue Bin's arm with the other hand, and asked with a smile, "Why, have you decided to come back?"

Yue Bin snorted, put his arm around Lu Chi's shoulder and said, "I'm here with Lu Chi. I won't let you foxes bully him!"

A nest of foxes: "...?"

Zhuo Zhuo continued to smile wryly, and shifted his gaze to Zhang Yang by the way.

Zhang Yang raised his paw tactfully, and reported his purpose: "I'm here to watch everyone's study, and prepare for version 2.0 of my review notes by the way."

The entire High School Affiliated to Yanda University, including several key universities nearby, knew the power of Zhang Yang's notes.Hearing this, the girl with ponytails frowned and joked, "It's okay to watch. But if your new version of notes adopts the study method of the study group, why don't you consider giving us some dividends?"

"Of course this part is negotiable." Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, with a look of careful calculation: "But with me, the contribution and the return are directly proportional. If you want to get a dividend, you have to give me dry goods. The more dry goods The more you get, the more you get. I will measure how much this remuneration needs based on the contribution of the study group...By the way, I am not playing tricks this time—I have already contacted the school and the publishing house to prepare Officially promote my review notes nationwide."

The members of the study group looked at each other shocked by Zhang Yang's words, and the male student wearing glasses couldn't help asking, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yang pinched his waist with both hands and explained his great ambitions to the members of the study group.In the end, it didn't win the admiring gazes of the group members, but instead drew a question, what does it mean?

I see what you mean!

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes angrily, and asked stiffly, "What do you mean?"

"Isn't your review notes already selling well?" The glasses student pushed the glasses with a puzzled expression: "You can directly publish your review notes without involving our study group. So, why do you To do this?"

Why give us free money?

Why why where did you come from? Why are you a hundred thousand whys!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, and glanced at Yue Bin who was on the sidelines—seeing that someone put his arms around his chest and looked up at the ceiling at some point, he knew that Ming Sao didn't want to speak.I had no choice but to bite the bullet, resist scratching my head and sigh: "Of course it is to make our notes perfect and impeccable!"

"Our notes?" The members of the study group repeated with cute faces.

"Not bad!" Zhang Yang nodded, and patiently explained: "As you all know, my review notes were based on Yue Bin, most of the students in Class [-], and my own class notes, as well as the lecture notes of the teachers of various subjects. After analysis and analysis, it was finally sorted out. Because of this, the audience of my review notes was only the students of the High School Affiliated to Yanda University. You also know the learning progress of our school. If my review notes are directly published as reference materials, It is estimated that most ordinary college students can’t understand it.”

"So before publishing, we must consider more properly. The content of the notes must be accurate and refined, and at the same time, we must also consider the learning progress and comprehension ability of most students. The most important thing is that our version of the notes will be based on the High School Affiliated to Yanda University. Published in the name of the school, so the content of this edition of notes must not smash the school's signboard. Do you understand?"

All the members of the study group nodded repeatedly.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang pinched his waist and smiled: "That's good. I believe that there are not a few of you here who want to study abroad after graduating from high school, right? Then you should know that when major international universities recruit students, scores are only one of them." Standards, many colleges and universities tend to pay more attention to the social practice and potential of students. If our plan can be carried out smoothly, not only will the reputation of the High School Affiliated to Yanda National High School be established nationwide, but you will also get benefits in addition to money. More rewards."

"So, Yue Bin and I decided to set up a new group outside the study group. The goal is to compile a set of more accurate, classic and step-by-step reference books based on my study notes."

"And the profit part of this set of reference books, in addition to the dividends distributed to everyone, we will also set up a student fund... As long as everyone is willing to work hard, it is possible to become a member of our foundation. I believe that by then, this A beautiful resume will definitely make those internationally famous universities look at you with admiration. Even students who don’t want to study abroad can get experience in this event and earn some living expenses by the way.”

When Zhang Yang said this, he couldn't help but glanced at Yue Bin resentfully - he couldn't imagine how this kid's head grew.In just one afternoon, so many things can be done with his review notes.The ultimate goal is just to let him, a "student scumbag" who is ranked outside the top [-], join the study group justifiably... Shit!

I think you are full!Maybe it's because I don't like the excellent study group, so I use the problem to play!

Just as he was making public the secret conspiracy theory, Yue Bin also smiled and said to Lu Chi: "Your memory is so good, and you can get the first place in the school year in just one month, I believe you are good at studying. There must be a set. Why don't you sum up your learning methods. Among other things, with Zhang Yang's mass base in Yanjing High School, you will definitely earn more than 8000 yuan in dividends!"

When Yue Bin said this, he turned his head and smiled brightly at Zhuoyou: "You're right, we really don't look down on scholarships of only a few thousand yuan, and we don't look down on people who just learn by doing. "

"After all, learning is just a tool. If you want to make money, you can't be trapped by tools, but learn to use tools."

"Are you right, the first classmate of the previous * school year?"

The dead-on-the-fly first-year student clenched his fists and looked at Yue Bin quietly.

Yue Bin put his arm on Lu Chi's shoulder, raised his eyebrows, and looked back with a half-smile.

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