Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 128 The Lord of the Abyss, the fallen angel appears!

"I...I have a way..."

Seeing Zhao Xin silent.

Chen Mingyue spoke weakly again, she didn't want to die:

"I heard that the fourth-level star master can master the 'star power recovery' ability."

"And some alchemists can make scrolls with the ability to restore star power."

"This kind of scroll can treat any astral creature..."

Zhao Xin shook his head:

"The 'Star Power Recovery' ability can only speed up the recovery of astral creatures ten times."

"And the effect of the 'Star Power Restoration Scroll' is halved, leaving only five times."

"In your situation, speeding up your recovery by five times will definitely not have much effect."

But Chen Mingyue's words also gave him an idea.

Normal Star Envoys gain the ability to restore star power at the fourth level.

And he——

What you get is the ‘World Restoration’ ability!

It can speed up the recovery of astral creatures a hundred times!

But whether it’s ‘star power restoration’ or ‘world restoration’.

They can only be effective on their own astral creatures.

Unless it is made into a scroll, it will be effective against other astral creatures.

Seeing a trace of bitterness and unwillingness gradually showing on Chen Mingyue's pale face, he said:

"I have a way to save you."

"But I need you to be my astral creature."

"But about that."

"I don't know if it can be done."

"After all, I don't know how to transform a 'wild' astral creature like you into an astral creature like the Star Envoy."

To transform a demon into your own astral creature, you can use the ‘gift from the astral realm’.

And what about transforming ‘wild’ astral creatures?

This is his knowledge blind spot.

"Are you...sure that you have become your astral creature and can save me?"

Chen Mingyue stared at Zhao Xin closely.

She and Zhao Xin were not familiar.

Naturally, there is not much trust.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was nothing she could do, she wouldn't have asked Zhao Xin to come over.

but now--

Zhao Xin is her only life-saving straw.

She is still young.

I haven’t experienced the extraordinary style yet.

Death was a very distant thing to her.


"Everything has a price, and this is the price you need to pay for letting me save you."

Zhao Xin nodded.

As long as he becomes his astral creature, he can use 'World Restoration'.

One hundred times faster recovery.

This will create extremely terrifying healing power.

after all--

An injury that took a hundred days to recover was condensed into one day.

This healing power is naturally amazing.

There was silence in the living room.

Chen Mingyue bit her lips gently and looked at the ray of sunlight coming through the gap in the curtains.

Before today.

She didn't expect it anyway.

One day, I will actually have to face this choice.

Become someone else's astral being.

From now on.

Everything will belong to the Royal Star Envoy...

But if not, so what...

She doesn't want to die.

She wants to live.

This was something I never paid attention to in the past.

Now it has become her greatest desire.

While a person is alive.

I never feel that there is anything strange about being alive.

Just like you have hands and feet, you won't find anything strange about walking.

But once these are lost -

You will be surprised to find that these most ordinary things are the most important things.

She closed her eyes slightly, then opened them and looked at Zhao Xin firmly:

"I would like to be your astral being."

"As for how to become your astral creature——"

She looked at the gray-white slate aside:

"This stone tablet not only records the training method to transform into a swordsman, but it is also a medium."

"A star creature that allows me to sign a contract with the Star Envoy and become the Star Envoy."

After she said this, she was also asking herself.

If I had known earlier, this would be the outcome.

Will she still practice the training method on the stone tablet and transform into a swordsman in order to pursue extraordinary power?

"Actually still a medium?"

Zhao Xin glanced at the gray-white stone slab in surprise.

He didn't realize this at first.

However, at that time, he had just become the Royal Star Envoy, and he had not even obtained the soul magic 'Slavery'.

It's normal not to find any.

"Now that you've made your decision, let's get started."

he said calmly.

If there is one more star world creature, he will naturally not refuse.

This can greatly enhance your strength.

"I... let's hold the slate together..."

Chen Mingyue said weakly.

Zhao Xin nodded.

He took the slate over and placed it in Chen Mingyue's hand with his right hand.

"The supreme rule..."

"In my name, Chen Mingyue, let me become Zhao Xin's star creature..."

Chen Mingyue spoke softly.

As her words fell.

Suddenly, the gray-white stone slab burst into an astonishing gray-white light.

The light enveloped Zhao Xin and Chen Mingyue.

Zhao Xin felt a feeling similar to when using the 'gift from the star realm'.

He and Chen Mingyue began to establish a relationship.

And the connection is getting stronger rapidly.

It didn't take long.

The gray-white slate turned into fly ash and disappeared, and Zhao Xin also felt that Chen Mingyue had completely become his astral creature.

The same feeling as Zhou Xuan and Zhao Yan.

"The ninth astral creature."

"I wonder what kind of life Chen Mingyue can transform into."

Zhao Xin is looking forward to it.

At this time, Chen Mingyue was only a low-level biological swordsman.

Naturally, this cannot catch his eye.

After all, even ordinary members of the Silver Fierce Sun and astral creatures have king-level potential.


In a trance.

He saw the dream world.

Lava burns across the earth.

A series of dim volcanoes.

There are cracks all over the ground, and fire breaks out, carrying a strong smell of sulfur.

Magma flows in the cracks, like a river, all over the world.

on the ground.

A large number of demons are fighting crazily.

There is a one-horned demon with one horn and black scales all over his body.

There is a cruel and cold purple-blooded demon with a purple body and a cold sword.

There is a big demon with black wings on its back, like a bat flying across the sky, and an extremely ferocious head.

There is a lava troll whose entire body is made of lava and burns with terrifying flames.

There are also terrifying dragons, sword demons full of sword energy, and sinking trolls that seem to be able to sink all living beings...

The whole world is extremely vast.

But there was killing everywhere and death everywhere.

Demons and demons fight and devour each other.

With each demon they devour, they become stronger.

At the edge of the world, a seemingly endless vast river sweeps past.

As the waves swept across, a large number of demon eggs were pushed to the shore. Affected by the temperature of the magma, a large number of little demons soon hatched.

Killing is an eternal theme.

The little devils fight crazily and devour their own kind to become stronger.

There are even more powerful and terrifying demons who have built a giant demon city, dominating the world.

There are also demons who have built a suspended demon city in the air, which is terrifying.

Occasionally, demons hundreds of kilometers tall can be seen walking across the land, crushing everything.

"This is--"


Zhao Xin's pupils shrank slightly, feeling very shocked.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of world where besides killing, there is also killing!

This is only the case in myths and legends, the birthplace of infinite demons, the most evil and bloody abyss.

"The Lord said -"

"Holiness belongs to the world, evil belongs to the abyss."

"The Lord said -"

“Holiness cannot last forever, evil is eternal.”

"The Lord said -"

"The ultimate form of holiness is evil."

"The ultimate evil is holiness."


"You are the master of evil, you are the master of the abyss."


“You live with evil, you are immortal.”


"Your humble believer is willing to turn into an evil sword that cuts heaven and earth apart, and kills all enemies for you."



Pious and solemn voices echoed between heaven and earth.

There was an extremely firm will in that voice, and endless fanatical belief.

Infinite evil power comes from the center of the world, the most majestic and vast city in the clouds.

The evil force is so powerful that it has swept the entire world.

All evil.

No matter it's a terrifying demon hundreds of kilometers tall.

Or a newly born little devil.

At the moment when they were enveloped by the evil power, with extreme fear on their faces, they were swallowed up by the evil power and disappeared into thin air.

Just a blink of an eye.

In the entire vast world, except for the city in the clouds at the center of the world, there is no life left.

Even the devil's mother river, which gave birth to countless demons, was slightly stagnant and calm.


The city in the clouds burst into immeasurable black light.

It was so dark that it had an extreme brilliance, giving people a sense of endless evil.

There is a kind of terrifying power that leads people to fall and fall!


A large number of fallen angels with wings rushed out from the city in the clouds. They were tall and tall, wearing black armor and holding fallen swords. Each of them seemed to be the aggregation of evil and corruption, terrifying and terrifying.

Among countless fallen angels with wings.

A six-winged fallen angel stepped out of the void and knelt down in the direction of Zhao Xin with piety and fanaticism:

"The Lord of the Endless Abyss, the sixty-three thousandth layer of the abyss, the fallen angel 'Austin Beatrice', pays homage to the great Lord!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I offer you the 'Wings of Fallen Angels'!"

The words fell.

The three pairs of wings on her body suddenly broke apart.

The wings contained a monstrous evil aura, and they shattered into the void and disappeared.

"Fallen Angel!"

"A symbol of evil."

At Chen Mingyue's home, Zhao Xin suddenly raised his eyebrows.

This time——

It's actually a fallen angel!

Passed by Zhou Xuan and Zhao Yan.

He already understands.

What these extra astral creatures can get from the dream world also has something to do with them.

Such as Zhou Xuan.

She was originally transformed into a Frost Banshee.

So get the 'Immortal Ice Badge'.

Another example is Zhao Yan.

She was transformed into the Queen of the Undead, so she got the 'Immortal Angel of Death Badge'.

And Chen Mingyue in front of her——

Why did you get the ‘Fallen Angel Wings’?

Swordsmen, astral creatures, obviously have extremely rare sword attributes.

Logically, you should get items from the Sword God lineage.

"Is it possible——"

"Chen Mingyue has evil and depravity in her bones?"

Zhao Xin glanced at Chen Mingyue with a strange expression, and without hesitation, she directly took Chen Mingyue into the star realm.


It’s Chen Mingyue fused with the fallen angel wings!

This kind of integration naturally cannot be completed in Haicheng.

Otherwise, the entire Haicheng would be completely shocked.

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