Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 507: Paparazzi

Shiori cleaned up the plates after they all had breakfast. She tidied up and she grabbed a purse before heading out.

"I'm going now"

"Oh, have a safe trip…"

Kotori, Tohka, and Yoshino bade her goodbye. They aren't thinking too much into this just like Shiori, they assumed she's just going to hang out with another girl in the city, shopping and eating snacks.

She waved her hands at them and she went on her way.

Wu Yan who had been trying his hardest to draw on his ninja skills and hide his presence finally raised his head. A scary glint flashed in his eyes.

Poking around, he coughed and told the others that he's heading out.

"I want to go buy some stuff, be right back."

"You going shopping?"

Tohka seems interested.

"Shido, I want to go with you!"

"That won't be necessary."

Wu Yan rejected her.

"The place is just around the corner, I will be back in a jiffy."

"I see…"

Tohka nodded with a disappointed look. She laid her head on the table in a lazy manner. She just wanted to go out with Wu Yan, she's not really interested in getting anything.

Wu Yan clapped his hands together while apologizing to her. He got out of the house without turning his head back. He needed to catch up or he's going to lose track of Shiori.

Wu Yan is planning on tailing Shiori, specifically, he wanted to see what Tobiichi Origami is going to do.

He is not going to pass up such quality entertainment for anything in the world.

In a way, Wu Yan is being a total douche.


Tengu city, the center of the city.

Shiori hastened her footsteps when she approached the rendezvous point. Soon, she saw Tobiichi Origami in her casuals, she obviously put a lot of thoughts into her attire. Shiori made a beeline for her.

"Sorry, Origami-san, did you wait long?"

Shiori is a bit out of breath. She can't help but find her volume lowering when she saw how Origami looked like.

"No, I just got here."

Origami said, with a few doves on her shoulders and head.

"I-is that so?"

Shiori awkwardly laughed. She's not sure if she should call her bluff but she decided to ignore the birds.

"Then, let's go!"


Origami nodded with an expressionless face. Her eyes had a hint of happiness in them when Shiori invited her along.

The two are in very close proximity, they looked like normal BFFs but one of them didn't think so.

A black figure followed them in a sneaky manner. Wu Yan who is stalking the two of them didn't follow because he noticed something. His lips twitched.

"Mind telling me…"

Wu Yan turned around.

"Why you girls are here?"

"Ara ara, you only have yourself to blame for sneaking around like a thief…"

Draped in an elegant one-piece dress, Kurumi smiled.


Kotori clicked her tongue, she gazed in the direction Shiori and Tobiichi Origami went.

"Tobiichi Origami isn't that close to Shiori-nee, I wonder what business she has with her, I can't help but worry…"

"You could have watched them from Fraxinus, I don't know why you're personally here…"

Wu Yan shook his head. He knows what Tobiichi Origami wanted with Shiori but if he said it out loud Kotori would start judging them.

Kotori rolled her eyes.

"Look, I wanted to use Fraxinus but well, the timing and…"

"Timing and what?"

Wu Yan pressed on.

"What's going on?"

Kotori didn't answer him. She turned her head the other way and she ignored Wu Yan. wu shrugged and he sighed.

"Fine, I more or less can guess why you girls are here…"

Wu Yan bitterly laughed.

"And, Tohka, Yoshino, what about you two?"

"That's because…"

Tohka grumbled.

"I want to go with Shido…"

"Erm… I'm sorry…"

Yoshino lowered her head.

"Everyone went out so I just…"

Tohka and Yoshino's expression made Wu Yan choke on his words.

'Fine, you girls can follow me but you girls need to follow my orders, ya hear?"

Tohka and Yoshino nodded. Kurumi looked at Wu Yan and she curiously asked.

"Well, Shido, why are you following Shiori?"

Kotori narrowed her eyes at him in a scary manner.

"You're not planning on doing something you won't be able to tell anyone with a straight face right?"

Wu Yan raised his eyebrows and he straightened his back.

"Do I look like someone who does that kind of stuff?"

Kurumi, Kotori, Tohka, and Yoshino exchanged looks and they nodded without hesitation. Their unanimous consensus made his expression freeze up.

Wu Yan pointed at the girls with his trembling index finger.

"Do I really look like that in your eyes?

"Ara, Shido, don't be sad…"

Kurumi smiled.

"Even if you're like that, I still love you…"

Wu Yan looked at Tohka with puppy eyes.

"Tohka, do you think I am someone like that?"

"Isn't that so?"

Tohka shrunk back.

"Everybody is saying so…"

Wu Yan's heart started aching. Wu Yan was wrong to ask someone like her. She probably didn't have a clue what everyone is thinking about when they say he's someone like that.

Kotori's image of him is something Wu Yan didn't need to ask, he already knew because he tried his moves on her too many times. Kotori's not going to be convinced he's a saint even if he saved the world from apocalypse.

Wu Yan turned his head towards his final hope, Yoshino. Yoshino blushed and she evaded his gaze. Yoshino didn't need to say anything, the damage was already done, Wu Yan's heart has been shredded into a million pieces.


Wu Yan kneeled on the ground in an orz pose, his body started turning to dust.

"I tried so hard to put up a good front…"

"Enough with your theatrics."

Kotori walked past him while waving her hands in an annoyed manner.

"Onee-san and the other one are getting far, we have to catch up now."

The girls left Wu Yan behind. Wu Yan turned even paler as the void started welcoming his dusty body.

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