Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1130 Three-Star Monster

The innately deficient mountain and sea beast cannot grow its inner elixir and extraordinarily powerful body on its own like its mythical counterpart.

Each stage of evolution requires manual intervention and a large amount of materials are used to fill its body. However, the advantage is that it is highly malleable and is less afraid of terrible viruses.

Although human beings are still completely unable to touch stars, they are obviously already at the level of planetary creation.

Adult super beasts can use gravity to attract planets and follow their movements, taking them away.

This makes it a rather shocking giant structure!

Each of the behemoth companion planets has different ecologies and cities.

If you imagine Kun as a demonic beast, then the three planets have completely replaced the role of the demonic elixir. The fairy grass planted on the Nanyuan Heavenly Court can feed the giant beast at any time and provide fuel for its more than 30,000 steam arrays.

It's easy to say that people who have seen Kun-class people at extremely long distances are fine.

Most of the recruits have never seen the behemoth. When they land on the ground, it is completely impossible to see the behemoth in its entirety.

It wasn't until the early morning hours when the light from distant stars shone through the atmosphere and a scaly sky visible to the naked eye appeared in outer space. They didn't know that the entire planet was actually sailing under the pull of a naval super beast! ! !

The Purifiers only knew that humanity was a race with a star navy.

Just having a star navy will put you at the forefront of the current era

And such a heavenly creation has never appeared before the current era.

Of course, it was also the first time for Lu Cheng to design and build such an exaggerated project.

By selling advanced remote technology, the Machine Tribe agreed to guarantee the currency issued by Lu Cheng. Immediately afterwards, Lu Cheng purchased a large number of resource celestial bodies and began to build a Northern Expeditionary Army camp.

Only it could carry the large number of troops and supplies needed for the Northern Expedition.

The new recruits arrived at Taoyuan Camp on the same day.

It is said that this planet is the starting point of this season of mankind. It was quite rich in the past. It suffered from brutal wars in the Continental Age, and was colonized in the Starry Sky Age. Now it can only be used for military purposes.

Coming down from Wangwu Mountain, a cold chill invaded.


The recruits shivered in unison.

"Is it cold?" A human heavy-armed machine soldier passing by said, "Although the Behemoth Structure Construction Site is under construction near a star, this point is on the back side of the Kun. It will be fine tomorrow morning."

The recruits couldn't answer the question because it was too cold.

As the soldier spoke, he opened the hot steam channel, and a large amount of hot steam leaked out from the five-element array fire door inside the mechanism.

The recruits felt a wave of warmth!

"Young men, you are lucky to meet me. I'll give you these steams. Just wait until Shanhaiguan comes." After saying that, the humanoid soldier sped away from Wangwu Mountain.

The mecha's jets made the area even warmer.

However, the warmth is temporary.

Soon, the heat energy contained in the steam was taken away by the terrifying low temperature environment, and waves of chills came again.

The welcoming mecha also turned on steam and followed the same pattern.

Although the weather is cold, the minds of these half-orc recruits have become active.

I used to work as a slave laborer for an orc warlord. Where have I seen such a regular army!

"It seems that I really came at the right time~!" A drake voice suddenly appeared among the recruits: "If there is an army that can fight against the insect swarm, it must be this one!"

The orcs followed the sound and went out

Unlike the five humanoid orcs, the one who spoke was actually a spherical animal whose whole body was covered with down.

"Don't look at me, the glacier world is asking you questions. My human names are Aba Aba, Abtoullah, Jiasis, and Gongsun Fude."

"Mr. Gongsun?" The welcoming human soldier next to him couldn't stand it anymore: "We humans don't usually name people like this."

"Oh, whatever!" Gongsun Fude began to quack: "Can you turn off the heating here? The temperature on this planet is too high, I'm a little hot."

The human soldier curled his lips and began to look for the spout array technique.

The functionality of the Shanhai Division's third-generation army machine armor is obviously much stronger.

But the operation also started to become complicated, and it was not possible for the pilot to just put it on and fight.

You need to be very familiar with all kinds of formation techniques, otherwise you will have to shoot at least five sets of flying swords just by turning down the heating by three degrees.

"Are you from Glacier Country?"

The Ice Country is, of course, the name given to them by humans. They themselves use subtle differences in temperature to demarcate the region.

Alien beings who enter the scope of heavenly law can understand human society and be understood by human society under the influence of heavenly law.

In fact, the residents of the Ice Kingdom have lived in the extremely cold zone for many years. They dig out the ice and use unique ice crystals to build warships.

Battleship is naturally also a human term. In human heavenly rules, all large objects that can sail in the universe and are used for combat are usually called "battleships."

Scholars on Taibaijin have spent hundreds of years traveling to the land of ice and brought back valuable geological information. However, humans still have not mastered how to change the properties of ice so that it can be cast into low-temperature and high-speed containers.

All I know is that the general principle is that the ice crystal battleship can create a frozen field, which is used to slow down the speed of light and create a low-light speed field around the battleship.

Human Western scholars call it the ice crystal magic of the post-era.

The Kingdom of Ice is undoubtedly a bonus race in the upcoming version of Power Escape.

Fortunately, they are not hostile to humans, but are extremely interested in humans' sonic communication methods.

Because the freezing low-light speed field can lock photons, but it cannot freeze sound waves.

A large number of ice crystal engineers have entered the Tiangong Department, and many anthropologists have also gone to work in Ice Crystal City, the capital of the Ice Kingdom.

The two sides have had many exchanges in the past hundred years. It is not surprising that Ice Kingdom soldiers appear in the recruitment, but the number is definitely not comparable to that of the orcs.

"That's right, a giant ship surrounded by three stars is so majestic and wonderful!" Mr. Gongsun praised.

The Terran soldiers were noncommittal.

Even he didn't know how Tiangongsi kept a thing with such a mass from disintegrating and could still sail.

The Tianting Nanyuan star is passing by the head of the beast at an extraordinary high speed.

"Self-examination of the laws of gravity."

"Xingtian's pattern is normal, and the beast class is losing weight."

"The tide pattern is normal, and the gravitational potential energy is expected to be full in thirty-six seconds."

Nezha leaned against the Nantian Gate, nervously listening to the gravity report.

Beside him, four beauties with exquisite immortal talents were busy.

In the past, Sanxiao would not have served on the immortal boat, while Guiling and Nezha would have come down from Sishui Pass.

Nowadays, Yunxiao Xianzhou and Sishui Pass have been retired, and they were recruited to Nanyuan Star-Tianmen.

The promotion of these merchant immortals with great military exploits is certain.

They are currently responsible for the tidal pattern, which complements the Xingtian Law Department.

The physical law module carried by two top-notch laws barely allowed the giant beast to not disintegrate.

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