
Let us now turn our attention back to the daily life of the officials of the Demon Lord Battle.

After Zong San was suppressed, Xiao Ye wanted to draw his sword and go forward, but was stopped by Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue frowned as she watched the unscathed Oda Nobunaga strolling towards the 'cage' surrounded by her skeletons.

She frivolously picked up Sosan Zuofuji's chin, tore off the collar of his kimono, and looked at the imprint she had branded on the sword with satisfaction.

"I didn't expect the knife inscription to turn into a birthmark." Hei Changzhi, a heroic girl, commented with an attitude of an absolute winner: "I have to say, it's pretty good-looking. If I knew it, I would engrave it on all the knives that belong to me." Inscription."

"You are always like this...you are satisfied with what you have, but you don't use it at all...you are like a bird in a cage." Zong San's left words knew that he couldn't beat the black, long, straight girl in front of him.He put away his sword and let the heroic girl do whatever he wanted with some helplessness.It's like accepting fate.

"Why are you frustrated?! I once gave you a brand, which is a symbol of my love for you. I have so many swords, so I don't have so much time to inscribe and polish them one by one. Eager to go to the battlefield? Prove your ability Then I will give you a chance!" The black long straight girl straightened Zongsan's neckline casually, and then faced the crowd: "Listen to me! If you have any resentment, hold back! Who told you to be mine now? Knife! Before you can beat me, dormant obediently! My will is the direction of the tip of your knife! Now, I am ready to deploy martial arts again, and everything is ready for me!!"


"Stupid Nobunaga! This is an era of peace! It's not during the Holy Grail War, who are you going to fight against?!"

"Hiss——Director, why do you, a woman, beat people with a knife at every turn?"

"Oh? Then, my dearest Xinxinchan, who are these fusangshen going to attack? It can't be Gaia and Alaya outside the passage, right?"

"Gaia and Alaya are my opponents, and I don't need them weak chickens. I just noticed that someone in Fuyuki is calling me recently, and I need to observe the specific situation. However, this world needs innovation anyway. , It’s imbecile to follow the old rules. My martial arts in the world is to reform these old things, just like I once set fire to Yanli Temple!”


"Amitabha. This world is full of pain. The way to relieve pain is faith and the duty of a monk. But Mr. Nobunaga, you are too hostile. I would like to dispel your hostility for you. May you put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground. Become a Buddha." Like a clean white lotus with long hair, Daozijing slowly walked out of the crowd, clasped his hands together, and gave a monk's salute to the black long straight girl.Then he closed his eyes and sang piously: "I heard this. At one time, the Buddha lived in Rajagha City and Mount Qijabori, together with 2000 great monks. They are all Arhats. To gain self-interest, to get rid of all knots, and to be at ease. Its names are: Aruo Kechenru, Mahakasyapa, Uruveira Kassapa, Gaya Kasyapa, Nati Kassapa, Sariputra, Mahāmoggallana , Mahakajanyan, Amianlouduo, Robinna, Kavambati, Livado, Bilingavatsya, Thakura, Mahakutira, Nanda, Sundara Nanda, Fulu Namitra, Subhuti, Ananda, Rahula..."

"??? Who is this?" The black long straight girl meow meow?Why did the promised declaration to boost morale and beat subordinates suddenly change the style of painting?

"I know, I know!" Tsurumaru in white clothes and white hair leaned forward, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.He said happily: "This Highness is also one of the five swords in the world. Shuzhuwan Hengji, have you heard of it?"

"...There are 2000 people who are educated and those who are not. Mahapajapati bhikkhuni, with 6000 retinues. Rahul Ramu Yasodhara bhikkhuni, also with his retinues. Bodhisattva Mahasattva 8 people, all ..."

"What is he talking about?"

"Namo Miaofa Lotus Sutra." Tsurumaru continued to say cheerfully.Answer all questions.

"Huh? Why is he saying this to me??? It's so annoying! Shut up!!"

However, Shuzhuwan still closed his eyes and sang sutras.

"Hmm... Master Nobunaga." Tsurumaru puffed his lips, and leaned into the ear of the heroic girl Hei Changzhi: "He still has a lot of connections with us."

"What origin?"

"The Enryaku-ji Temple you mentioned just now?...Yes, it is the one you burned...It is located in Mount Hiei, do you remember? As for Mount Hiei, there are many practitioners, big and small. People's residences... there is a high-ranking monk who has attained enlightenment, and his name is Nichiren Master." Tsurumaru pouted in the direction of Suzumaru Koji. "That's the old master of this."

"I don't care who his old master is? I have never killed Master Nichiren of Lao Shizi. I will not blame him!"

"But you burned Enryaku Temple...and you mentioned it in front of him...of course he...maybe...maybe...probably...will preach to you?"

"I don't care who he is? Now he is my subordinate, and I am his tyrant! Hey! The Buddha knife on the opposite side! If you don't stop chanting, I will cut you off!"

Suzumaru Koji just paused for a moment, recited Amitabha, and then said to Oda Nobunaga neither humble nor overbearing: "I have long been enlightened to suffer from the dharma. Now that I have transformed into a human form and have this power, I only want this body to It can save all living beings in the world. Therefore, I would like to give up my life to feed a tiger, and let me lead you to the right path... At that time, the World Honored One, surrounded by all the people, made offerings, respected, respected, and praised. He spoke the Mahayana Sutra for all Bodhisattvas. Righteousness, teaching the Bodhisattva Dharma, the Buddha's protection..."


After 10 minutes when all kinds of intimidation and threats were useless.

"No, no, no! I was wrong! Stop reading it!!! You are my father! Can you please!"


Fortunately, the other knives didn't make too much trouble.

So, after Hei Changzhi heroic girl 'Li Wei', they were ordered to leave separately.

Hasebe was carried away by Candlestick Kiri and Okuri, and Oda Nobukatsu who was waiting for the pity of "Sister" was persuaded by Yaken to leave.

Even Oda Nobunaga himself had been messing around all day, felt a little tired, yawned, and was going back to the castle tower to rest.

The destroyed Japanese room?

Forget it, wait until Hasebe wakes up tomorrow.

Almost all of them went back to their houses, looking for their own knives.

Except Sozo who was trapped.

He was still trapped in the birdcage formed by the skeleton's ribs sticking into the ground one by one.

As for the birdcage?

It's someone's bad taste.

Who made a certain knife that she once held in her hand bite a 'caged bird' or something?

The willful Demon King said that Baba is also very sad.

When can it come out?Then wish for luck.

See which material is harder, the knife or the skeleton, a little bit~

Or, if she could remember tomorrow...


The dazed Oda Nobunaga opened the door of her castle tower room, and was immediately frightened by the gray-haired young man kneeling in front of him like a douchebag. "Why are you kneeling here?!"

"Master——" Hasebe raised his head, with thick dark circles around his eyes, it seemed that he might not have slept all night. "Please let me apologize to you with a seppuku!" Then he bowed down again.

"Wait... What crime did you commit?" How could she, the lord, not know?

"It's a serious crime that never dies." The gray-haired Fu Sangshen still bowed his head and knelt and said, "I offended you yesterday, so I should be chopped up and killed. Aluki, although I have always been loyal to you, The sun and the moon can learn from each other, but I can't allow myself to be disrespectful to you like this. Even if I lose my mind, I can't be forgiven..."

"Stop!" The heroic girl Hei Changzhi looked at her valet with some headaches, digging into the horns solemnly.So, she rubbed her forehead and interrupted his endless pleas: "Go, clean up the house for me. It's your punishment."

She stepped aside and pointed to Hasebe the Japanese room behind her, although it wasn't very messy, but obviously the master didn't have time to clean it.


"Aluki, may I ask... what is this?"

When Oda Nobunaga had a breakfast from Candlestick Kiri and walked back to his Japanese room with a strawberry Daifuku in his mouth, the gray-haired Touken Fusangami was waiting at the door, with a small black-haired military uniform with one eye Creatures, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

"Ah, she really looks like a virtuous 'wife' waiting for her husband to come home."

Suddenly, such a foreign voice appeared in the mind of the Heichangzhi Heroic Girl.

"Yes." The heroic girl took a bite of the sweet and cold Strawberry Daifuku, agreeing with the thoughts that suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Nobu~Nobu~" The black-haired creature tried to pull Yabe's hair, but he held it in his hand.

Do not!and many more!

Why is the thing in Hasebe's hand so familiar?

"Fuck? I didn't make bombs here! How did it come out?" When she realized what the little creature was, the black long straight heroic girl was surprised that she even wanted the military hat she wore to increase her height. Is it okay to drop it?

"Aluki?" Hasebe was still in a daze, "Look, she looks like you..."

"Press and cut!" The black, long and straight girl covered Hasebe's hand holding little Nobu, "Did you see any other ones? Or is it just this one?"


"For example, the guy who looks like Okita Souji, or the guy who looks a bit like Okita Souji but has yellow hair?"


"Forget it, you hold it first. Let's talk about it when we enter the house." Saying that, the black long straight girl opened the door of her Japanese room.


Even the austere wooden floorboards glisten 'chuffling'.

"Speaking of which, you are actually the reincarnation of the snail girl, right?"

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